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05-22-2011, 11:15 PM
Just curious - as some dogs adore fetch, and other look at you blankly when you try ...

05-23-2011, 08:50 AM
Myndi's favorite used to be tug of war and fetch, but in her senior years, she has slowed down and doesn't really have a favorite. She still does enjoy tug of war tho, and is still pretty strong for an old lady. She goes crazy over a favorite toy tho - an interactive ball that looks like a softball, but made of hard plastic that she can't chew, since it's too big to get in her mouth. It acts like a bump and go toy and rolls all over the floor and when it hits something, goes off in another direction. She will chase it and bark at it and try to kill it by biting at it, and would keep it up till she's completely exhausted - if I didn't turn it off and take it away from her first. :p:D
Sparky doesn't really have a favorite game or toy, but he does love to blitz around the house. He will race and tear around the sofa and the dining room table then charge for the back door - then come back and do it all over again. I guess it is a game in his mind, since the more I laugh at him when he does it - the more he does it - :)

05-23-2011, 01:36 PM
Before we got Taggart, Zoee loved frisbee. Now she doesn't like it because Taggart gets in her way. They both like to fetch. While Zoee was gone that is what I did just about everyday with Taggart.
They like to play tug with each other. They have several toys that they can play tug with. They also like to run around the yard and attack each other, playfully of course. Zoee gets so excited she just barks and barks at him.

05-23-2011, 01:57 PM
Mine loves hiking and sniffing the whole bush if we give her a chance. But her favourite indoor activity is chasing a toy you throw and trying to "kill" it. With stuffed animals she won't quit till the floor looks like it's snow covered and she gets that squeaker, (then we have to toss it) but she loves to attack the now "dead " animal. Tug of war could go on all day and so could fetch if anyone had the energy to keep up with her. She also loves hide and seek and when she notices one of us missing she will tear the house up and down to find us. Her most favourite of all games is "feeding time" :D

Pom....is there a name for that ball you described? And where did you buy it, Pet Smart? That is a toy that would keep mine busy all day so I'd love to get her one.

05-23-2011, 02:33 PM
With stuffed animals she won't quit till the floor looks like it's snow covered and she gets that squeaker, (then we have to toss it) but she loves to attack the now "dead " animal.

Pom....is there a name for that ball you described? And where did you buy it, Pet Smart? That is a toy that would keep mine busy all day so I'd love to get her one.

Oh my - you described Myndi to a T. She's little but tough, and I used to call her Jaws because of the strength and speed she had in removing squeakers from toys - along with the stuffing. She could demolish one in a couple of minutes - she would go into a frenzy trying to get that squeaker out when she heard one. She has a toybox full of dead unstuffed animals, and even body parts where she has amputated a head or arm or leg!!! Her idea of playing with them now tho, is to drag them out of the box and scatter them all over the house!!! No - she doesn't pick them up and put them back!

I got that ball thru a mail order gift catalog a couple of years ago. I've never seen any in stores, but I'll check on line later to see if I can find anything like it. It not, I'll keep an eye out for it in gift catalogs. It operates by battery, so not something you would be able to leave on for her to play with at will. She sounds a lot like Myndi, so she would probably love it just as much as my old gal does! :love:

05-23-2011, 02:48 PM
Oh my - you described Myndi to a T. She's little but tough, and I used to call her Jaws because of the strength and speed she had in removing squeakers from toys - along with the stuffing. She could demolish one in a couple of minutes - she would go into a frenzy trying to get that squeaker out when she heard one. She has a toybox full of dead unstuffed animals, and even body parts where she has amputated a head or arm or leg!!! Her idea of playing with them now tho, is to drag them out of the box and scatter them all over the house!!! No - she doesn't pick them up and put them back!

I got that ball thru a mail order gift catalog a couple of years ago. I've never seen any in stores, but I'll check on line later to see if I can find anything like it. It not, I'll keep an eye out for it in gift catalogs. It operates by battery, so not something you would be able to leave on for her to play with at will. She sounds a lot like Myndi, so she would probably love it just as much as my old gal does! :love:

They do sound alike don't they...I have body parts all over my house too but sometimes she picks them all up and puts them in her beds...yes bed"s" , she need one in every rom so she can decide where she feels like sleeping....heck no, she's not spoiled :D
I'll have to start checking the gift catalogues I guess but if you spot the one you got it from let me know...this is something that she would go nuts for. Batteries are plentiful here so I probably would leave it on all day... anything to keep that wee rug rat happy.

05-23-2011, 05:21 PM
Molli's favorite game is soccer. She LOVES soccer balls, volleyballs, balloons, etc. She hits them with her nose. Too bad we can't play it much anymore, she yaps and barks so loud and we live in apartments now.

Sam LOVES fetch. He is so obsessed with balls it's unhealthy. lol. He loves to jump and catch them and does crazy flips and stuff! I know Cockers aren't supposed to be jumping up and down because arthritis is so common... but he loves it so much.

