View Full Version : Hows'The New Addition????SNOOPY!!!!!!

11-04-2002, 08:08 PM
dear cincysmom and dakotahs' mommy????

how does it feel to be nieces to snoopy?????snoopysmoms' dog???? i'm guessing that would be her name if she were on Pet Talk......
how is dear Snoopy doing????any weight gain yet????is she adjusting?????is she just loving her forever home?????


Dakota's Mommy
11-05-2002, 04:18 PM
Last I heard, Snoopy was doing great! He seems to be fitting in well with the big crowd just fine, but since I'm not around there any more, at least for the time being, I don't have the pleasure of seeing how things are going and making my own decisions.

Luckily my parents and Amy keep me very informed of what's going on with all the dogs! I know my mom got pics back the other day of the dogs and she scanned them in and emailed them to me, but I haven't had a chance to download them yet, so I'm sure they will be up and probably on pet talk shortly. I assume she sent them to Amy too, but I could be wrong.

My girls just really wish they could get us back to Ohio to meet all 6 dogs up there (Amy's 2 & Mom's 4). I personally want to meet Snoopy, but they are curious about all these family members that I always talk about!

11-05-2002, 07:21 PM
Thats great news!!! glad to hear all is well!!!!
how are you two spottys'????well, i hope!!!!!

Dakota's Mommy
11-06-2002, 10:20 AM
As for Dakota & Destiny, they are doing great! I got pics back on Friday night of them and so on Monday I sent a few off to my mom so that she could see them and scan them in for me so I can post them and include them in my imagestation albums!

They seem to get along great and have a blast running through the house and the yard! They are listening to me more and more, especially Destiny, but I knew that would come with time and training. We haven't had any messes in the house (except one on Saturday night because we were gone too long) in about a week or so, so potty training has come a long way. We're hoping that it continues this way, but I'm sure they'll get it one day.

Destiny is a real cuddler so if Brian and I are busy, she tends to cuddle with Dakota. Sometimes we can tell that Dakota would prefer to be alone, but she just moves away, she doesn't really throw a fit or anything (thank goodness). However, most of the time they look so cute laying close to each other and cuddling!

We really enjoy having the two of them around! Not only is it nice to have them around for our enjoyment, but they also seem to get along so well that I'm glad that they have each other to spend time with and enjoy, especially since we can't be with them all the time!

11-06-2002, 04:01 PM
Here are some of the new pics!





And one of Dazzi and Taggert

Somehow Oreo manages to stay out of the pics :)

11-06-2002, 04:50 PM
Great pics! :D The three of them are so cute! :D

11-07-2002, 12:20 AM
Those are great pics!! He is just sooo sweet!

11-08-2002, 04:03 AM
The pics are fabulous!!!!! he looks soooo happy!!!!
taggert and dazzy are just gorgeous also....they also look like pound puppies!!!!!

Great Happy Ending!!!!!

let us know when you get more pics!!!!!
Hugs and Treats for the Three Amigos!!!!