View Full Version : Noisy neighbor kid scares the girls! :-(

05-21-2011, 01:18 PM
How much noise do you have to tolerate? Last winter, a new family moved into the neighbor house, with a very loud 10-year-old boy. Tonight, that boy started blowing one of these very loud vuvuzela-thingies in his open window, and it really freaked Luna and Lily out. They literally flew out of the room, knocked things over while they were in panic; Lily is crawling on her belly and Luna is still hiding. And I'm furious!! How much crap do you have to take from your neighbors? :mad:

05-21-2011, 01:37 PM
What a shame that poor Lily and Luna are so upset, there's no reason for that kid to be doing stuff that disturbs your neighborhood! :mad: Have any of your neighbors complained about it?
Sounds a lot like the people next to us. Their kids are constantly screaming, crying, or both at the same time. They often have the music on so loud it's like their stereo is on in my place.
Is there any chance of talking to his parents or maybe filing a noise complaint with the police? Nobody should have to put up with this!
Good luck, I hope this can be resolved very soon. Please give Lily and Luna some comforting lovies from me?

05-21-2011, 01:38 PM
How much noise do you have to tolerate? Last winter, a new family moved into the neighbor house, with a very loud 10-year-old boy. Tonight, that boy started blowing one of these very loud vuvuzela-thingies in his open window, and it really freaked Luna and Lily out. They literally flew out of the room, knocked things over while they were in panic; Lily is crawling on her belly and Luna is still hiding. And I'm furious!! How much crap do you have to take from your neighbors? :mad:

If you are in an apartment complex, you should file a complaint/report with the management. You pay rent, just as everybody else does, and you are entitled to live in reasonable comfort. Kids will be kids, but they must respect others who live around them, and their parents need to enforce this. Perhaps it doesn't bother them, but they need to instill in their children, respect for others.

05-21-2011, 01:43 PM
It's the neighbors' house which belongs to my landlord's son. Calling the police wouldn't help, kids have all the rights in the world here in Germany to make noise. I think I will talk to his mother if this continues. I'm coping with a lot of noise here; kids screaming, kids yelling at their dog when he is barking, kids playing ball in the street (next to the cars, btw), I'm dealing with all that, but it cannot be that Luna and Lily are suffering and do no longer feel safe in their home! :mad:

05-21-2011, 01:46 PM
Luna is still in shock, she's crawling on the floor, she won't let me touch her, and she doesn't respond to me!!! I'm so mad at that stupid brat!!

05-21-2011, 02:25 PM
Kirsten, I certainly would talk to somebody about it. You shouldn't have to put up with that. Fortunately, I never lived in an apartment, tho I did live in housing that had neighbors very close by, but never had to deal what you're dealing with. For the past 40 years tho, I have lived where I am now, on a 2 acre lot. I guess the worst I had to put up with, was the teenager next door, playing his car stereo full blast. I wouldn't have tolerated that if they had been in closer range tho. But the bank took their house back and they are gone now anyway. Hopefully some old retired couple will buy the vacant house! ;):D

Hopefully the girls will come around soon. They certainly were traumatized tho. That's a darn shame! :mad:

05-21-2011, 02:49 PM
Oh, how awful.

05-21-2011, 02:59 PM
Kirsten, you have my sympathy. :( I'm dealing with noise, too. I have 8 young people living upstairs, one is 1 year old, so you can imagine what that is like. I have a corner flat with 7 windows facing the street, and people like to stop and chat on their way home at night, right on the corner, of course. Other than that, there's quite a few barking dogs in the street. Oh man, if I had the money, I'd get a house in the countryside!

Good luck! :)

05-21-2011, 03:55 PM
My cats and I feel your pain Kirsten!!! Not only do we have booming car stereos to deal with, we now have kids playing in a band almost every afternoon. Not a band with music but a hard rock band. I expect to see the devil himself prancing across my lawn every time they play. (and these kids are half a block away)

I called the police. Seems people can make as much noise as they want to here until 11 at night. Never mind it is so loud it rattles our windows and shakes our floors and keeps us from enjoying our own homes. :mad:

I took myself off and had a chat with the kids and asked if they would turn the volumn down. It helped for 5 minutes. They have been keeping practice times shorter though. Hopefully your kid will find something else to amuse himself and lose the horn thing soon. :love:

05-21-2011, 09:11 PM
Surprising. Most places have noise ordinances. Call your local TV station.

05-21-2011, 09:47 PM
Slightly OT here - momcat, maybe you should call the police or family services. Those kids might not be in a great home...:(

Kirsten - most town governments have noise bylaws. Find out what they are in your area.

05-22-2011, 02:16 AM
I'm sorry to hear this.:( I live in a condo complex which has 3 floors and I'm on the 2nd floor. Over the years I've dealt with many noisy neighbors. We have rules that we have to follow here and after 10pm you can't be noisy. You also shouldn't talk outside below any one's windows either. Luckily at the moment no one lives above me and the man that lives below me is very quiet. I too would think that your apartment would have some noise ordinances.

05-23-2011, 11:47 AM
Here in Germany, there are only some noise restrictions after 10 pm (till 6 am), but kids are an exception. They can make as much noise as they want. There's no way to complain about this, you will just be labeled a child hater, that's all. :o

Found out yesterday that the boy's favorite soccer club won an important match on Saturday night, so I figure he was celebrating his team. But if he'll do that again, I will definitely talk to his mother!

But the bank took their house back and they are gone now anyway. Hopefully some old retired couple will buy the vacant house!

Will keep my fingers crossed for you!

I'm dealing with noise, too. I have 8 young people living upstairs, one is 1 year old, so you can imagine what that is like. I have a corner flat with 7 windows facing the street, and people like to stop and chat on their way home at night, right on the corner, of course. Other than that, there's quite a few barking dogs in the street. Oh man, if I had the money, I'd get a house in the countryside!

Randi, I remember you told me about these people before. I'm sorry you have to deal with that, and I sympathize with you!

My cats and I feel your pain Kirsten!!! Not only do we have booming car stereos to deal with, we now have kids playing in a band almost every afternoon. Not a band with music but a hard rock band. I expect to see the devil himself prancing across my lawn every time they play. (and these kids are half a block away)

I'm sorry to hear about that. That would drive me mad!

You also shouldn't talk outside below any one's windows either.

I wish we had rules like that also!! Here, the kids are constantly playing, screaming, or playing ball below my window. It's as loud as if they were right next to me!

05-23-2011, 12:46 PM
I will keep my fingers crossed that it was a one-time thing. ((((HUGS)))) for Luna and Lily too.

I wish my neighbors were courteous enough to keep down the noise when people's windows in the building are open. Now that the weather is warmer my neighbor's grandson from the end unit and about half a dozen of his friends stand around outside smoking and chattering till 2 AM.

05-24-2011, 09:42 AM
There are loud idiot Children on my street with their even more stupid Idiot Parents, who play their boom boxes full blast and have a very noisy Dog as well.
Some people have more nerve than brains.:mad: