View Full Version : UPdate on Ellie-mae...

05-30-2011, 09:11 PM
Many of you will remember my little calico Ellie who has a bad mouth condition and now has developed a mammary tumour.

We have been in two minds as what to do for the best for her, as she is on permanent steroids her immunity is also very low,and the surgery was a risk, however the decision has been taken out of our hands,in a way, because her eating became much worse, so i took her in to get another convenia injection ,which usually helps her temporarily,we had decided against surgery for the tumour because of so many complications etc etc,too detailed to go in to it all,believe me was the hardest decision i have ever had to make, and it was not sitting well with me really to be quite honest.

Anyhow to cut a long story short, we discovered she has a hole in her tooth and needs another extraction,so we cannot possibly leave her like that, and we have to take the risk for another dental,i also discussed the option of surgery for the mammary tumor at the same time,at this stage we are thinking we will do both together, less risk, and there is a small chance it might be benign, as even though it has been six months, it has not grown very much, and it is a particularly aggressive cancer, so we are hoping that we might be lucky there, however if it is cancer it will be removed, and we just have to hope for the best possible outcome.

Because of her long term steroid medication, there is a risk the wound won't heal as well and get infection, which scares me a bit, the good news is ellie won't need a collar, will have dissolving stitches, as she is a highly stressed cat, and would completely freak having to wear one, she also will be given a morphine patch which works really well for pain and will decrease her anxiety levels, and she will not have chemo afterwards,if it is cancer, and this is good because we have tried chemo drugs for her mouth and she was violently ill with them, so not an option at all.

Also happy that the vet we always see and knows her well wants to do the operation and was even going to try and fit it in, so he could do it, anyhow turns out next Tuesday which is surgery day, he is on anyhow and will be doing it.

The big blow is the financial cost, it is something we don't have, $430 which is not a lot to some people but to us, is a great deal to find, however i just cannot sit by and let ellie go, she is a fiesty wee girl and i have confidence she will pull through it all, i am hoping she won't get cat flu on top of it all , like last time after her dental, she is a carrier, and is vaccinated, but stress can often bring it on,fingers and all paws crossed, as that is not nice for her.

It is going to be a big ordeal for her and mostly me, you would think it was me going in for the surgery,but i am a big worrier and fret for my cats, but then a lot of us do don't we?

Just wanted to fill you all in and asking for many prayers and good thoughts that my little girl will pull through ok and recover well.

See my sweet girl in my siggy.

Pinot's Mom
05-30-2011, 09:18 PM
Ellie Mae, bestest luck on your surgeries, honey, our prayers are with you!:love:

05-30-2011, 09:57 PM
Oh Carole,

You will be in my thoughts and prayers, girl. Ellie-mae looks just like Shortie Girl. I'd do the same thing you are doing. Whatever is best for her. Please keep us posted on her progress.

:love: and hugs,

Donna and fur crew

05-30-2011, 11:03 PM
Thanks both of you, yes donna she is a quite like your shortie girl, just has slight different markings on her mouth,oh donna i can tell you i am so anxious about all of this, i still don't know if i am doing the right thing, but i felt that way when i had decided to not opt for surgery, but since we have to do the dental,and my vet has recommended we go ahead with the other,it seems the right thing to do, but it does seem major, but having being told all the other details about the patch and no collar, ease's my mind a great deal, as ellie is such a easily stressed out cat, it took her two days to trust us again after taking her on saturday.

Surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday, monday where you are,so be praying hard please, my lil girl needs all she can get, and so does her meowmie, who will be beside herself with worry.

And a HUGE THANK YOU to the most wonderful PTer, and you know who you are, my ellie-mae's guardian Angel,that's who.

These pics are for you, ellie-mae before she got sick, she is a lot thinner now unfortunately, but the good news i have managed to get her to maintain her weight, which is always a good sign.

05-31-2011, 05:48 AM

You ARE doing the right thing!! Just make sure they don't use Medicam as an anesthetic. It's dangerous to cats and alot of vets are still using it rather than gas, which is alot safer.

She is a beautiful little girl and is very lucky to have you watching out for her!!!

:love: and hugs,

Donna and fur crew

05-31-2011, 07:01 AM
We are sending many prayers and good wishes to your beloved Ellie-mae, and we will be thinking of her and you and sending you both healing energies on Monday.


05-31-2011, 07:17 AM
Gotta love Calico girls! Ellie-mae has lots of prayers headed her way. And you, too, Carole. Keep the faythe.

05-31-2011, 08:06 AM
Prayers for Ellie Mae!

Bit confused w/ time zone changes, the surgery may already have happened.

My Lacey had a mammary gland tumor and it was removed, she is fine now. I pray all goes well for Ellie Mae the same, even w/ all her other issues.

I know what you mean about being so nervous, Carole, I think I drove my friends crazy the days leading up to the surgery!

05-31-2011, 05:12 PM
thanks donna, they do use gas, don't worry they are excellent vets, been with them for well over ten years now, and i have 100 per cent faith in my vet who is doing the surgery,he is very kind and caring as well.

No freedom surgery is scheduled for next tuesday, monday your time in the US,just as well kitty does not know yet, i am more nervous than she is, but she does get extremely stressed even going for her check up, she just sits on the vets table and trembles.

I have never had a cat so easily stressed as ellie is,so it is going to be hard on her.

I sure hope you are right Donna that i am indeed doing the right thing, i have my reservations.

I did not want to put her through such an ordeal in the first place, it is just having to the dental, that the opportunity to nip out the tumour has arisen,so it seems the best thing to do.

I tell you i have had many sleepless nights, wondering if i had made the right decision before, and now i feel exactly the same, however if she goes through this op well and she recovers well,then i will be confident that i did indeed do the right thing by her.

Please keep those prayers and good thoughts coming, they mean the world to me,and we need them, thanks my friends.

05-31-2011, 05:58 PM
All prayers and good wishes going out to you and to Elllie-Mae. :love: That is a lot of money...hopefully your vet is ok with payment plans.

Can they do anything in the way of dental treatment that might help dear Ellie's sore mouth?

Again, praying that all goes wonderfully and that you and Ellie-Mae are all right very soon. :) :love:

05-31-2011, 06:08 PM
candace they will be taking out two teeth, and i guess clean them, it will help her not to be in pain from that, but she will still have the ongoing mouth condition,which frankly is really hard on her despite her medication, she is on a very high dosage of steriods, which of course will have long term side effects, the vet feels we may well be able to reduce her medication after the dental if it is successful, so that is all we can really hope for, i have been told that i probably will loose her because of it, but so far she has had it for over two years,she has good and bad days, that was one of the reasons i opted not for surgery with the tumour in the beginning, however i guess things have changed slightly and we just have to do what we can.

Yes it is a heck of a lot of money, we are far from rich, however i have plans to raise some through a prize i won online, hoping it sells, had a little saved for special occasion,and i will use our daughers board money this week, instead of putting it towards groceries, and with a very kind donation from a very special lady here on PT, i think we can just about do it.

It is a struggle but she is well worth it, i took her on six years ago, rescuing her from that awful woman and she has brought me nothing but joy,she is an awesome little girl, very different to any cat i have ever had,she is a fighter and i owe it to her to at least give her this chance,now that it has presented itself, but i am extremely nervous and worried about the procedure despite all the re-assurance given here and from my vet,fingers and all paws crossed my baby will be ok and sail through this nicely.

Thanks everyone for your ongoing support.

05-31-2011, 08:51 PM
Ellie Mae, bestest luck on your surgeries, honey, our prayers are with you!:love:

Me too, me too!

Elyse --- And Cassie's paws crossed too :)

05-31-2011, 09:41 PM
Thanks everyone,much appreciated.,will keep you all up to date when it is over and her progress.

05-31-2011, 10:11 PM
HUGS for you, and well wishes for Ellie-mae. May she come through with flying colors and heal up quickly and easily.

