View Full Version : Tired and weary...How I spent my Memorial Weekend

05-31-2011, 06:35 AM
I don't know if this is a vent or not, so here goes:

I spent the entire weekend not cooking out and hanging out with my friends, but crawling around on URINE SOAKED CARPETING, trying to snag two 12 year old indoor feral cats. First time using a net. Quite different than a trap and much more difficult.

There was a woman who asked for our help. She's walking out on her condo lease (I feel bad for her landlord, as he'll have his work cut out for him) to move to SC. This once gorgeous condo is now a 3 story litterbox and pee pad for 3 cats (one she wants to take with her) and 3 dogs, none of which are house trained. If I had known how horrible the conditions were, I'd have worn jeans and sneakers and a mask instead of shorts and flip-flops. I have never, in my life seen such filth and EEEEWWWWW!!!!

This woman, who is moving Friday, had absolutely nothing packed. We were crawling over boxes, furniture, dirty litterboxes, in crawl spaces, looking for the second cat. She called last night saying she found the second one hiding up inside a chair. She's going to try and detain the kitty in her spare room. I got the first one, Lil Bud, with the net. Poor boy was terrified!!! I came so close to telling her to shut the EFF up, because her yelling at the dogs to stop barking was not helping any.

Some of you can relate to coming "this close" to taking a drink!!! Didn't happen though. *patting myself on the back*

2 hours later, we walked out with Lil Bud. We both couldn't breath, that's how bad the ammonia smell was. Our throats and eyes were burning.

When I got home, I stood under the shower FOREVER! My throat is still sore and I've got a cough. It was at that point that I got totally pissed off. I called Betty and told her that if I had anything to say about it, that third cat, Sarah Sue, would be going out with us. She's a sweet tuxedo baby who has a broken front leg!!! She said the vet (my vet too) told her not to fix the cat's leg. I find that VERY hard to believe and have a call into him to verify this. She probably told him she couldn't afford to fix it. My vet would never turn anyone away for lack of payment. If I have to, I will be contacting the ACO (surprized no one has contacted him yet. This woman wants to take the dogs and the one cat with her. Ain't gonna happen. I also plan to put her name on a DNA list down South. If I have to donate my pet sitting money to go towards this precious baby, I will.

While I feel bad for this poor lady, my main concern is for the cats. She is a nurse. I see some underlying health issues with her (OCD), and possible respiratory issues with the cats. Poor Lil Bud was in a carrier covered with a blanket that smelled like ammonia even after we got him out of the house.

My next story is going to be "A Day in the Life of a Rescue". I know my editor will like it. It comes first hand.

I just ask that you pray for all the animals. They surely need it.:(:(

05-31-2011, 07:07 AM
Prayers for you and for these dear cats, and the dogs too, who do not deserve this kind of "care."

Many {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} and ~~~~~~~PURRS~~~~~~~ for you all.


05-31-2011, 07:12 AM
That's horrible, Donna. I sure do pray for the cats and the dog, too. And you. Might want to keep gloves, a respirator, etc. in your car just in case so that you're prepared for cases such as this. You don't want to jeopardize your health, girl.

05-31-2011, 08:11 AM
Nurses are one profession which come in high on the hoarder scale! I can well imagine that condo, w/ 6 pets, bless you Donna for working in such conditions.

Do let us know how things develop for the other 5 cats.

What will happen to Lil Bud? Indoor ferals are difficult to place, I suppose he could be a barn cat IF food is provided. He won't know how to hunt for himself.

05-31-2011, 08:19 AM
I spoke with my vet this morning and he was shocked at the living conditions. He said this lady is very conscientious when it comes to her animals and attributed the filth to sheer laziness. I asked him about Sara Sue's front leg. He said that she is not in any pain, and that her leg just dangles. She's used to it. I asked him if the leg could be fixed. He said that anything could be fixed. Only two options would be re-braking it or amputation. All animals in the house are fixed and UTD on their shots.

I appreciate Dr. P's honesty. One of the reasons I like him and switched vets.

I told him that these disgusting living conditions could NOT have transpired in just 6 months. He totally agreed.

Bottom line is, the dogs and Sara Sue will be going with her. The other two cats are being rehomed to a co-worker of hers. A situation I am NOT comfortable with, but really have no choice. I will be posting a DNA on her, to prevent her from adopting anymore animals.

I'm waiting for my partner in crime to call me back so we can continue with the rescue of the remaining indoor feral. I'm stopping at CVS and buying two masks. I am not putting my health in jeopardy.

Last night I couldn't get the ammonia smell off me and had to take a second shower, which helped get to me sleep, if for only a couple of hours.

05-31-2011, 01:23 PM
I spoke with my vet this morning and he was shocked at the living conditions. He said this lady is very conscientious when it comes to her animals and attributed the filth to sheer laziness.

If she is a hoarder, it isn't laziness. More likely the stress of being overwhelmed by stuff and not knowing what to do first or who (if anyone) to call for help. I'm amazed that she allowed you in to rescue the two cats. That is huge.

05-31-2011, 03:01 PM

That's exactly what the vet said. He was very surprized that she allowed us in. We're on a tight deadline as she's moving Friday. I have a feeling the movers are going to take one look at the place and run the other way. It's not a hoarding situation. She has 3 cats and 3 dogs. I think it's that she's overwhelmed. I hope she isolates the other cat in the spare room before Friday or Betty is on her own. She's got others that can help her at a phone calls notice.

06-01-2011, 01:27 PM
Thank you Donna, Things like this are extremely hard. There is no excuse for the living conditions. Even with our herd you DO NOT smell the urine unless it just happened and then we go after it fast. I feel so sorry for the one she wants to take. All I can think about is our Dimitri 3 legs and the sweetest thing around. Has to have his loving on my shoulder every night and I get exactly 3 kisses on the nose.
I just hope that things work out for this poor baby.

06-01-2011, 02:37 PM

While I really don't agree with allowing her to take Sara Sue, at least I know that she's spayed and UTD with her shots.

Still waiting for this lady to call us back. I hope she's not just too overwhelmed to deal with it. My heart sinks every time another day goes by. She'll be outta there on Friday (if the movers are willing to move all that $hit. They can easily turn around and say it's a hazard to their health and refuse. I don't blame them, really)

Just say a prayer that we DO catch the other cat, as Lil Bud is not eating or drinking. My gut feeling tells me that unless we DO catch the other cat (also 12 years old) that this little guy will die of a broken heart.:(:(

06-01-2011, 03:56 PM
Prayers that you catch the other cat and that things work out well for all these cats, and the dogs too.
