View Full Version : my poor angel :'(

11-04-2002, 11:16 PM
i miss my cat sooooooo much she was an angel sent from heaven and we did everything together and she was perfect. one dday i came home from skewl and my parents said they gave her away. i was devestated and still am i miss her perfect purr and her name was Pearl and she was black and white and weighed 7 pounds. She loved to "hunt" and i miss her sleeping by my side. i never got to say goodbye and im afraid that if she still remembers me she will never forgive me. i luv my baby pearl always and forever

p.s. pearl if u are listening i still love you and i would keep you if i could but i cant i luv u pearl i always will and will never forget you. bye my baby

pps do u have any words of wisdom???

11-04-2002, 11:29 PM
Why would your parents do such a thing? My mother has done that to me several times when I was a little girl. My favorite cat, Wacko, was taken to the pound and my mother never let me say goodbye. Then she gave my Mr. Bun Bun (rabbit) away to a pet store! I wil never forgive her for those things. Others things yes, but getting rid of a loving caring pet is cruel. I would never do that to my son!! Of course, I love animals, so that would never happen anyway, lol.

I am so sorry for you loss. Where did your cat go? I am sure your kitty kne you loved her very much and is thinking of you too. Just know that you gave her your best in the time that you were together. Some cats NEVER have that chance.

11-04-2002, 11:59 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that your Mom gave Pearl away. :( When I was a young girl, my Mom also tried to give my cat Puff away but was unsuccessful. She thought that she was ugly. Puff was only going through her akward stage and later became a very beautiful cat. If my Mom had been successful, I don't think that I could forgive her either. I don't know why parents do these kinds of things to their children. I don't have any children but if I did I would never do this to them. At least you have great memories of Pearl. I hope you have some pictures too. Here's a picture of Puff.

11-05-2002, 12:03 AM
Oh what a cute kitty. How could anyone think that cat is ugly? Well, I think she is beautiful!:)

11-05-2002, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Oh what a cute kitty. How could anyone think that cat is ugly? Well, I think she is beautiful!:) Thank you. :) She was my very first cat and I loved her a lot. She did have major cattitude though. :) Later on she ended up having 2 litters of gorgeous orange kittens. The father looked like Morris. :)

11-05-2002, 07:21 AM
How cruel is this??? :( How could your parents do this to you? I will never understand some people's decisions... :(

I'm sure your Pearl knows that it wasn't you who gave her away, she knows how much you love her. Did your parents tell you why they did that?

And krazyaboutkatz, why would someone give a cat away only 'cause she thinks it's ugly? How mean is that? :( And Puff was such a beautiful cat! I'm glad you could keep her.
