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finn's mom
06-16-2011, 11:10 PM
Anyone watch this HBO series? It's incredible! The most recent episode still has me reeling!!!

I have a friend who's read all the books. They are covering a book per season, which I think is a brilliant way to do it! It's really the ONLY way to do a book justice!

Anyway . . . my husband and I watch every Sunday, and this Sunday is the season finale. I'm tempted to read the books, but there's no way I could and not talk to David about them, and he doesn't want to know before he sees! POO!

06-16-2011, 11:56 PM
We're watching, and I have not read the books, either, which is probably better, as I usually find too much fault with things made from books I have read.

I love the dyrewolves, of course, but you would have guessed that!

finn's mom
06-17-2011, 12:00 AM
From what my friend says, they've really done the books justice. Again, i think when you make a book into 6 or more hours of tv or movie, you're much more likely to get a good result. Kinda like the Lord of the Rings trilogy or even Anne of Green Gables. I typically read the books after I've seen the movies, anyway. ;) And I've always made sure not to expect as much from the movies when I have read the books first.

finn's mom
06-17-2011, 12:01 AM
Yeah, the wolves are awesome!

06-17-2011, 10:35 AM
My brother read the books a couple years ago, and was WAY excited to find out they were coming out with the series on HBO. He got me to watch the episode last weekend. I was confused. lol Looks good though!

06-17-2011, 10:38 AM
He got me to watch the episode last weekend. I was confused. lol Looks good though!

It is definitely one you need to watch from the beginning - lots of interwoven story lines, twisting plots and just things to know! I'm not surprised you were confused ...

finn's mom
06-17-2011, 11:48 AM
Oh yeah, it can be confusing even if you watch every show in order! There are a lot of characters and every character has several stories! It's awesome, though, and if you have HBO on demand, all the episodes are there. ;)

smokey the elder
06-17-2011, 01:42 PM
I started reading the books because I knew the series was coming on, and it does make more sense! The books have useful appendices which details who's who in the zoo.

finn's mom
06-20-2011, 01:14 PM
Man, the season finale was really good! I'm still bummed about Ned! I can't wait to see who does Joffrey in for good. ;) I'm wringing my hands in anticipation. I SOOO want to read all the books, but I don't think I could stand not talking to David about them haha. ;)

smokey the elder
06-20-2011, 02:47 PM
You'd be surprised...very surprised about Joffrey. He's such a d***bag.

(Book 3, just a hint...:p)

finn's mom
06-20-2011, 11:49 PM
You'd be surprised...very surprised about Joffrey. He's such a d***bag.

(Book 3, just a hint...:p)

Poo. I have to wait two seasons?!

smokey the elder
06-21-2011, 12:21 PM
You could always read the books.:)

06-21-2011, 02:05 PM
Loved this week's episode. I totally guessed Dani's plan and the outcome, did you? So sad for the Drago, but it's good to see her come into her own, as it were. And I told Anya "It's okay, kiddo, you'll be a better "boy" than you were a girl, at least for now!" and I think she'll do well in life. Not gonna read the books, because, as I said before, that usually makes me dislike the movie/tv show, and I like this one!

finn's mom
06-21-2011, 02:55 PM

. . . I totally guessed Dani's plan and the outcome, did you? So sad for the Drago, but it's good to see her come into her own, as it were. And I told Anya "It's okay, kiddo, you'll be a better "boy" than you were a girl, at least for now!" . . .

Dani? As in Daenerys? Have they called her Dani in the show? I hadn't even noticed! I figured she would walk into the fire to prove who she truly is, and gain respect, I'd not even figured in the dragon eggs. I was shocked and saddened at Drogo's death. I guess it sped up Daenerys' "coming out" party, but I wish he hadn't died. I really liked his character. Arya is a fantastic character, and I'm interested to see what kind of relationship she and King Robert's bastard son develop.

06-21-2011, 04:21 PM
I just guessed at "Dani" - they probably spelled it as it was in the book. Usually they just called her "the Khaleesi" so it was hard to tell! I figured in the dragon eggs from earlier in the season, when she had placed one in the fire, then picked it up, and it didn't burn her but did burn her maiden.

finn's mom
06-21-2011, 04:24 PM

I just guessed at "Dani" - they probably spelled it as it was in the book. Usually they just called her "the Khaleesi" so it was hard to tell! I figured in the dragon eggs from earlier in the season, when she had placed one in the fire, then picked it up, and it didn't burn her but did burn her maiden.

Oh, gotcha. I figured something would eventually happen with the eggs, but I'd not seen it coming this soon. I remember that scene, and her brother dying shortly after her revelation on who the true dragon was in her family. ;) He was nauseating.

09-14-2011, 04:15 PM
Bumping this one up. I just got hubby to watch the first season and he was hooked right from the 1st episode. He is actually starting the first book of the series now because he CAN'T wait until April of 2012 to see season 2. I just finished Book 4 of the series and am dying cause I have to wait 2-3 weeks for Book 5 A Dance with Dragons to get delivered. I order my books online in english as it is not easy to get them at book stores here.

