View Full Version : Wildlife Sanctuary Specializing in Large Exotic Cats.

06-26-2011, 08:38 AM
I know the following is really long but please bare with me, im looking for information on how to go about making this dream a reality. please anythign you know post in a response.

Okay, so this is my all time dream, to open a wildlife sanctuary specializing in large exotic cats such as . tigers, lions, bob cats, moutain lions, cougars and so on while also taking in any other animal in need of help but preffer it to star with wild animals whom are injured or animals people went out and bought as pets when really they are a wild animal and cannot be tammed to live in a home, What got this going in my head was watching a Tv show on "Nat geo" I know a weird way to start a dream, oh well, but yeah i want to open a non-profit animal sanctuary, also containing a venom bank, with some of the worlds most venomous snakes in which anti-venom is needed, trust me i know to start a place like this would cost MILLIONS of dollars, but hopeing that there are federal grants would be nice, lol. another thing, i havn't heard of any places like this in my state, Rhode Island other than zoos so i want to keep it in rhode island, or close by, Problem with that is there are not alot of empty large areas for such a place in rhode island. I just wanted to know if anyone had any information on how to go about doing something like this? ive been researching all morning and come up with nothing.

06-26-2011, 08:46 AM
You should get in touch with the people in Texas. They have the International Exotic Feline Sanctuary - http://bigcat.org - that does just that. There is more open space in western Rhode Island, but you also might look in Eastern Connecticut, too.

06-26-2011, 09:15 AM
Thanks! will do!

06-26-2011, 09:24 AM
It would be my assumption that there would be hoards of restrictions, legalities, permits, and on and on, if you are even able to get permission. Unless you are independently wealthy, you would need many people backing your intended organization, and it would be years in the making. You should probably start by consulting both wildlife experts, and a lawyer. It's not a project you could run by yourself, and there would be many others that would come into the overall picture - such as vets, handlers, groundskeepers, dietary experts, etc, etc.
Good luck, and I hope your dream comes true one day.

06-27-2011, 08:06 AM
here is a link to another place that does this


studying successful rescues might help get you started.

06-27-2011, 09:57 AM
I'd probably start with the snakes, if I were you. In the long run it will cost less money. The cat sanctuary sounds amazing, but to properly house, feed, and care for them would be much more costly than snakes.

You need to get your foot in the door, find a licensed venomous snake handler and milker to work with. There aren't a whole lot of them. There are a lot more people who are qualified to handle venomous snakes than there those who milk them. If I'm not mistaken there are only 3 people in the whole state of Florida who are licensed to milk snakes, and that's much more than most states have.

I'm "know" George Van Horn. He's a quiet, but wonderful man to talk to. He has a serpentarium south of Orlando. He's been there for many many years. http://www.theotherorlando.com/contents/chapters/15/reptile.html

There is also Carl (oh gosh, I hope I'm remembering his name correctly) http://www.reptilediscoverycenter.com/ George Van Horn was/is a mentor to Carl. Carl is much more outgoing and talkative. Carl has a serpentarium a bit north of Orlando. He just opened it a couple years ago.

If you decide to get into venomous snakes you should plan a trip to Central Florida. In addition to George and Carl's serpentariums you will find several venomous snake handlers (not milkers) at Gatorland (http://www.gatorland.com/about.php). My husband worked there while he was in college. It's a great place and the people there are wonderful.

06-27-2011, 10:03 AM
As for cats-
There is also Marcan Tiger Preserve in North Florida. http://www.marcantigers.org/MTPPreserve.html

06-27-2011, 10:58 AM
Tiger Haven's website gives you a lot of info as to what is involved. As many have said, you will need several "angels" who can constantly provide the needed funds. You will need to read and learn a LOT about each species.


You won't be able to "mix" other wild animals, and "any animal that needs help" as the knowledge base is too broad.

None in RI as I don't think we permit it. Read the Tiger Haven site, as there are plenty of regs in place in their state. If you do this in the north / northeast, you add a huge expense re heat in winter. The big cats are predominantly warm climate dwellers. They also talk about this at Tiger Haven.

06-27-2011, 04:13 PM
I've read all responses and yes I understand animals of diffrent breeds cannot be housed in the same area, as far an permits an licenses I hav done some research as to it, also printed out a basics hand book on the whole process, I'm 16 years old so it isn't something I'm planning to do over night, I plan on researching all time of exotic cats for years on en including diets, habitat needs , veterinarian care, housing and so fourth no matter how Lon it takes, getting family, friends, and communities to support the idea would be a HUGE plus when presenting the idea to whomever need be, also land an space preferably somewhere with hundreds of acres, and in a wooded area with not many neighboring homes in case animals get loose for whatever reason, staff and all, I understand it's a huge dream and will take many many years and lots and lots of money but it is something I want to do in the long run. Thanks for all the information, and other info would be greatly appreciated,

Sorry for misspelling and such it was typed an my iPod lol