06-01-2011, 01:00 AM
Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent Ellie-mae's way. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

06-01-2011, 09:26 AM
We are sending our prayers foe Ellie Mae, and that your Dear Little Lady will be well soon.
Our Awesome Angels Vistors will be there foor Ellie Mae to help het throough her tough time.:love::love:
We are praying foor your Dear Friend:love::love:

06-01-2011, 07:14 PM
Thank you everyone,your support is so much appreciated, i am having sleepless nights wondering if i am doing the right thing,but i also believed i was going to loose Ellie and very soon, this might paint a different picture now,and in fact although i am scared stiff about the surgery, i am little excited to think this may well extend her life with me, and that gives me so much joy.

Words alone cannot express my gratitude to two of my dearest friends here on PT,Lisa and Donna, little ellie is one lucky little kitty, she now has two guardian angels, how blessed are we.A huge THANK YOU to you both,You are the BEST.LOVE YA bothXXX000

06-01-2011, 07:45 PM
Prayers still being said for sweet Ellie-Mae! I was at the dentist today (getting prep work for a crown) so know what a sore jaw feels like rather well.

06-01-2011, 08:10 PM
Thanks karen, oh i hope you are ok,not fun going to the dentist, none of us enjoy the experience do we? good luck with it all.

06-01-2011, 08:44 PM
Thanks karen, oh i hope you are ok,not fun going to the dentist, none of us enjoy the experience do we? good luck with it all.

I'll be fine, it is just sore, nothing unexpected. The odd thing is, the novacaine always makes me need a nap afterwards, and it's not like I didn't get enough sleep the night before, or was tense the whole time. I like my dentist and even his assistant, we talk about pets, and he knows we do websites, et al ... Just my left jaw is complaining that someone was pounding on it - which is accurate!

06-01-2011, 10:25 PM
oh poor you, i know what it feels like when they have been in your mouth doing their thing, i hope you feel better and pain free soon, take care.

Ellie is not having such a good day today, getting her to eat has been a real struggle, she is hanging around for food, but i have offered her abut six different things, and she is only taking a small bite here and there,the vet wanted me to reduce her steriod, prior to the op if i could, as that will give her a better chance for the healing process, however it does not look like i will be able to get her to eat much if i do, catch 22 situation,the steroids help reduce the inflammation and pain for her, so it is hard to be cutting them down, but also she is on a high dose which is not good for her well being long term anyhow,complications, complications, when do they ever go away, pass me some prozac please......

06-02-2011, 12:59 PM
The very best of luck to Ellie-mae. Even so far away I feel sure you are doing the right thing, at least I know you have made the choice I would make.

Do you have Mirtazapine in N.Z.? I use it every three days for my renal failure foster to reduce nausea and stimulate the appetite. It works really well. It's only a quarter of a small pill (though it is bitter) so isn't much to give.

06-02-2011, 02:25 PM
I know you are doing the right thing! What we do out of love can never be wrong! I am sending up prayers that the angels will watch over Ellie-Mae during her procedure. :love:

06-02-2011, 04:43 PM
Lizzie i have not heard of that drug, it might well be used here under a different name, however the steroids she is on are supposed to increase her appetite and sometimes they seem to work well, she eats like a horse some days and others not much, i guess because i have reduced them from 4 to 2 now, it is not working so well, and we have to keep in mind she has those two sore teeth to contend with on top of everything else.

She ate ok this morning, last night not so good but she scoffed down some biscuits, however she cannot chew those so just swallows those whole, but she prefers them to wet food sometimes, Ellie gets given whatever she can eat really, as we just have to make sure she eats, obviously with the help of the steroids and my continuous efforts to coax her to eat, it has paid off as she has stablised within 100grms, which i suspect she lost this last week due to the less eating from her extra sore mouth.

The vet is hoping to reduce her medication to 2 a day, as she is on a high dose, which long term is not good for her, such a catch 22 situation really, so many complications surrounding it all.

Last night i was having second thoughts about the surgery for the tumour, as she just seems so tiny and frail, it seems too much to put her through, i still wonder if she can cope with it, and me as well,my heart aches, wondering if i am doing what is best for her, poor wee thing has no say in it, i have to make the right decision for her.

I have played out every scenerio in my mind, what if this happens?etc etc, and that does not help.

you see initially i had decided against removal of the tumour because i felt it was too hard on her, and too many complications, the only thing that has changed is that she requires this dental,and it seems a better option to do it at the same time, and so she will only go under one time, and my vet seems to think it is the best option for her,but now i am doing exactly what i never intended to do, put her through so much,i had decided just to make sure she was comfortable as possible.

So you can see why i am wrestling in my mind with all of this,the best part is the fact that i may well have Ellie for longer and that is i guess the reason why i am doing this, please just pray no complications arise and Ellie will sail through it, she is tough ole girl, so that helps.

Forgive my prattling on , i just need to vent to those who understand so well, I just feel so torn and so unhappy, if all goes well and she makes a good recovery, then i will be happy again, i just cannot enjoy life at the moment until all of this is over and my baby girl is well again, thanks for listening and for putting up with me.

06-02-2011, 05:00 PM
Oh, Carole, we are sending our biggest {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} and ~~~~~~~PURRS~~~~~~~ to you and Ellie-mae both.

The love that you and Ellie-mae share shines through every word that you write. God bless you both, and may you both come through this big day in good form.

:love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: from Pat, Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, Sparkler, Lavinia, and Princess Poppaea Sabina Eugenia

06-02-2011, 05:02 PM
Aww you are so sweet Pat thanks for that, really cheered me reading that, your support is so appreciated as is everyone's that what i love about PT, everyone here either feels like i do or has at one time or another, and understands 100 per cent where i am coming from, and doesn't think i am just being a silly sausage.:love::)

06-06-2011, 12:33 AM
Carole and Ellie-Mae ~ Keeping you both in our thoughts and prayers. I hope the White Coats can take care of your tooth owie. Naturally, I hope they can cure the cancer, but if it's not too be, at least she will be more comfortable.

Ellie-Mae sounds like a fighter. I hope she will be with you for many years. :love:

06-06-2011, 04:51 AM
Thank you so much Lisa, it has been one horrible weekend, we had a holiday weekend here, i have just been in so much turmoil, hoping to heck i am doing the right thing by her, i feel it is so much to put the wee thing through,but i have to give her that chance i guess, she is on our bed sound asleep right now, looking very content,i feel so sorry for her knowing what tomorrow brings, she is so scared at the vets, just trembles,my heart is aching thinking about it all, and i feel sick with worry, however hopefully all will go really well, and Ellie will make a good recovery, and i will then be at peace .

Again thanks to everyone for their support,love and kindness, i so appreciate it.

Lisa i am so sorry i missed all what was going on with Halo, i have just read it and it brings me to tears, if anyone understands how i am feeling you certainly do, as do many others, that is why PT is such a comforting place to go and share, i am so sorry about Halo, you have had your heart broken more than you need to, HUGS,.I hope i can report good news back about Ellie, as i know she is special to you as you are to us.

06-06-2011, 06:49 AM
Many healing thoughts and prayers going out to Ellie-Mae, and loving thoughts to you too, Carole. I hope things go well with the surgery.

Will be sending my thoughts and prayers to you, down under.

06-06-2011, 09:27 AM
Prayers and loving thoughts and warm healing energies are being sent for Ellie-mae and you both, Carole.


06-06-2011, 04:59 PM
Thank you my dear friends,well she is at the vets as i type this, poor wee thing, she knew this morning within seconds that something was up, she was stressing and trying to get out, and putting her in the cage was almost impossible, she sure tried hard not to go in there, got the scratches to prove it.

I was a total mess blubbering at the vets,(gosh i just get so emotional these days ugh!) thank goodness it was only Dianne the receptionist there, she is lovely and so compassionate,anyhow my vet rang me later when he arrived to discuss it, i had told him if he felt the dental was enough to put her through and he thought it not such a good idea to go ahead with the removal of the tumour, i would be ok with that, he suggested he do the dental and he will ring me while in surgery, after feeling the tumour and tell me what he thinks and i can decide for sure, that makes me feel a whole lot better, i trust his judgement and will make the decision based on that.

He is very reassuring and i appreciate him doing this, as it is removing the tumour that has me so concerned, i am ok with the dental, that has to be done,worried about complications and that will be too hard on Ellie, she is already health compromised and high risk.

