View Full Version : Guess What I Bought?

06-25-2011, 10:57 PM
In Dog Health, I mentioned that Mz Logan is having infra-red laser treatment for hip dysplasia.

I was channel surfing tonight and saw an info-mercial on "Light Relief". It's an infra-red laser treatment for humans. It looks almost like what they use on Logan. You can even put it directly on your ache as well as pass it back and forth slowly on the ache. At this point, with me, I'll try anything. I have a 30 day trial.

I bought one for my best friend's hubby who has many herniated discs which they can't operate on. It's worth a try. I'm the only person who can truly sympathize with him.

06-25-2011, 11:27 PM
Be sure to keep everything, receipts and all, as lasers can be dangerous if they aren't manufactured or calibrated properly, okay? And, of course, I hope it IS what it says it is, not some huckster's flashlight marketed as a "laser" ... Here's hoping it works as promised!

06-26-2011, 10:00 AM
Paws - er, I mean FINGERS - crossed that it helps him!

06-26-2011, 11:36 AM
I hope it works for you. My brother has tried every gadget marketed - this included - and has had nothing that works so far. Everyone is different tho, so fingers crossed for you.

Why can't they operate for those discs that you mentioned? My spine is held together (top and bottom!) with rods, plates and screws, otherwise I'd be in a wheelchair! :(

06-27-2011, 09:15 PM
Why can't they operate for those discs that you mentioned? My spine is held together (top and bottom!) with rods, plates and screws, otherwise I'd be in a wheelchair! :(

Oh! I am! I've had a cervical fusion and spinal laminectomy in 2006. Above and below where I was operated on is collapsing. The doc thought that may happen and warned me, but I had 4 better than before years. I'm scheduling surgery for after the summer hear (back brace gets too hot). I always say I'm "screwed up inside"! You're right! I'd be in a wheelchair too. Next year, maybe new hips. Where's my oil can?!

06-27-2011, 09:16 PM
Be sure to keep everything, receipts and all, as lasers can be dangerous if they aren't manufactured or calibrated properly, okay? And, of course, I hope it IS what it says it is, not some huckster's flashlight marketed as a "laser" ... Here's hoping it works as promised!

Yup, 30 day guaranteed. Believe me, those receipts will be at arms length! I bought it 'caue I'm desperate until next surgery.

06-28-2011, 07:46 AM
Oh! I am! I've had a cervical fusion and spinal laminectomy in 2006. Above and below where I was operated on is collapsing. The doc thought that may happen and warned me, but I had 4 better than before years. I'm scheduling surgery for after the summer hear (back brace gets too hot). I always say I'm "screwed up inside"! You're right! I'd be in a wheelchair too. Next year, maybe new hips. Where's my oil can?!

See my PM to you..........