09-14-2011, 04:51 PM
I read the first book, then watched the first season. I really liked it, especially the book. (So much better, of course) I started the second one but put it down for a while.

09-14-2011, 05:09 PM
I read the first book, then watched the first season. I really liked it, especially the book. (So much better, of course) I started the second one but put it down for a while.

The books are quite long. The third one is the longest at 1100+ pages. I like the overall way the books are laid out. With each chapter dedicated to a particular character & what's going on with them but I don't know about anyone else who has read them but there are certain chapters you can't wait to read while others are not so 'interesting' for lack of a better word. Of course that all has to do with the characters you like the most or dislike or could leave or take. I have really enjoyed them so far and can't wait to get my hands on A Dance with Dragons. I know that once I read that one I am going to be climbing the walls waiting for the next one The Winds of Winter. There is no mention as of yet as to when it might be out. I am hoping in not too long. As of June of 2010 he had 100 pages written. That was over a year ago but it was a long time period between book 4 A Feast for Crows & book 5 A Dance with Dragons, 6 years to be precise. I hope he doesn't take that long between book 5 & book 6.

finn's mom
09-14-2011, 09:01 PM
I can't wait for season 2! I'm undecided if I want to start reading the books right now. ;)

09-15-2011, 05:50 AM
I can't wait for season 2! I'm undecided if I want to start reading the books right now. ;)

I couldn't wait for season 2. The same day I watched the season finale I ordered the first 4 books in a box set. LOL

My adore Jon Snow. He has to be my favorite of all the characters. Tyrion is awesome as well. So is Arya, Danaerys & a few others that are introduced later on in the series.

There are some pretty 'shocking' things to come. This is going to be one fantastic show if they stick to the books like they did the first season. I can't wait to see what they do with it.

smokey the elder
09-15-2011, 08:47 AM
Unfortunately, Martin is pulling a Robert Jordan and taking his sweet time writing the books. Jordan died and his series had to be picked up by another author.

Be warned! Don't get attached to any character.

09-15-2011, 10:14 AM
Be warned! Don't get attached to any character.

Don't I know it!!! He is pretty original in the fact that no character is SAFE!!! Hubby just about flipped after the second last episode...he was stunned. I LOL and warned him telling him don't be surprised by anything that happens with the 'what you think are' main characters. I am just waiting for book 6 to arrive and wondering which of my faves will make it through until the end.

finn's mom
09-15-2011, 02:28 PM
I couldn't wait for season 2. The same day I watched the season finale I ordered the first 4 books in a box set. LOL

My adore Jon Snow. He has to be my favorite of all the characters. Tyrion is awesome as well. So is Arya, Danaerys & a few others that are introduced later on in the series.

Haha awesome! I will probably get the books. ;) I LOVE Jon Snow. And the others you listed! :) I know full well already that I cannot think anyone is safe. That second to last episode had both my husband and I reeling! He kept saying "I'm not watching any more episodes, I'm not watching any more." He really really really liked that character. He's a Braveheart/Gladiator/300 kinda guy, so that honorable, steadfast warrior type character always has his vote. :) BUT, I can guarantee we'll both be glued to the TV when it comes back on haha.

smokey the elder
09-15-2011, 02:38 PM
I think my favorite character is Samwell Tarly. He reminds me SO much of Neville Longbottom. (from Harry Potter)

09-15-2011, 02:50 PM
I think my favorite character is Samwell Tarly. He reminds me SO much of Neville Longbottom. (from Harry Potter)

I really like Sam too. Don't know a thing about Harry Potter though so I couldn't make the comparison. I know I am probably the only one in the world who hasn't either read the books or watched the movies. I watched the first one with my mom cause she insisted I would love it but I just couldn't get into it and so never ever bothered.

Haha awesome! I will probably get the books. ;) I LOVE Jon Snow. And the others you listed! :) I know full well already that I cannot think anyone is safe. That second to last episode had both my husband and I reeling! He kept saying "I'm not watching any more episodes, I'm not watching any more." He really really really liked that character. He's a Braveheart/Gladiator/300 kinda guy, so that honorable, steadfast warrior type character always has his vote. :) BUT, I can guarantee we'll both be glued to the TV when it comes back on haha.

Hubby was the same as your man. He said 'that's it. I'm not watching any more. Why did they have to kill him off? I really liked him.' He was also rather upset about the khal as well. He wanted the khal to be the one to take out Joffrey. I adored the khal as well. And really hated to see him go. Am excited to see who will be playing some of the new characters. One in particular....one word for those who have read the books and that won't mean anything to those who haven't....'TARTH'. No it is not someone's name, so no give away unless you go looking. hehehhe :p

finn's mom
09-15-2011, 03:22 PM
I watched the first one with my mom cause she insisted I would love it but I just couldn't get into it and so never ever bothered.

My husband's not a fan, either. He will and has watched the movies, but he doesn't get into them. He likes the darker fantasy type movies . . . like Lord of the Rings. I just like movies with imagination, whether they're fun or dark. ;) And anything with developing friendships like the characters have, I get into. :love:

finn's mom
12-28-2011, 02:42 PM
I just bought the first book! Can't wait to read it!