Well that is it for now, will keep you posted as and when i hear anything, again thanks for the wonderful support, could not do this without you all.:love::love::love:

06-06-2011, 07:15 PM
God bless you, Carole and Ellie-mae and your wonderful vet. May all go well for all of you with this.


06-06-2011, 07:28 PM
Getting Halo to the vet was a pretty similar experience. She cried like her heart was breaking. She never, ever scratched me but she did pee on me a time or two. :(

Don't you just wish you could explain to Ellie-Mae that you're doing this for her own good? I just wish we could make them understand.

Continued prayers for you all. All her Aunties are pacing the floor with you until your baby is back home.

06-06-2011, 07:48 PM
oh Lisa ain't that just the truth, i so wish she could understand, and the thing is she is so scared of us when she comes home, and tries like mad to get outside, drives me crazy.

Just heard from my vet,all is going really well, dental done, he has taken out snapped off roots, i think that is what he said, and she is doing really well under the anesthetic,so yes the tumour is also coming out, he said not too big a job, poor wee girl, aww i feel so sorry for her, big day, but hopefully she will recover well and this will make a huge difference to her life, hope her aunties are now feeling more relaxed as i am.

Pinot's Mom
06-06-2011, 08:00 PM
Paws still crossed here for little Ellie Mae!:love:

06-06-2011, 08:54 PM
Sending good thoughts your way that Ellie-Mae will be as good as new when she returns home from surgery and that she will recover quickly. I know what it's like to be a nervous wreck, as I was that way about Cricket this past weekend. That's normal for us animal lovers.. :love::)

06-06-2011, 09:48 PM
thank you i am glad to hear i am not the only one who feels this way, i was beginning to think i was becoming a neurotic pet owner lol.

I have news and it is GOOD NEWS, vet just rang me all went well, he took the third gland as there were some tiny seeds, but this is the AMAZING news, he did not think it was cancerous, and that had we left it could have easily turned in to cancer, i can hardly believe it, i had accepted i was just going to loose my baby and probably soon,now she is going to be ok, and i am so glad i went ahead with the operation, it was worth all the worry and sleepless nights, we still have the recovery process to go through, so fingers and all paws crossed and keep those prayers a coming please, that all will go well.

I am just so HAPPY, and relieved, i just can't believe it really, isn't it awesome.

Again thank you to everyone who stopped by and took the time to post and of course the fairy godmothers Lisa and Donna who will be as happy as i am.

It was just good to hear that everything went so well, that helps, i know i have one of the best vets in the world,and i am so fortunate.

06-06-2011, 10:14 PM
I am so happy to hear the news about Ellie Mae's tumor. Soon she'll be back in your care. And she'll continue to heal.

It's okay to worry. I do it all the time for the critters.

06-06-2011, 11:14 PM
OH!!! I am so happy to hear this good news!! Get well soon, little one. No Cancer! Hurray!!!!!!:love::D

06-07-2011, 12:09 AM
How wonderful! And your vet sounds just perfect in his caring and concern for Ellie-Mae and her mom. :love:

Prayers that Ellie-Mae heals quickly at home, and that her quality of life improves tremendously!:)

06-07-2011, 12:45 AM
Yay Ellie-Mae!
Sending everyone lots of hugs.....

06-07-2011, 01:05 AM
I'm so glad to hear that everything went well and that her tumor isn't cancerous.:) I'm sending prayers and positive thoughts for an easy and speedy healing process. I also hope that her quality of life will improve and that she'll be with you for quite a while yet. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

06-07-2011, 01:59 AM
I have just been to see Ellie, she will be staying overnight at the vets, she is totally spaced out on the drugs, i could not believe my eyes, poor wee thing, looks like she has been to hell and back, it was major surgery, her mouth was so bad, he had to drill out the roots which were broken,but the tooth was still intact,she has stitches in her mouth and now only has the fangs and incisors left, but yes i am hoping this will indeed make a huge improvement in her life, she has a big shaven bit and the cut is quite large, for the tumour, but oh so neat, what a great job he has done.

She has a drip in her leg, which she is trying to pull out and her morephine patch which explains why she is in la la land.

poor wee girl has had a rough time, but i am sure i have done the right thing now and feeling much better.

She will be coming home tomorrow and i hope to take some pics for you.

A huge thanks to everyone here, you are the BEST EVER.

I think i have the best vet in the whole wide world,so compassionate, caring, understanding and so good at his job.

06-07-2011, 08:12 AM
Oh, thank you for the wonderful news, Carole!

Prayers of gratitude that the surgery has gone so well, and prayers for a comfortable recovery for Ellie-mae and you too, Carole!


06-07-2011, 10:05 AM
I am so glad she came through this so well, and will feel even BETTER than before!:):):love::love:

Will she be on a pain patch at home? I hope your vet gives her a long-acting antibiotic shot, cause she won't want pills for a while.

Your vet sounds like an absolute gem! Wow!:)

Looking forward to pics!

06-07-2011, 02:51 PM
...I have news and it is GOOD NEWS, vet just rang me all went well, he took the third gland as there were some tiny seeds, but this is the AMAZING news, he did not think it was cancerous, and that had we left it could have easily turned in to cancer, i can hardly believe it, i had accepted i was just going to loose my baby and probably soon,now she is going to be ok, and i am so glad i went ahead with the operation, it was worth all the worry and sleepless nights, we still have the recovery process to go through, so fingers and all paws crossed and keep those prayers a coming please, that all will go well...

Ellie-Mae is defininitely a survivor. I think her fighting spirit makes all the difference -- and of course her wonderful Meowmie who has changed her life for the better.

06-07-2011, 05:12 PM
yahoo just got a call from the vet I CAN PICK HER UP, said she is much better, and mouth is looking better already,not eating that well, but taking a syringe well, i am excited my baby is coming home, i had better go and get ready and get out there and get her.

Yes she has antibiotics on board candance, don't worry my vet is really on to it, won't let her suffer in any way.

Gotta go get my Ellie baby. CYA.

06-07-2011, 06:51 PM
Welcome HOME, Ellie!!!!!


06-07-2011, 07:21 PM
Wonderful news, Carole!!! See? I told you that you made the right decision!!

Love and hugs,


06-07-2011, 07:22 PM
I have news and it is GOOD NEWS, vet just rang me all went well, he took the third gland as there were some tiny seeds, but this is the AMAZING news, he did not think it was cancerous, and that had we left it could have easily turned in to cancer, i can hardly believe it, i had accepted i was just going to loose my baby and probably soon,now she is going to be ok,


Love, Columbine (and Smudge)

06-07-2011, 07:33 PM
she is doing so well, my what a brave kitty she is, she ran upstairs and is choosing to sit in a corner, but she is letting me pat her and smooching my hand when i do,animals just amaze me so much , they are so forgiving, she has drunk a good quantity of water and also eaten quite welll, i am so happy, i have these pic of her, she was not a bit interested in posing for the camera though, i have put her litter box in that corner now as well as the water so if she decides to stay there she can.

Got to go back on friday to get the pain patch off, oh my she is going to be loving that NOT.,poor wee thing she will be so stressed again,as will i be.

Anyhow here is my baby, looking a bit rough and worse for wear, but doing oh so well, she is a little belter my Ellie, she makes me so proud.,a real little fighter.

yes Donna i did make the right decision, i feel at peace now knowing i did, it hurts seeing her go through all of this, but i know it is for the best and she may now have much longer to be with us, she is OH SO WORTH IT. love her to bits.

06-07-2011, 07:50 PM
Oh, Ellie, aren't you beautiful and doing just so well! A girl has to clean herself up some after an ordeal like that, doesn't she!

Keep on keeping on, and heal up nicely and recover well. Your Meowmie loves you so very, very much, and you have a wonderful doctor who cares about you so much too!


06-07-2011, 08:00 PM
Thanks Pat, she is having a lovely snooze right now,boy that patch sure makes her calm,and she sure needs that, mostly a very highly stressed lil girl most of the time, so quiet time is good for her right now.

06-07-2011, 08:14 PM
I wouldn't expect anything less from a calico girl. She's a survivor, Carole, that's for sure. Great news!

