View Full Version : I had no choice.....

05-29-2011, 01:40 PM
I got out and did my yard work in the backyard early before the Texas heat rolled in......the doggies milled around and sniffed and rolled and enjoyed the not so hot yet morning.....

I came inside and went to the bedroom to change my shoes, potty and came out and there were 5 lumps under the comforter - LOL !!!!

And so you see....on this holiday week end made for relaxing..... I had no choice......I joined them !!!!

As I lay there trying to snooze and thinking of all the stuff I needed to do...I heard the tv in the living room.......Mama Mia...... well crap - I LOVE that movie !!!! Quietly got up and got the remote for the bedroom tv, snuggled back in with the puppies..... and as I watched one of my all time favorite movies.....

The Fab Fivey's snoozed and basked in the fact that we are "on holiday" and that they were in the Big.Bed, with MOM, during daylight hours !!!

Have a wonderful Memorial Day week end and remember to give thanks for all our military that allow us to have these lazy Sunday mornings..

05-29-2011, 02:38 PM
That sounds similar to what I did yesterday afternoon. :) Snoozed with all four of my babies.

Mama Mia....I have not seen the movie, but I am going to see the play in a couple weeks. Very excited. :D

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!! :)

05-29-2011, 02:45 PM
That is my kind of day! Glad you enjoyed it. :)

05-29-2011, 02:55 PM
Must be the day for critter cuddling and staying in out of the heat. I've been on the couch most of the afternoor, with first one pooch, and then the other, watching the Deadliest Catch Marathon. It's on till 3 a.m., so later, we'll move our lazy day into the bedroom for a lazy night and continue watching it in bed. Doubt that I'll make it to 3 a.m. tho! :p

06-07-2011, 10:36 PM
Sounds like to me the dogs know how to kick back an so do you :D

06-10-2011, 02:10 AM
sounds like a perfect day to me