View Full Version : WOW! Mz Logan better already!!!

06-15-2011, 10:33 PM
On Saturday, Logan had a very hard time going up steps. She'd place her front feet on a step and refuse to go up. I leashed her and helped her up. A few times she bunny hopped up the steps. Going down wasn't a problem. During last night, I thought I was dreaming, but I heard her do a soft bark then her usual talking. I yelled I was coming and she was at the bottom of the stairs (only 6 up btw). I took her out then had had to help her up.

She saw the vet tonight. Dr. Jill did an awesome, thorough job and examined every joint, neck, spine. Since we know Mz L's hips are bad, she suggested laser treatment, which has worked wonders. In fact, Dr Jill had a stiff neck the other day, used it and was fine!

So, for 10 minutes, the infra-red laser worked it's magic on Logan's hips and back. Next week, she'll have it done 3x, then 2x the following week, and once after that.

I can already see a difference. Logan seems happier and more active. I still give her Rimydal (her blood work is perfect), Dasaquin, fish oil and vitamins.

Yay! I made a payment plan with them. I guess since I've been going there since 1991 they gave in, but they've always been super nice to me. i guess seeing me burst into tears freaks them out. (not often but it's happened)

If you remember, please keep Mz spoiled princess Logan in your thoughts that this new incredible procedure makes her feel better!

06-15-2011, 10:52 PM
Awww, congrats, Mz. Logan! Now don't abuse your new powers and damage anything, okay? Just keep wagging and making Karen smile!

06-16-2011, 12:14 AM
Yay, yay! This is such good news!

06-16-2011, 07:04 AM
Do you think your vet would try that laser treatment on our backs, Karen? LOL! I wish! So glad your little girl is already feeling some relief. That is wonderful!

06-16-2011, 08:37 AM
Hooray for Karen, pursuing every path. Hooray for Mz Logan, feeling better!!!!

I don't understand how / why the laser works? What does it do? I want to follow up for Marlin!

06-16-2011, 08:20 PM
Pawsitive thoughts headed Logan's way! Hoping she gets around better!:)

06-16-2011, 11:12 PM
Hooray for Karen, pursuing every path. Hooray for Mz Logan, feeling better!!!!

I don't understand how / why the laser works? What does it do? I want to follow up for Marlin!

Ya know, Sand..I'm a goofus. Doc Jill did explain it to me on an earlier visit and again yesterday, but I was so involved keeping a muzzled brat still and calm that I totally forgot. But apparently it works on humans too, I'll ask again. But if it works, I'm fine with that.

Logg's is doing steps better today, still a tad hesitant but a huge difference from her scary episodes. She even jumped on the big bed which she hadn't been doing for a while. Seems happier and smiling more. Yay Darling Logan! I think we're both relieved.

Hey, Human Logan, I'm gonna check out the human factor. Hope you're feeling better too, my dear friend. Your namesake says "Woo"!

06-17-2011, 01:17 AM
This is wonderful news!!!:D I hope she'll continue to do well.:)

06-20-2011, 06:12 PM
How is Logan doing these days? Has she had more laser treatments?
They sound like they would be a great help for injured muscles. I don't
think my Vet offers that treatment. They use lasers, but only in surgeries.
The Vet did give me samples of Phycox soft chews (canine joint support)
and I think I'll continue using it for both Maggie & Smokey.(hips)They both
take Rimadyl as well. It's good to know Logan was helped so much by her
treatments. (Think I'll ask my Vet about them as well).

06-20-2011, 10:32 PM
Hi Liz! Logabeans has a treatment on Tues. evening, Thurs and Saturday. Next week, it's 2x, then 1x the 3rd week.

Thanks for asking. She is doing up steps just fine. She seems happier and more playful, like usual. Although we both lay around all day, she's alert and doesn't seems as down in the dumps as before. So, I won't eat for a month. She's more important, and to see her feeling so well, is a miracle. I won't forget to ask what the laser does. She's such a smart-butt. Too bad she escapes the camera. I feel like I'll never have enough pics of her for myself and to share. I put a new battery in my camera the other day and she disapperared!!!!

06-21-2011, 02:51 PM
is doing up steps just fine. She seems happier and more playful, like usual. Although we both lay around all day, she's alert and doesn't seem as down in the dumps as before. to see her feeling so well, is a miracle.

Yay, Logan! Big hugs for you! :love:

06-22-2011, 09:48 PM
The laser treatment helps regenerate injured cells and generate new cells in bones, and soft tissue.

L had a treatment yesterday (Tuesday) and I notice a huge difference in her demeanor. She still shakes a little and stands, sits, lays down. Bored I guess staying in one place during treatment. It'll be worth every penny.

06-22-2011, 09:59 PM
I put a new battery in my camera the other day and she disapperared!!!!

:D:D:D:D Silly girl!!!

The laser treatment helps regenerate injured cells and generate new cells in bones, and soft tissue.

Thanks for this. I am DEFINITELY asking about this for Darlin' Marlin.

Keep on going, Logan! Good job, Karen, you said you wanted to lose some weight, didn't you? He hee

06-23-2011, 10:56 PM
Amazing! Instead of the vet tech moving the infra red laser above Logan's hips and back, today she used a massage attachment on it and used it ON her skin for more penetration. It looked so good! (me next!) Logabeans didn't shake or anything, just was a bit impatient towards the end. I'm still in awe of the miracles of science for our pets that were non existent just years ago. I remember we had a puppy when I was around 7 and he broke his leg. It didn't heal so he was pts. Today there's specialists for everything. Yay!

06-23-2011, 10:59 PM

06-24-2011, 05:30 AM
That is so wonderful. :D

I'm still in awe of the miracles of science for our pets that were non existent just years ago. I remember we had a puppy when I was around 7 and he broke his leg. It didn't heal so he was pts. Today there's specialists for everything. Yay!
On those lines ...
Meet Robomutt (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2007272/Meet-Robomutt--The-worlds-bionic-legged-dog.html#ixzz1QBTCfkZV) :D