View Full Version : Oh my goodness...California quail nest!!!

06-03-2011, 03:17 PM
I was trimming the shrubs in my backyard today and stumbled upon a California quail and her nest under the shrubs! What a surprise!!! I guess she was surprised too, because she got startled and flew off. I feel terrible that I unknowingly scared her. There are 14 eggs. Do you think she will return? I really hope she will and we get to witness the hatching and raising of her babies.

06-03-2011, 05:07 PM
How exciting! I am sure she will return, now that you know it is there, you can be more careful about not disturbing her! Get pictures if you can, she must have know that birdie friends lived there!

06-03-2011, 05:51 PM
How exciting! Yes, I think she'll come back. It'll be so fun watching them grow. I love quail.

We have several Bobwhite Quail in the bushes in part of our yard. They share the bushes with a pair of rabbits. The quail don't seem bothered by the bunnies, nor do the bunnies seem bothered by the quail. I love watching the quail run around the yard (and the bunnies too).

06-04-2011, 07:10 AM
Oh my hope she comes back.

I googled to see what they look like. Pretty bird.

We have quail here in Pennsylvania. One day I came across a little family of Quail on my way to work. The mama stopped in the middle of the road and looked like she was scolding the little babies and they all scurried back across the road.

Would be awesome to see the little family in your yard hatch and grow up. If so hope you can get photos!

06-04-2011, 11:42 AM
She did return yesterday, but I peaked this morning and she is gone. It is pouring outside...and I'm concerned she left because of the rain. The plants she is using as cover are drooping because of the water and I'm sure the water was going in. Does anyone have any experience with quails raising young in the rain? We're worried and keep wondering if she left her babies because of the water. Do they have any chance at hatching now? It's going to rain until Monday. :(

06-04-2011, 12:09 PM
I am sure they will be fine, she's probably just gone off to get herself some lunch, mommas need to eat, too!

06-04-2011, 12:57 PM
Can you put a tarp over the bush? Or would that make her afraid?

Yep we are having some unseasonable weather for sure. We are going to a pool party today....should be interesting. We have so many trees, the Sacramento area is famous for the number of trees and many of them are breaking limbs from the weight of the water on them since there are leaves on them now.

Edwina's Secretary
06-05-2011, 03:46 PM
I feel certain even California Quail are rain resistant! I would not worry about the rain putting them off.

Speaking of California and rain...my home page weather says it is raining here in San Juan Cap and I just got out of the pool because the sun was getting too much! I am so confused...

06-05-2011, 11:28 PM
Mama birdie devotedly returned to her nest yesterday and has been there ever since. Poor thing was soaking wet. We put two chairs on the sides of the shrubs and draped a clear waterproof table cover over it. She did not get scared and was dry this morning after a night of rain, so I'm hoping it has helped her. I'm hoping for some precious chicks soon. I know my son will enjoy watching them from the window! Popcorn and Muffin will probably enjoy watching them too.

The mother quail is so adorable. :love:

06-06-2011, 01:31 AM
Awww, so cute! Thanks to you, mama quail had a dry night, hopefully you'll be able to get some pictures to show us, and I bet Baby M and the "house birdies" will all be fascinated!

06-06-2011, 07:11 AM
Mama birdie devotedly returned to her nest yesterday and has been there ever since. Poor thing was soaking wet. We put two chairs on the sides of the shrubs and draped a clear waterproof table cover over it. She did not get scared and was dry this morning after a night of rain, so I'm hoping it has helped her. I'm hoping for some precious chicks soon. I know my son will enjoy watching them from the window! Popcorn and Muffin will probably enjoy watching them too.

The mother quail is so adorable. :love:

Oh my...I hope they hatch. The little babies will be so cute! :)

06-06-2011, 09:20 AM
Hi PCB.......how exciting.....will be watching for updates......hugs to you all!

06-26-2011, 04:31 PM
I am going to be mean. I will give you all the news that 12 out of the 14 eggs hatched on Friday, we now have the most adorable baby quails running around in the backyard with their parents, I got to pet one :p, AND I have pictures....but I am too busy watching national geographic live in my backyard to post them right now. :D:D:D

Welcome to the world little fluffballs!!!

06-26-2011, 04:42 PM
AND I have pictures....but I am too busy watching national geographic live in my backyard to post them right now. :D:D:D!!!
As long as you're taking pictures, it's OK.

06-26-2011, 04:42 PM
Oh, how delightful!!!

Welcome to the big wide world, little ones!

06-26-2011, 04:49 PM
Awww, you can post them later, once the baby quails - and likely Baby KM have gone to bed! What does he think of them? I can't believe you gt to pat one! I am extremely jealous!