View Full Version : Dogs kept outside...

06-21-2011, 10:47 AM
This pepsi project is geared to provide people who keep their dogs outside with warm, insulated dog houses. It really is a great project and is organized by SNaP which is a great animal protection group in Missouri. Please take a second to vote for them and remember...YELLOW pepsi caps have a code inside which can be used to cast an additional 5-100 votes for this group. If you have or come across any caps and aren't going to use them, please pmail me the code.



06-21-2011, 10:56 AM
We don't drink Pepsi products, but if I somehow run across a yellow cap, that's a good program.

All soft drinks tend to have citric acid in them, so I, with my citrus allergy, cannot drink them. Most also have corn syrup, and/or artificial sweeteners, too, so as both of those also cause bad reactions for me, I tend to drink plain water.

06-21-2011, 11:10 AM
This pepsi project is geared to provide people who keep their dogs outside with warm, insulated dog houses. It really is a great project and is organized by SNaP which is a great animal protection group in Missouri. Please take a second to vote for them and remember...YELLOW pepsi caps have a code inside which can be used to cast an additional 5-100 votes for this group. If you have or come across any caps and aren't going to use them, please pmail me the code.



The yellow caps must just be on the big bottles - right? I only buy the 12 or 16 oz, and they don't have yellow caps - but I'll keep looking anyway. :)

06-21-2011, 12:29 PM
Thanks Pom...I think they're on the 20 oz. pepsi and diet pepsi's and on the 2 liter bottles as well.

Karen...I don't drink much soda either but have a pepsi machine where I work so I set up a bin and people can drop the caps there. I get atleast 10 a day that way :D

06-21-2011, 03:31 PM
Oh cool! i prefer Coke but if i spot me any Pepsis with yellow caps i'll snag 1or 2 bottles.

06-22-2011, 08:35 AM
Oh cool! i prefer Coke but if i spot me any Pepsis with yellow caps i'll snag 1or 2 bottles.

Thanks!! :) I work in a hospital and the vending machines only sell Pepsi :). I have the patients collecting caps for me :D

06-24-2011, 11:08 AM
The are in 22nd place! Top 15 will win 25K. Please take a second to vote today and send me any yellow pepsi cap codes :)

Thanks for all the support thus far. We are really helping a lot of animals :love:

07-01-2011, 06:16 AM
See PM to you.........:)

07-01-2011, 10:38 AM
They were in 15th place at 11:59pm last night. Contest ended at midnight so unless they got knocked to 16th place (in which case, the cat network probably ended up pulling off a win...they were 15th and 16th respectively all night), they probably did end up WINNING $25,000.

I'll post official results later.

Thanks again for all the codes :D

07-01-2011, 02:18 PM
They were in 15th place at 11:59pm last night. Contest ended at midnight so unless they got knocked to 16th place (in which case, the cat network probably ended up pulling off a win...they were 15th and 16th respectively all night), they probably did end up WINNING $25,000.

I'll post official results later.

Thanks again for all the codes :D

They lost :( They finished in 16th place...BUT...that means the Cat Network finished in 15th and Won :)