Springen loves any game as long as it involves running. He loves frisbee and loves to run along side us when we go biking. We have an RC car that goes 40+ miles per hour and he LOVES to chase it. We just can't let him catch it because he'll try to tear it to pieces haha.
He also loves to throw rope toys and stuffies in the air and catch them. He'll knock over lamps throwing his toys in the air! He's incredibly entertaining.

05-26-2011, 02:16 PM
My chihuahua's favorite "game" is for me to sit on the floor and watch her chew her nylabone. She also likes tearing her toys apart, but of course I have to sit on the floor and watch that too, she's needs to have an audience, lol.

05-26-2011, 09:29 PM
Jakes is chasing a ball.:D Laylas is barking.:rolleyes:

05-27-2011, 01:22 PM
When Koko was a pup our favorite game was fetch. She would retrieve what you threw, for as long as you were able to throw, be it ball, Frizby, or what ever she brought me to start the game. She wouldn't always bring it back , and then the game was keep the Ball away from daddy. When she was almost 1 year old, she came up lame that would result in double CCL repair. The surgery plus almost 12 weeks in a crate changed her desire to fetch. Now when you throw anything she ignores you and will not acknowledge anything. I can't understand this because she can run like a deer with no apparent pain. Her game now is "dont let daddy catch you". She will run full bore, straight at me, and then change direct at the last possible second. We have a favorite place on our trail that allows her to run a small loop where the trail splits. She will run around the loop then stop before getting in my sight. In pic-a-boo fashion, she will look back at me before charging back with another last second maneuver. I guess a good name is “dodge daddy and run”. oh, and that game also applies to the cat (Rascal) too. They will play this until koko is worn out and the Rascal wants more.

05-30-2011, 01:29 PM
Autumn is getting too old for play, unless there is another dog or ferret playing with me and she gets jealous. She loves hide and seek with toys and treats still.

Naylee never learned to play before I got her. I guess her favorite game is run away from me when its time to leave the dog park.

05-30-2011, 07:20 PM
Three dogs at one time like to play this game. It is hitting the tennis ball with a tennis racket. I have three tennis balls & Baxter goes first, then Max, & then Missy. You can really whack a ball high & far with a tennis racket. Missy sometimes plays outfield & will pick up any tennis balls that happen to drop in front of her. She gets tuckered out sooner then the other two.

Sometimes they have to cool off & go to the water dish by the hydrant & drop the ball in the water which makes for a squashy tennis ball when I whack it. :D

05-31-2011, 01:09 AM
The eldgergirls, Dora (ACD/Springer) and Ashley-Marie (GSD/BC) love frisbee. At 10+, Dora still catches frisbees like nobody's business, but she has slowed down. I get those canvas flippy-flier things from PetsMart.

Emmaline (half weimaraner, half "jumped the fence") loves ball and frisbee. Her retriever nature makes her a natural for good "bring". Julie, the youngest, a pure BC, *LOVES* those jollyball things from PetsMart. She doesn't bring them back often, but if you rattle the ball (it has a little ball inside and big holes in the outer ball they can grab), she will collie-rocket to where you are anywhere in the 3-acre yard. She might be the smallest, but have mercy is she fast! It takes a minimum of four jolly-balls to keep them all in motion.

Callie loves fetch games and she'll retrieve all ladylike and set either the frisbee or a ball daintily at your feet.

We make time every evening for games. Any time is a good time for leans and snuggles :)

06-03-2011, 02:17 PM
Any time is a good time for leans and snuggles :)

That was the question that launched Pet Talk, all those years ago! See Dogs who lean (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=780) - are all of yours leaners?

06-16-2011, 01:58 PM
In a former position my preceptor worked from home. She had a Great Dane, Max, who was a great big softie! He looked scary the first time I met him because of his sheer size. As I got to know him, I found out that his favorite games were showing how he can run, and leaning on people. When I first met him, I didn't understand why he would come to his people and just lean against them. My preceptor thought he just liked having a huge portion of his body being in contact with someone he knows and loves. Like "I'm so happy that you went outside with me and watched me run like the wind, so now I must lean on you to show you how happy I am!" It's hard to be stressed with his massively strong body leaning on you. :) He is a big love-bug. (I like him just a little- can you tell? :D)

07-04-2011, 10:59 AM
LilGirl loves to play "fetch". She'll bring her stuffed bear (the one that used to have ears LOL) to us to throw. Back & forth we go until she tires of it... or until Luke cat joins in and then she stops.

Annie doesnt really have a game. What she likes most though is to be with us, to walk with us, and/or have her head or stomach rubbed. While walking, she will stop & lie down on her back & wait for us to rub her tummy. That dog just loves attention. She was a stray that came here 5 yrs ago & just craves loving which we give her.

07-04-2011, 12:12 PM
Prue's favorite thing is to run free, off leash, around the neighborhood and on the road. Naturally it doesn't make me happy and she doesn't get to do it often, as she will get killed by a car someday if she keeps it up.