06-07-2011, 09:41 PM
Awww, so sweet to see her bathing herself and making sure she is nice and pretty! I don't think she could be any prettier. ;):love:

Once that patch is off and she is home, you will enjoy watching her recover totally. And she already ate well? WONDERFUL!

Give her a kiss for me. :love::love:

06-08-2011, 12:56 AM
Get well soon, pretty Ellie. WE LOVE YOU!:love:

06-08-2011, 12:59 AM
I'm glad to see and hear that she's now home and doing well.:) Lots more prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way for a speedy recovery.

06-08-2011, 01:54 AM
candace she is home, actually i am more worried when the patch comes off ,it is what is keeping her happy ,however vet says that is all she will need, i hope so, gosh the cut is pretty darn big. i reckon about 6 to 8 inches long, poor baby, she is sound alseep on our bed now, and stretched right out, you can see her cut so well, i was going to take a pic , but the battery is dead,she did not eat much tonight, but i think all in all she has done ok really considering all she has been through.

Vet wants her only on one steroid a day at the moment,so from 4 that is a big decrease, when i pilled her i could feel her mouth was swollen,this has been a really big ordeal for her, i hope she continues to make a good recovery.

We have put her through major surgery, but i do think it was the right choice now,and ellie will hopefully have a much better quality of life, she is such a sweetie, with that real fiesty nature mixed in, that is what makes her so special, she has been through tough times before i adopted her and now i just want her life to be as good as it can possibly be.

06-08-2011, 09:04 PM
Ellie did exceptionally well yesterday on her return for the vets,however today is not so good, she is hardly eating at all,just has a small amount at breakfast and nothing since, not keen on drinking either, she did do a big pee though, but i am worried about her, she is sleeping lots, slept all night on our bed, and stayed there until lunch time apart from getting up to eat a little when i brought it up to her.
She ventured down the stairs, had a look at the door as if to say well let me out then, walked around a bit, sat down then went upstairs and is sound asleep on the floor not too far away from the computer.

off to see vet at 3.15 for patch removal tomorrow, so will have her checked then, all going well,just have to get her eating more.

She still a bit spaced out, but so quiet and gentle, and she gives me some rubs now and then,please continue to send healing wishes and prayers and thoughts for my baby, just want to get her through all of this and get her well and happy again.
I just cannot get her to eat anything bar the little amount this morning, she looks so unhappy and miserable, i feel so upset, what have I done to her,I am not feeling so good about my decisions right at the moment, i cannot put stuff in her sore mouth that would hurt to much, thank god we are going to see the vet tomorrow as i am worried sick.

06-08-2011, 10:49 PM
Prayers for dear Ellie-Mae. I suspect she will perk up once the patch is off, and her appetite too. She has been through a lot, as you say, you are very right about that.

Your vet sounds wonderful, and I am sure he will do everything possible to help Ellie-Mae and you.:love::love:

06-08-2011, 11:57 PM
More prayers for Ellie-mae and you. She has been through a lot and is probably very tired out from it all at this point.

I'm so glad she's going back to see the vet. He has been wonderful, and he will help her get through this hard time.

Prayers and good wishes and warm healing energies,
Love from Pat and cats :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

06-09-2011, 12:21 AM
thank you, your kind word are very re-assuring, i hope you are all right, she almost looks like she has given up the will to go on, but maybe i am just reading too much in to it, and feeling guilty about putting her through all of this, i am hoping for a much needed turn around tomorrow, maybe this will be her worst day, and tomorrow she will perk up, fingers and all paws crossed for that.

She is sleeping on the spare bed in our bedroom now, with her blanket over her, and i have put my wheat pack up against her ,i will get my husband to go get and extension cord, as we don't have enough plugs in our room, and then we can put the pet electric blanket on for her, hopefully that will bring her comfort.

06-09-2011, 04:32 AM
Ellie is not doing well at all, i am gravely concerned for her, i have to go to a hospital appt early at 9am, i wish i could get out of it, but i can't, then i am going to see if we can get her in earlier to see the vet, i cannot wait that long, unless she is better tomorrow, but somehow i doubt that, i am just beside myself with worry, i feel so horrible that i have put her through this now,oh i hope she is going to be ok, i am so worried, been bawling my eyes out all night,please continue with your prayers, we both need your support right now so very much, thanks.

06-09-2011, 04:43 AM
Oh, Carole, I am so sorry. I hope and pray so much that the vet will help Ellie-mae and she will soon be getting stronger.

Love from Pat :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

06-09-2011, 08:24 AM
Prayers, prayers, all loving prayers for you and dearest Ellie-Mae. :love::love::love::love:

smokey the elder
06-09-2011, 10:21 AM
Poor Ellie-Mae; I hope you feel better soon.

06-09-2011, 11:41 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that she's not feeling well.:( It may well be the pain patch that's causing her to be very lethargic and it may also be affecting her appetite. I hope you'll be able to get an earlier appointment with your vet. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

06-09-2011, 06:25 PM
I hope that Ellie-mae is just having a bad day. I know it's hard to watch, Carole. You want so much to make the pain go away. You'd bear it for her if you could. Keep the faythe. (((HUGS)))

06-10-2011, 02:01 AM
I have news and it is GOOD NEWS, ellie turned the corner today, she ate and drank,i was over the moon, i guess yesterday was just maybe her worst day ever,so i did not have to get an earlier appointment as i knew she was much better.

Her check up went well, he said everything is healing nicely and gave her another convenia injection,i must admit even her mouth looked better, and guess what my vet kissed ellie-mae, i was so moved by his genuine care for her, he is just awesome, he will be off for two weeks, anytime now as his wife is having their third baby another wee girl, he has a son 3 and daughter 2, so a real handful, and he told me i can email him anytime, isn't he neat?

She came home and ate a good amount of food and drank some water, then she decided for the first time in her life ever to hide under the bed, but she is happy with me reaching in to pat and feed her, i am sure she will come out soon, she is doing so well,thanks for those prayers, they worked for sure.

I think i let my emotions get the better of me yesterday, i was just overwhelmed with concern, and maybe in a bit of a panic state, anyhow just hoping all continues to go well from now on.

06-10-2011, 05:44 AM
What wonderful news! Hallelujah!!!!! Prayers of gratitude.

Keep getting better and better, dearest little Ellie-mae!

06-10-2011, 05:48 AM
Thanks Pat i am so happy believe me, she ate well tonight, and did her first poop and another pee, so all is in working order again, she has hidden under the bed again, but she is ok with me patting her etc, and she did venture downstairs,for a minute then went straight up stairs again,i think she feels safer up here.

My vet wants me to reduce her steroids even further, which is great, just hope it works, she was on 3 per day, and sometimes 4 now she will be on one every second day, isn't that great news.

06-10-2011, 06:06 AM
Your worry was understandable. I'm SO happy she's better. Only sunshine and light from now on. Gentle kisses and well wishes for Ms Ellie!

06-10-2011, 10:21 AM
We all panic about our precious babies, especially one like Ellie-Mae, who has needed extra care and attention. What WONDERFUL news that she turned the corner! Prayers that she continues to eat and thrive and be pain free! :):love::love:

06-10-2011, 10:40 AM
You can't blame yourself for worrying, Carole. That's all part of being a cat mom. I'm so glad to hear that Ellie-mae has turned the corner. We'll keep the prayers going that she gets better and better and that you have many more years w/her to come.

06-10-2011, 11:47 AM
This is wonderful news. I'm so glad to hear that she's eating better, healing well, and feeling better too.:)

06-10-2011, 12:09 PM
I'm so glad to hear that Ellie-Mae is feeling better today.
Her Alaskan Auntie worried about her all night long.
Sounds like Ellie-Mae still has most of her 9 lives. :D

06-10-2011, 12:50 PM
Goodness, you wouldn't be a PT Mom if you didn't worry to the point of tears when one of your babies isn't doing well! I can't count the times I have cried and tossed and turned over one of mine. I am so happy Dear Little Ellie-Mae is improving!:):) Give her kissies from me!:love::love::love:

06-11-2011, 12:21 AM
thank you , you are all so kind and your words of comfort and understanding mean so much, not such a good day today, however has eaten a little , but i feel she needs to drink more, and would be happy if she ate a bit more, but the drinking is what is most important at this stage i think,heard two sneezes from her this morning, had me petrified, that the cat flu was going to take over her again,however no more so far,she has only coughed once and it was very rattley.
We are certainly not near out of the woods yet, she has a long way to go to complete recovery, honestly if she ever gets another tumour lord forbid, i would not do this again, still i feel it is the dental that is causing her more problems, but one can never be sure.

