View Full Version : I haz a kindle...

Pinot's Mom
05-24-2011, 06:42 PM
...and I think I'm going to like it! I waffled for a while, but the price has come down enough that I think it's reasonable ($114), so I took the plunge today. I have so far downloaded 15 classics (for free) that I've meant to read over the years. I'll update as I go, but I think this is worth it; thoughts, anyone?:)

05-24-2011, 07:28 PM
Yes! John and I share one, cause we can each read a different book when the other isn't on it. I love that I can schlep it anywhere. I like adjusting the size of the print. And the price for downloads is great! Can't beat FREE or really cheap.

I have to say that when a bookstore is going out of business, I still spend ridiculous amounts on hardbacks. I love the way they feel and smell. My bookcases are stacked. Some old ways die hard.

05-25-2011, 12:29 AM
I LOVE my kindle and visit the Amazon site multiple times a day to see what new free books are offered. The selection changes frequently and there are some good finds. You can find the top 100 free books on the right column at:

It seems fairly common to find books that are the first in a series for free or cheap. I think that is so that they can rope you in :D

05-25-2011, 05:02 AM
I love my Kindle for the same reasons as you guys, can't beat free classics and it is great to be able to read anywhere you happen to be. :D

The only downside is if you wish to buy some books on Kindle, a number of publishers set prices that are way more than for paperback or hard-cover. In those cases I go back to paper and ink books and look in the index we have online for our library and if it's there reserve to collect at my local. Or look for second-hand/used on Amazon, have got some great bargains from them ... bottom line, despite all the advantages of the Kindle I won't give up on 'real' books, don't think I ever will. For me it's an 'add to' rather than an 'instead of' :)

05-25-2011, 09:05 AM
Just got mine at the beginning of the month and love it too so far!

05-25-2011, 11:46 AM
My dad has a Kindle and my mom has a Nook. They both love them. I'm wanting to get myself one one day...

05-25-2011, 02:52 PM
I won't say never - 'cause I did that with FaceBook, and then I joined :)

But if I should get a Nook or Kindle, I think it will be far in the future. I love the feel of holding a book in my hand, turning the pages, putting it in the bookcase and then taking it out in a couple of years to read it again. I'm afraid I would drop the Kindle thing and break it.

Killearn Kitties
05-26-2011, 01:19 PM
I don't have one, but I think I may get one at some point. I saw one recently and was pretty impressed by the display and some of the features.

It would never replace proper paper books for me either. My main complaint is that you won't be able to read it on a flight at the same times as you can't use your ipod or any other distraction, which is the reason I absolutely always have a book with me. Quite nice to be able to have lots of books with you if you are going on a trip though, while not having the weight of them.

05-26-2011, 01:24 PM
Karen, you've got me a little puzzled as to why you can't use it on a flight.

Pinot's Mom
05-26-2011, 01:56 PM
Karen, you've got me a little puzzled as to why you can't use it on a flight.

Me, too...I would think the "electronic devices" clause for planes would only apply if you were on line, and I wouldn't be on line in flight. If you're reading, it's really the same as using a calculator; there wouldn't be any chance of interference.

Killearn Kitties
05-27-2011, 02:50 AM
Maybe that is just my assumption? Any flight I have been on they make you turn off all eletronic devices during take off and landing, or more particularly while the fasten seat belt signs are on. That includes laptops, and even ipods, so I assumed kindles would fall into the same category.

Edwina's secretary would know. She has one and travels with it. I will ask her before I cause any more confusion. :D

05-27-2011, 07:42 PM
Maybe that is just my assumption? Any flight I have been on they make you turn off all eletronic devices during take off and landing, or more particularly while the fasten seat belt signs are on. That includes laptops, and even ipods, so I assumed kindles would fall into the same category.

Edwina's secretary would know. She has one and travels with it. I will ask her before I cause any more confusion. :D

You are correct. The devices have to be turned off when the cabin door is shut and until a certain altitude it reached. They has have to be off once they begin final descent until you reach the gate.
Seat belt signs may be on at other points of the flight due to turbulence, you don't have to turn them off then.

I got mine last Friday, travelled with it this week. Loving it so far!

05-28-2011, 04:38 AM
Maybe that is just my assumption? Any flight I have been on they make you turn off all eletronic devices during take off and landing, or more particularly while the fasten seat belt signs are on. That includes laptops, and even ipods, so I assumed kindles would fall into the same category.

Edwina's secretary would know. She has one and travels with it. I will ask her before I cause any more confusion. :D
The original questioning was due to total ignorance, from someone who has never even been near an airport never mind on a plane. Me. :o Thanks for the enlightenment.

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-28-2011, 08:41 AM
i'm sorry............, but what the heck is a "kindle"????:confused:

Pinot's Mom
05-28-2011, 02:50 PM
A kindle is an "e-reader" put out by Amazon. It's a small (6"x4" maybe), light, flat device with a screen and small built in keyboard. You download books onto it so you can read anywhere and, if you're travelling, you can take MANY books with you in that small device. There are other functions on it (some have wi-fi, there are games, calendar capabilities, newspaper and magazine subsciption features, other convenience things), but it's mainly for reading. There are other versions by other companies as well.