When she is off leash, she will let me get within 2 or 3 feet of her and then she will turn heel and run, leaving me in the dust. She will keep this up for hours until she is caught.

By the end of her episode, both of us are exhausted and I am usually angry. Last time this happened, a neighbor came over and fooled Prue into thinking she had food for her.

I guess this is a game for Prue. It is not for me though. Needless to say, Prue seldom gets off leash in an non-fenced in area.


07-04-2011, 03:59 PM
Our Gracie used to love to run - and as she was a mostly Great Dane, those long legs were great for speed, and her fur was so sleek you could not grab her unless you managed to snag her collar - otherwise she'd slip right through your hands! Thankfully, she'd head for the woods, literally, and run in there until she got tired, never hitting the road.

Oh, Pru, momma wants you safe, and little brown dogs are not match for cars on the road! Be safe, okay?

07-24-2011, 10:59 PM
Lily likes to play with the cats, LOL. Today she was jumping at Domino and he was jumping back. It was cute :)

08-21-2011, 12:16 AM
Catch for Cass. I'm pretty sure she was made for it. She catches food, toys, anything you throw her. Her favorite though are tennis balls- which she often, instead of giving them back, will chew them up before you can throw them again.

Taffy is an odd one. Well, she like many greyhounds came off the track not really knowing what a toy was. She is starting to learn though, and sometimes if I do it to her, she will play-bow and jump around like a goofball with me :D.

10-04-2011, 01:46 PM
Beenie could play fetch until your arm falls off and Frankie likes to play keep away from Beenie and tug.

01-05-2012, 11:16 AM
Nebo loves bigger balls with ropes....I think the one he has now is made by jollyball or something like that...he's had basketballs and soccer balls too but he popped them, he can't pop this one. If you go into the backyard you WILL get that toy slammed into your legs, he always wants people to kick the ball...doesn't matter who it is, if they are in the backyard, he brings them the ball. He also has a big ratty nasty stuffed husky that he likes to put on people's laps in the house.

Killer likes to play fetch with the smaller balls like tennis balls. Nebo and Killer get jealous of each other - if I kick the big ball for Nebo Killer will try to steal it and Nebo does not appreciate that. So if Nebo brings me the big ball I have to be throwing a small ball for Killer at the same time. Nebo gets bored of it first, Killer will play fetch for a long time. He loves to swim so fetching sticks in the water is probably his very favorite game.

Keva also likes to play with Nebo's rope ball she usually wait until he tires of it then she'll jump in and want to play. She'll play fetch with the smaller balls too, Keva and Nebo don't usually play fetch for a long time but they have lots of fun when they do.

Skya does not fetch. She pretty much looks at you like you're crazy if you ask her to. If I throw a toy in the house she'll go get it sometimes but she doesn't bring it back. She will play tug though, she is the queen of tug-of-war. She's the smallest out of all of them and she will drag them around like it's nothing. It's funny to watch her and Killer play tug, neither of them will give in (Nebo and Keva will play tug too but they give up pretty early) but Skya always wins and she's literally half his weight (35 lbs to 70 lbs).

I'd say probably all of their favorite game though is dog wrestling/chasing/whatever you want to call it. They are always running, playing, wrestling. They often pick one dog and the other three go after them (I call it "chase Keva time" or whichever dog is the "chosen one"). Skya is so fast she can outrun all of them and if she gets cornered she will literally just jump over them. So she often instigates the chase because she knows she can get away. Nebo likes body slamming the other dogs in play, he's a nut. Poor Killer he often gets tag teamed by the girls...one will have his collar and the other has his tail. It's all in good fun though, they play rough but they don't really hurt each other.

01-05-2012, 11:26 AM
Some day you'll have to get a video of that, Amy! I can just picture Skya, that little scamp, leaping over the others!

01-08-2012, 12:48 PM
It's fun to hear wat your dogs like to do:) My Springer, Lolli likes Frisbees and tennis balls and is surprisingly willing to return them to me. Maybe she is smart enough to know she can't chase them again if she keeps them:) I never had another dog that would willingly return it. I am considering getting a big ball for her to push around. Have any of y'all heard of treiball? It is a game for dogs(especially herding breeds) to push balls around as though herding them. Sounds interesting. The Dog Fancy magazine is one of my favorite dog magazines and I heard about it in there. P.S. dab 20... your cocker looks very much like my springer.

01-09-2012, 12:53 PM
Jasper likes to play, "what can I eat that will make me the sickest"? Followed by, "Does my barking on the enclosed patio hurt you ears at all"? And, finally, "I love to eat the cat's food"!.

For all his wonderful traits, Jasper just doesn't play with people. He does love to play with other dogs, though.

01-15-2012, 05:40 PM
Layla loves making snow angels in the snow! Jake loves throwing his ball into the deepest snow and digging it back out!:D