This has really taken its toll on Ellie,i can only hope as each day goes by she will continue to improve, so far things are not bad, but they are not that good either, but i guess after two major ops you cannot expect anything else.

she certainly is sleeping a lot, but then cats always do anyhow, and probably even more so when in recovery.

Please continue to keep my sweet girl in your thoughts,and Auntie Lisa you get some sleep, you are so sweet to worry about her like you do, she is one very lucky little cat, even if she does not know it.

Will keep you all posted, cannot wait until i can post some better news.

06-11-2011, 11:12 PM
Well it is now day five, ellie is slowly progressing, ate a little bit more today, but is resting up ,she came downstairs for her breakfast today, not that she ate very much, but still she made the effort, she has been back upstairs most of the day,and sleeping, i gave her my lexies pink pillow, lexie sleeps with her head on this every night,and it appears little ellie loves it too, lexie is probably a bit put out, as she and nikki have been locked out of the bedroom the last five days, ellie needs quiet time and so does her meowmie.

Anyhow here is Ellie,looking peaceful, you can see her fur is still quiet ragged looking, but hey she has been through a lot, she was grooming a bit today, all good signs,and have not heard her cough or that rattle in her chest, fingers and all paws crossed.

06-12-2011, 04:29 AM
Oh, that picture is just ADORABLE, Ellie-mae just resting there and slowly getting stronger and healing.

Keep on keeping on, you sweet, darling little thing! You have been through so much, but I think the worst is past.

{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} and ~~~~~~~PURRS~~~~~~~,

Pat, Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, Bobby, Sparkler, Lavinia, and Princess Poppaea Sabina Eugenia

06-12-2011, 05:31 AM
oh Pat i so hope you are right, i had no sooner posted this when i heard that cough again, i know after having the tube down their throat this can happen, but i would have thought by now it would be better, she only does it like twice a day, but it sounds bad,i would be a lot happier if she was showing a bit more improvement with her eating and drinking.

fingers and all paws crossed that each day she gets a little better, she has decided that upstairs is her safe place, which has worked out brilliantly for us, as i can keep her in our room with the door shut, away from everyone, the noises, and the other kitties.

She is just content to sleep on our bed, so that is good,well off to bed myself now, with my precious little Ellie beside me.

Thanks for your kind words they mean such a lot.

06-12-2011, 06:29 AM

If you can find non-flavored Pedialite, get that and pour it into her water bowl. This will help boost her electrolytes.

The best thing for your little girl right now is sleep. She looks SO peaceful in that picture. Please give her a smooch from across the sea!!!

:love::love:and hugs

Donna and fur crew

06-12-2011, 05:13 PM
Donna i will enquire about that, never heard of it, might have a different name here, getting her to drink the water is the real problem, however she did a pee this morning and a poop, surely those are all good signs, has a sip of the cat milk, but that is about all,she never was a big one for drinking lots of water, and she mainly eats wet food, so hopefully that is helping, not that she is eating that much at the moment.

She came downstairs, and tried to get out a bit this morning, so i know that she is more on the mend,DONT WORRY she is going nowhere, safely in our bedroom, and staying put.

Ate a little today, but not that much, this is her sixth day, i would have thought her appetite would have been a bit better, and yes i have tried about six different types of food.

Mind you she is only have a one steroid every second day now, compared to 3 to four daily, which indeed increased her appetite somewhat,sometimes a great deal, and other days not so much.

She sure is doing a lot of sleeping, and her eyes look a lot brighter today, so fingers and all paws crossed,each day she will be getting better.

Sure will give her some kisses from you Donna,Ellie likes her kisses, especially on her head, and she is getting a ton of those daily.

Thanks everyone for stopping by and your continued support.

06-13-2011, 03:42 AM
I rang the vets in desperation, she really was not eating much, and i just could not get her to, they want to see her at 10.15 tomorrow, he talked about a feeding tube, oh god i am not wanting that, i don't think it is quite necessary yet, she is still eating, just not a lot,please keep your fingers crossed and prayers please that Ellie has to endure no more procedures, i just cannot bear it.

I managed to get her to eat some more tonight, i did notice not long after she ate her stomach was gurgling and she made a noise as if she was going to vomit, but didn't so i am thinking if every time she eats she feels bad, she is not going to want to eat, i just don't know what is going on with my poor wee baby,.

I am shattered , with worry and lack of sleep because of worry, i just hope we can help her tomorrow, they are talking about keeping her there, more stress and trauma for the poor wee thing, i am beginning to think i made a wrong choice to go ahead with this surgery now, but then i really had little choice as it turned out.

Please keep my wee girl in your thoughts and prayers, thanks.

06-13-2011, 04:54 AM
Prayers and healing energies and warm loving thoughts are being sent for Ellie-mae.

06-13-2011, 02:44 PM
Sometimes antibiotics will make you sick. I know that I can never eat when I am on antibiotics! I also feel icky and sick while I am on them. This could be what is happening to dear Ellie-Mae. My stomach gurgles loudly when I am taking antibiotics. Have your vet check this out. Sending prayers for your little girl.:love:

06-13-2011, 02:54 PM
The remedy might be something as simple as giving her an anti-nausea med, Carole. Antibiotics wreak havoc on the stomach for humans and pets alike. Also, if she wants to eat but can't, then I'd be more concerned but b/c she really doesn't feel like eating yet, I'd trust her that she knows what will feel good and what won't unless, of course, she goes for a couple of days w/o eating anything at all. That would be a different story. We'll keep the prayers going that your vet will be able to fix her right up. Keep the faythe. (((HUGS))) :love:

06-13-2011, 03:37 PM
Thank you guys, i never thought about the antibiotics as she has had them before and i did not notice anything, mind you this is her second lot,she had them two weeks ago and then another, so that indeed could be some of it.

Good news she ate quite well today, and i got some in to her last night as well, infact i think she ate too much and you know the result, unfortunately she vomited it all up including her pill, i did notice a lot of sticky phlegm in it, so she might feel better that it has been brought up now.,as a result, the bed linen all needs to be washed, yep she got it good, oh well needed a wash anyhow lol.

She was sitting on the ground looking guilty as poor wee thing, i re-assured her it was ok, mummy understands.

I did manage to get her to eat a little more aftewards, i don't want to over do it,better to have a little down than too much and bring it up again.

She also tried much harder to get outside today, all good signs, i gave her a gentle groom today and she looks way better, i mean a girl has got to look good for her vet after all.

Feeling much more positive, i was nearly going to cancel the appt as we have one on saturday, but feel it is best to have her checked anyhow, things can change so quickly,but she certainly won't need that feeding tube, thank god, and i don't think she will need to stay there today,here's hoping, will keep you all posted, thanks again for the support.

06-13-2011, 06:30 PM
Gosh our babies sure keep us on a roller-coaster, don't they? :)

Glad she seems to be taking steps forward, even if she seems to go a bit back sometimes.

If she is nauseous from the antibiotics, your vet can help with that.

HUGS and prayers to you and dear Ellie-Mae.:love::love:

06-13-2011, 06:51 PM
Oh, God bless you, Ellie-mae and Carole too. Prayers for you both.

06-13-2011, 09:13 PM
Ok good news, she passed with flying colours, her mouth still looks pretty raw and red, but he said that is what he would expect at this stage still, and when the stitches dissolve that will reduce the inflammation,and her wound from the tumour is healing nicely, gosh it is big, goes from just under her front paw to the bottom of her back paw , ouch, but it seems to have bothered her much less than her mouth.

Also in a weeks time she will no longer be on steriods, i find this amazing, he said she could be going through withdrawal symptoms from them as well, it can make them vomit, but honestly i think she just ate too much, after having so little.

He does not need to see her again, unless we have any concerns, he will be away soon for two wks, as his wife is due to have their third baby anytime soon,but said he will be checking his email daily and to drop him an email and let him know how she is going, as he wants to keep up to date on her progress.

His exact words were gosh both ellie and you have been on a real roller coaster ride, and guess what we are getting off and staying off, lol, never liked them anyhow.

She was such a good girl at the vets and got her kiss from him like last time, he is so caring, gives her tons of pats and kisses her on her head, guess what he is allergic to cats , just like me, but it sure does not stop him from loving them, he took both his cat and dog from england when he came to live her in NZ.

she had some food on her arrival home, and is now sleeping in the spare bed in our room , electric blanket going, pink pillow in position and cuddle blanket on top , she looks like she is in kitty heaven,oh and she had a nice drink of water too, thank goodness.

I sure hope from now on she justs continues to improve.

thanks for caring and sharing you guys are the best.

06-14-2011, 04:24 AM
That's fabulous, Carole! Ellie-mae, you are so brave and strong, and you are recovering nicely from all you have been through.

Continuing prayers and love,

06-14-2011, 05:11 AM
got her to eat much better this evening as well and had a drink, so fingers crossed, she is happily sleeping again.,will keep you all posted on her progress, thanks again everyone.

06-14-2011, 05:51 AM

That's wonderful news!!! I love your vet's sense of humor!! He sounds like a real peach, just like my Dr. P. You can tell a lot about a man by the way he treats animals!!!

Hugs, :love: and kisses,


06-14-2011, 05:55 PM
thanks Donna, yeah when you find a good one you hope they stay around, he is very popular, and some people won't have anyone else but him,but all the vets are great out there.

She ate reasonably well today,and is looking very bright eyed,and i am sure she will soon be driving me nuts trying to get out, but then i will know my Ellie is BACK,and that will be good news,still liking the peace and safety of our bedroom.

All going good, let us hope it stays that way,it has been a very big ordeal for her and a worrying time for me, here's to happiness,peace and wellness again.

06-14-2011, 06:15 PM
here's to happiness,peace and wellness again.

Aye aye!

06-15-2011, 11:18 PM
Well it is day nine and Ellie has improved quite a bit, she is looking much more her old self, and she ate quite well yesterday and today, i am more than happy with her progress, the wound has healed nicely, and i think the mouth is getting there, to be honest i think it has caused her more discomfort than the tumour removal, which certainly looks a major, she is cut from just under her front paw to her hind leg.

She is doing fine in the toilet department as well,so all systems are working well.

She also now is lying in those cute positions that kitties do when sleeping, she has not done that until yesterday,so i know she is getting back to normal, slowly but surely, i really think we are on the up and up now, no more gurgling in the chest sounds,the day she vomited seems to have been a good thing, got rid of that sticky phlegm.

She it totally stretched out sound asleep in the spare bed with the warmth of the electric blanket keeping her most happy.

Again huge thanks to all who have supported me through all of this, i hope now i can only report good things,it now is beginning to seem worthwhile doing this,poor wee girl has certainly been through a very rough time,but there is light at the end of the tunnel at last.

06-16-2011, 07:47 AM
Oh,that's wonderful! You rock, Ellie-mae, and Carole too!

smokey the elder
06-16-2011, 08:18 AM
You go, Ellie-Mae! She was probably sore, and that's why she was out of sorts.

06-16-2011, 09:41 AM
YAAY! :):love::love:

06-16-2011, 02:51 PM
I am so happy for both you and Ellie-Mae! Way to go pretty girl!!:love:

06-16-2011, 04:34 PM
oh there is no doubt in my mind she was sore ,the mouth has been the problem, she has overcome the removal of the tumour very well indeed, she is still opting to stay in our room, even though i have now opened the door so she can come downstairs, but you can hardly blame her, with daily room service and breakfast in bed,with much sleep time with a warm electric blanket, would't you stay there,anyhow makes it much easier to take care of her, and if someone is careless enough to leave a door or window open, she could get out and we DONT want that for sure.

Another good day, she is eating better now and probably better than she ever did, not so much in quantity but how she eats, and she does not end up biting me by accident when i hand fed her ,as she has so little teeth now, so all good.

It has been emotionally draining and i sure have found it stressful, but with all your love and support we have now seen the light at the end of the tunnel, a beautful shining rainbow just like my precious Ellie.

Fingers and all paws crossed that it may continue and each day will just get better, when her fur grows back and she starts to fill out a bit and look more groomed she will indeed look my beautiful girl again.,she still is even if she looks a bit ragged for now lol.:)

06-16-2011, 07:56 PM
Oh, you good, dear little girl Ellie! Your family loves you so very, very much, and so do we all!


06-16-2011, 08:20 PM
well on second thoughts i don't think she is eating so well today, as yesterday, but then yesterday she had a steroid, i do have to remember how much they increase her appetite and she may never have a huge appetite again, time will tell.

She is still happily snoozing away, loving that electric blanket, it is a cold day down under so it is lovely to see her warm and toasty.

06-17-2011, 12:10 PM
Yay, sweet Ellie-Mae! I am so glad to hear you are doing well!

06-17-2011, 01:47 PM
Sounds like she is doing very well. I read all the posts and seems you have been on quite a roller coaster but are nearing the end of the ride!

06-17-2011, 05:41 PM
yes we have indeed, but considering what Ellie has been through, i am very proud of her, she is trying her hardest to get better, would like to see her eating more, but then i feed her little and often, so she is probably eating more than i realise.

She nearly ate a small tin of fancy feast yesterday, she had some turkey mince, some biscuits and cat milk, and that was the day without her steroid, keep in mind all were in small quantitiies.

Today not so good, a little cat food, some biscuits, small handful and more cat milk, still the day is young, only one more steroid to go, on monday and then she is off them, i guess she is a small kitty and she may never eat that much, as the steroid did increase her appetite.

Anyhow she is still in recovery, the stitches on her wound are looking great, healed so nicely and the fur is growing back,that will take a while though as she is quite shorn,just as well she is in a warm place, as she would indeed feel the cold at the moment.

She did venture downstairs for a small bite to eat, a pee and a look outside, then straight back upstairs and on the bed to sleep,i cannot believe what a great patient she has been, i thought she would be so hard, and trying to get out all the time, i leave the door open, for her to come downstairs, but she just stays upstairs,which is all good, as easier for everyone.

Love you my sweet Ellie, you are such a brave wee girl and such a fighter, now just eat some more and i will be so....happy.

06-22-2011, 04:08 PM
Day 16

Just to keep you informed, Ellie is doing well, progressing nicely,i can tell she is not so sore in her mouth and is eating better, but she still needs to eat more, she has lost quite a bit of weight, only 2.9kgs at the moment, she was around 3.2 at the last vet visit,so when her weight starts to go up i will be more satisfied that she is doing well.

Her wound looks fantastic, the healing as been quick, and amazing really, she had a little vomit early this morning, but was told can be a side effect from taking her off her steroids.

When i really think about it, she had to have three steriods a day so she could eat, now she is eating as well without anything, so that is all good.

She is still enjoying the pampered side of life, sleeping our our bed with electric blanket,her cuddle blanket and the pink pillow(lexies pillow)lexie was sleeping on the bed not far away from her , giving her dagger looks, as if to say why have you got my pillow, lol.

However she did venture downstairs, for breakfast today, she has only done that twice so far,she seems to feel secure up here ,if you pick her up she really struggles, i think she thinks we are taking her away again ,poor wee girl, never been much of a cat for been picked up either,but you can tell she starts to panic, not that i blame her, and they say cats forget, well maybe in time, but Ellie is my most intuitive kitty, she is very sensitive and senses everything going on around her.

Anyhow that is all to report for now,all going well, so far, and yes hopefully we are off that roller coaster ride for good now, here's hoping.,THANKS again for the huge amount of support and love from everyone here, it means more than words can say.


06-22-2011, 07:53 PM
What a fine report, Ellie-mae! Thank you for the wonderful update, Carole. Continued prayers and good wishes.


06-22-2011, 08:48 PM
thank you Pat, you have been one here who has continually supported me, and i am ever so grateful, as i am to many others as well.

My only concern is her mental well being, she really is not her old self yet, Ellie was one who always had much spirit,and it is a bit odd that she does not even want to come downstairs, and remain upstairs,she is very inactive, but then my other two who are not sick, are pretty lethargic too, so i guess she is still in recovery.

Hoping that all continues to go well and she will improve even more than now,i do believe cats suffer from depression, and i have to ask myself is this where Ellie is now at?Your thoughts appreciated.

06-22-2011, 08:54 PM
Could she be bribed to eat more with high-calorie kitten food? Tuna? Still, it is good to hear she is progressing, recovery may take some time, especially as we don't know how long for sure her teeth ached, as sadly cats tend to hide such things from us.

06-22-2011, 09:10 PM
karen i do have some kitten food and she quite likes it, believe me i have a gourmet of food for her to try, but when it comes down to it she really is a plain old Chef girl, always seems to go back to the chef food, don't know if you have it over there, just inexpensive supermarket tin food, but has good things in it, she is enjoying the cat milk i bought for her, and it has been a godsend, when i was feeding her and she had kittens to feed (she wasn't mine then) she loved it, but has not drunk it since until now, it is loaded with nutrients and good vitamins, and of course lactose free.

Yes i know her mouth is still sore, but i believe it cannot be any worse, infact maybe better than it was before, luckily she was on a high dose of steroids, which helped with the inflammation and would have reduced her pain somewhat, but she must have been in pain for sure, poor wee soul,here is to a painfree life from now on for her.

When she gets her spirit back i will be happier, i like my fiesty natured wee girl,she sure is loving all my loving and attention though,she has never been on overly affectionate wee kitty, but she is lapping it up, excuse the pun lol.

06-22-2011, 10:55 PM
I have been following Ellie-mae's recovery as well, and I am so glad she seems to be doing better. I'm sending both you and Ellie-mae good thoughts and you are both in my prayers.:love:

06-23-2011, 12:20 AM
I have been following Ellie-mae's progress and am so happy to hear she's improving.
And I love how you call her your "wee girl"....that's just so sweet and charming....:love:
Hugs to all of you!

06-24-2011, 01:01 AM
I've also been following this thread. I'm glad to hear that Ellie-mae is doing well and I hope she'll continue to do so. Prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way.

06-24-2011, 11:38 AM
She's coming back on a long, hard recovery, so I'm sure that must be very tiring for her. But just look at how hard she is working and how far she has come! I think I'd be pretty pooped and not very active or enthusiastic at times, too ;).

You just keep on keeping on, dear sweet beloved little Ellie-mae! Your Meowmie and your whole family love you so very, very much.


06-25-2011, 05:29 AM
you are so right Pat, i think that way too, i just wish her eating would improve,she is skin and bone at the moment, and today was particularly bad, i did get her to eat some biscuits,she just swallows them whole, and a bit of wet food,but she certainly won't regain any weight eating like this, i still think that mouth is sore,i offered her around six different foods, she just sniffed and was not interested.

I do think she has meowmie wrapped around her little paw though, if i kiss her and pat her, hmm yes well she will eat some,i have always had to encourage her for the last two yrs to eat,but now i think one is used to it and playing on it a little lol.oh well whatever it takes lol.

Hoping for a better day food wise tomorrow,i am finding it a tad stressful watching my little girl,not eating very well, fingers and all paws crossed for a healthy appetite to return soon.

I think if she does not improve appetite wise in a week or two, i will consult my vet and take her in to see him and get that mouth re-checked, also i have to keep in mind the vet mentioned she could have some withdrawal symptons from the steriods,which of course certainly would affect her appetite,however she really does need to eat more.

Gosh i have one cat who eats too much and one that wont eat enough,such is life lol.

06-25-2011, 07:02 AM
Have you tried baby food? The meaty, creamy kinds without vegetables in them are often quite a draw. Or maybe even chicken or beef broth, to see if the flavor will appeal to her.

06-25-2011, 09:22 AM
You might try warming her food a little.
Seems that brings out extra "stinkiness". :p The better they smell it, the more likely they are to eat it. Could be worth a try.

06-25-2011, 07:23 PM
She ate much better today, i managed to see her mouth a little, she was not so keen on me looking , it still looked red around the gums to me and i could still smell it, so i am thinking it is not that great and will it ever be?

Lisa my Ellie always has her food warmed,just have done that from day one, as i think i would prefer my food warm not cold from the fridge,have not tried baby food, will as a last resort, but i believe you can only give it to them short term, as does not have the nutrients required for a kitty in it,i just have to be more patient maybe,,she is much better today than yesterday, thanks for the advice and help ,always appreciated.

Here is a pic of the girls, ellie and her daughter nikki, yesterday i went to have a afternoon nap,as had a bad headache, and i had all three kitties with me snuggled up on the bed, it was awesome. ( I think Ellie looks rather good in this pic don't you)

06-26-2011, 06:49 AM
Such a cute pic. I'm glad that she's doing better. As for not eating, she's probably going to have ups and downs from now on, Carole. She's been through a lot. I wouldn't worry too much unless she completely stops eating. Then I'd definitely inform the vet.

06-26-2011, 01:45 PM
Oh, what a nice picture! They're both just beautiful.

06-26-2011, 09:00 PM
Thank you Mary and Pat, here is another pic of them today that i took for you to enjoy, yes you are right i am just such a worrier, she ate better today,and i weighed her, she was like 3.4kg before the operation,then 3.2 and then she plummeted down to 2.9, which worried me ,but today i am happy to report she weighed in at 3.1 would like to see her eventually get to 3.4 maybe even 4kgs, but would be happy with her at 3.4.

I took her outside for some supervised time outside for the first time today, after 15 mins i took her inside again, much to her dismay, honestly she just sat and sulked with her head hung down, oh well, tough love is the order of the day Ellie, so get used to it, baby steps i told her.

thanks again everyone for your continued love and support.

BTW i have been in touch with my vet via email, as he is off just now, his wife gave birth on friday to their third child a wee girl, he has one little girl and boy already, he sent me a pic of her today and enquired after ellie, so have told him she is doing well, but just want her to eat more, yes Mary as long as she is holding her own and eating, we have not really a big problem, if things don't improve with her mouth i will take her back to see my vet,but we do really want to keep her off those steroids permanently.

smokey the elder
06-27-2011, 09:28 AM
There is a gel-like supplement called Nutri-Cal; do you have anything like that? You can spike baby food with it. Another way to get nutrients into her would be to mix KMR powder with her food. (Kitten milk replacement.)

06-27-2011, 03:42 PM
thank you all for your suggestions, good news today Ellie ate the best she ever has, and had some cat milk as well, she did have a wee puke just before that which looked just like stomach bile, vet did warn me when taken off steroids this can happen, although Ellie always had her little vomits now and then ,more so than my other cats.

She ate like when she was on the steroids,so hoping this is the major turn around,her coat is looking better today, and she had that look on her face, the fiesty one, don't mess with me kiddo, even looked like she was ready to swipe her daughter, i think my old Ellie is back, fingers and paws crossed, i guess each day will be different, and i just have to accept that, still be up and down for a while, maybe always, nothing new there, as that was how it was before the dental, her wound has healed so beautifully, just two little spots at each end that need a little more healing, they were the bits that were sort of pouched up, where she had more hanging skin, i mean a girl has had many babies,he should have given her a tummy tuck while he was there lol, anyhow jokes asides, you can tell i am a very happy meowmie today.,LONG may it continue.:)

06-27-2011, 04:52 PM
Oh, what good news! You ROCK, Ellie-mae!

Love from all your friends here in Ann Arbor

06-28-2011, 12:13 PM
Keep it up, Ellie-mae. We are all pulling for you and your meowmie!:)

07-01-2011, 09:37 PM
Well on Tuesday it will be a month since Ellie had her operation, i cannot believe it has been that long, the time seemed to go so fast.

She is doing really well now, almost back to normal, her fur is growing slowly back, and her wound is almost healed, just two little bits, that need a bit more healing IMO,she is eating much better, and we are almost back to our normal routine, last weigh in she was at 3.2kgs, so she is slowly gaining weight.

However on the not so positive side, her mouth still smells, not nearly as bad as it used to, and i managed a slight look, and it still looks a red to me, i am not so sure the dental was a success, but then i already knew this could well be the outcome, there was no choice anyhow as she had those broken roots and was in pain, we had to take them out,but was hoping the end result would be no more mouth problems,still on the positive side of things, she will be in much less pain, and no more steroids,well i am hoping we won't have to put her back on them, even a small dose.

So all in all my Ellie is almost back to her old self, she does seem a lot calmer than she used to be, and although she has never been a really affectionate kitty, she is welcoming my affection and seems to be loving it.

It feels so good to be able to share this with you all, and just hope Ellie continues to improve and will be 100 per cent soon, i think we could safely say she is 90 per cent ok now.

THANKS again to all who have posted, shared their thoughts ,advice,their love and support, has meant' the world to me, and really helped me through all of this.,cannot really thank you all enough.

07-02-2011, 05:51 AM
Oh, what good news, Carole! Thank you.

Continuing prayers and healing energies for Ellie-mae and you both.


07-02-2011, 06:19 AM
thank you so much pat, you have been so supportive and kind through out this ordeal ellie and i have been through, as have many others, i hope i did not speak to soon, she did not eat so well tonight, but that seems to be a pattern, eats good in the morning and at lunch time and not so good at night,i certainly think she is well on the way to complete recovery, but we just have to hope that mouth does not interfer with that , and hope for the best.

07-02-2011, 11:03 AM
Wishing Miss Ellie continued healing and good health soon, and a good weight gain so she has a nice girlish figure! :love::)

I am glad for you Carole that she has come through so well, and is doing better than she ever did. {{{{hugs}}}}

07-02-2011, 09:48 PM
weighed her this morning now 3.3kg, so very happy with that, she is trying my patience with the eating though, she won't eat unless i continue to pat her, and i have thrown out so much cat food, because she just turn her nose up at it, still the weight gain shows she is getting enough, i think she has me wrapped around her little paw to be quite honest.

I think some tough kitty love might be in order, as she is playing me for the fool i think,oh well , if it gets her to eat, so be it, tiring as it is lol.:)

07-06-2011, 05:03 AM
Well Ellie has now passed the 4wk stage, i can hardly believe it is a month since the operation and she now weighs in at 3.4kg which is he pre-op weight, so i am thrilled to bits, she is eating better, still needs lots of encouragement and coaxing and pampering to get her to eat, but it has paid off.

I thought i would share these pics of her with you that i took today, i sent them along to her vet so he could see how well she is doing.

07-06-2011, 06:14 AM
Oh, what nice pictures of her eating, and what good news!

Keep on keeping on, Ellie-mae!

07-06-2011, 10:41 AM
Great news - how wonderful to see Ellie looking so good with her beautiful coat, and licking her lips - shows she enjoys her food!:):love:

07-06-2011, 11:28 AM
She looks great and I hope she'll continue to improve.:)

07-06-2011, 09:36 PM
well have been in touch with my vet via email, he is off for two weeks, as his wife just gave birth to their third child, he wants to see her mouth again, and check everything out, so am quite pleased about that, her vomiting concerns me a bit, so want that checked to and the wound, which is looking good,so back next saturday the 16th, oh my Ellie will just love that, poor wee soul, she will be scared to death, but at least it is only a check up, here's hoping for good news.

Was a bit fussy eating today, still up and down really, so i am hoping she does not have to go back on the steriods, i know my vet really is against that, and if she can continue to eat as she is now, i cannot see a reason to do that,fingers and all paws crossed, will keep you all posted on how we get on.

Thanks for caring.:love:

07-07-2011, 06:56 AM
I'm glad she continues to do better and glad she will be seeing her doctor again soon for a checkup. Congratulations to him and his wife on the birth of their third baby!

07-07-2011, 09:19 AM
It's so good to see Ellie-Mae eating :)

She is so beautiful.

My prayers will continue for you all.


07-07-2011, 11:56 AM
Ellie-mae is such an inspiration. She must love her life with you guys to keep fighting to stay alive. What an amazing spirit.

I hope the vet can make her mouth more comfortable. Cammie hardly has any teeth left in her mouth, but her "breath of death" is gone and she eats must anything. So, if more teeth have to be removed, don't be too concerned.

07-07-2011, 05:24 PM
she ate extremely well this morning, so one happy mummy here today,oh yes Lisa ellie is a survivor for sure, just think of the life before she came to me, constantly having kittens, and not even being fed properly or let inside or ever been taken to a vet or de fleaed or wormed, i cannot believe she survived it really, but she did, i am sure her health has been compromised because of the neglect though,but still she is doing pretty well considering.

I do hope there are no more teeth to be pulled, there are only four left i think, yes will be peace of mind to have her re-checked, my vet is so awesome, he is so caring, and kind, i wonder if Ellie will get another kiss from him, he has never kissed my other kitties only Ellie, but then he has done so much for her and he wants to see her do well.

She is such an awesome wee cat, and i can see her fiesty nature beginning to return, she has not attempted to give her daughter a smack yet (she often does this for no reason, just plain meany , and i amthe boss and don't your forget it, type of thing)maybe she will be more gentle towards her now she is not in so much pain, i know when i am in pain i get grumpy, so i can empathise completely.

It is just amazing to me, i just could not imagine my life without Ellie in it, and i thought that was to be the case, but now she is going to be with me as long as possible, one never knows what is around the corner, but i feel positive we shall have more happy years together now.:)

07-16-2011, 04:54 AM
Today Ellie had her final check up, her mouth has improved a great deal, and the vet was happy with it, there is still some redness on the gums above the teeth left, but he felt it was not necessary to remove those, i sure hope not.

However i mentioned her daily morning vomits, so he felt all around her stomach etc, he said there was some noticable difference on one side where her liver was, he said it could be just because she ate well this morning, and her stomach was still full, which she did do ,eat well i mean, or that it could be enlarged, due to the steroids she has had to take, but that would eventually go back to normal, so i am hoping that is all it is, left with mixed feelings, on the good side she is maintaining her weight, 3.29kgs, my scales are not that accurate, so could be out a gram or so.

Poor wee thing she just sits on the table as if paralysed with fear, which i believe she is, she just trembles all over,mind you i don't blame her after all she went through.

So here's hoping Ellie is ok, and will continue along a healthy path with many years ahead.

07-16-2011, 10:47 AM
Oh, poor Ellie baby, so afraid at the vet's! This man has been helping you get so much better, little sweet thing!


07-16-2011, 12:16 PM
Great to hear that Ellie is holding a good weight and eating well. Poor scared Ellie - you won't have to see the nice doctor for a long time now. He really cares about you, sweetie!

Carole, I wish you many happy years with Miss Ellie!:):love:

07-16-2011, 12:44 PM
Good to hear. Keep improving Ellie! :love:

07-16-2011, 07:27 PM
Don't worry about that white coat, Ellie-mae. You just keep getting better and you won't have to see them again for a long, long, time. Keep on eatin' kitty girl!

07-18-2011, 06:25 AM
Ellie is eating so much now somedays, more than she did with the steroids, but it will make me much happier when i see her weight begin to climb, she is still rather thin and scraggy looking.

Her temperament has changed though, she is still fiesty at times, but in five weeks she has not attacked her daughter once,and she has stopped biting the blanket,i do think it was her mouth making her do that and the pain, making her that way, i sure know when i am in pain i am a big grump, so i understand where she was coming from, she still is my miss ellie though in most ways ,just a bit more gentle.,which is great to see.

07-18-2011, 09:22 AM
Good news, Ellie-mae, you continue to make progress!

07-18-2011, 07:24 PM
yes she ate like a horse again this morning,cannot believe how much she is eating,as long as she puts on some weight, then i will be happy,her wound is completely healed now and the fur is slowly growing back, her side fur is almost full grown but the under belly is taking a bit more time.

Well it is five weeks now so i sure would expect a good improvement,lets hope she continues to thrive and i can post a pic of her back to how she used to look.If you compare the pic in my siggy, before she got really ill, and the latest ones, you can see how thin she has become.