View Full Version : Lily just drank water from a new flower pot: toxic hazard?

06-05-2011, 12:42 PM
This Lily girl is driving me nuts! I was just watering my new flower pots (lavender), but used too much water so most of the water was pouring over the edge onto the window sill, and down onto the floor from there. Of course, there was also soil in the water puddle. While I was grabbing some paper towels from the kitchen, Lily detected the puddle and started licking off the water. I don't know how much she drank before I could chase her away.

Now I'm a bit worried. Like I said, it's a new flower pot, so chances are that there are still fertilizers and who-knows-what-else in that soil. Do you think she could have poisoned herself? :confused:

06-05-2011, 04:36 PM
The only thing I can think of is to call the vet and ask. I'll ask my sister (a vet tech) and see what she says. But she'll probably say call the vet with the info from the plant on hand.

06-05-2011, 04:46 PM
Kirsten, i would guess that anything that might be in it must be awfully diluted by all the running water, and most likely she's all right. (Of course, I'm not a vet.) After all, they use their tongues as toilet paper!

Keep an eye on Lily. Is she acting any way out of the ordinary? Is there an emergency veterinary service anywhere around you that you could call to ask about this (or take her to if, God forbid, there should be anything to worry about)?

Otherwise, call your regular vet as soon as they open tomorrow to see what he or she says, if you are still concerned by then.

Best wishes, lovely Lily, that you didn't swallow anything nasty! Now go join your sister in celebrating her big Gotcha Day #11!

:love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: from Pat and cats

06-05-2011, 11:38 PM
I did ask my sister and she said the only that that would probably happen is she'd throw up. So I'm sure Lily is going to be just fine. :D

06-06-2011, 04:11 AM
I did ask my sister and she said the only that that would probably happen is she'd throw up. So I'm sure Lily is going to be just fine. :D

Thanks a lot for asking your sis!! No, she didn't throw up and and she's acting perfectly normal, so I think she'll be fine. Thanks a lot, also to your sis!

Keep an eye on Lily. Is she acting any way out of the ordinary? Is there an emergency veterinary service anywhere around you that you could call to ask about this

I would have called the emergency clinic if there was anything unsual, but she was acting normal. She's still fine, so I guess there was nothing unhealthy in that water. Guess she was lucky.

But it's so typically her! I should have known by now that she's always coming up with these silly ideas! :rolleyes: