View Full Version : I was strolling thru the park one Thursday #430

05-18-2011, 05:00 PM
I think a pre Memorial Day picnic is long overdue.

I have wanted a grilled hot dog for the longest time.

With onions, dill relish and mustard.....and a cold beer.

I'l put out a blanket and fire up the grill.

Maybe later on we can light the firepit and make Smores?

Let me sweep off the picnic table and let's get this part started!


Lady's Human
05-18-2011, 05:03 PM

I'm a runnin..............:eek::eek:

Lady's Human
05-19-2011, 08:24 AM
Durnit, didn't mean to scare everyone away from the bar.

For penance maybe I'll cook up some lunch? I'll even take orders.

05-19-2011, 08:28 AM
Hey, s'mores for breakfast sounds good to me!

05-19-2011, 09:33 AM
:eek: Oh Lordy here goes the Orc after the matchss.. No No Orc lets put you in charge of the Mega Water Gun.. Then we will be safe from the FirePitt.. Wsshhh that was a close one.. Hey yes I will bring some chips & salsa.. No Orc not from NY.. :rolleyes::p


I'm a runnin..............:eek::eek:

Lady's Human
05-19-2011, 10:00 AM
And what's wrong with NY salsa?

I'm willing to bet I could whip up a decent batch.... though the commercial stuff is lousy.

Lady's Human
05-19-2011, 10:17 AM
Okay, lunch service is going to have to wait, my lap has been viciously siezed by a cat demanding attention, and my right hand has been appropriated by a dog demanding the same.

Ingredients are all behind the bar, though.

05-19-2011, 10:53 AM
I maybe a little late, but I'll take over the lunch serving duties from LH now that I see he's been taken over right now!

05-19-2011, 12:09 PM
:) I will have to aggree with you on the comercial stuff is lousy.. Personaly I like homemade salsa the best.. But then everything homemade is much better.. Come Orc lets get that Mega Water Blaster overhere by the Firpit.. I see a few tall flames.. Hey how about a Lg LIT for me & the Orc please.. Yes Orc you can have a umbrella & fruit in your LIT..

And what's wrong with NY salsa?

I'm willing to bet I could whip up a decent batch.... though the commercial stuff is lousy.

05-19-2011, 12:11 PM
I will bring the potato salad.

Pinot's Mom
05-19-2011, 12:18 PM
I'm BAAACK! :)

Just in time for a grill party I see! Two ballpark dogs for me, and, to celebrate being back in the States - I'll even have A BEER! I never have one of those! :) I brought some dip with special spices from the spice market in Turkey with Ouzo from Greece - careful of that stuff, y'all! :)

05-19-2011, 12:31 PM
Richard, what a great idea - a picnic! I will bring some baked beans right out of the oven.

Please save a s'more for me.

Ooops the baked beans will be a little late - I have to stop and watch a red tailed hawk
right out my back door. So beautiful!

05-19-2011, 06:23 PM
I'll bring the corn on the cob w/lots of butter and salt. Yum!

05-20-2011, 11:15 AM
I'll bring the corn on the cob w/lots of butter and salt. Yum!

Oh man!

Sounds like a party!



I have seen two CARDINALS outside the window and they really are RED! :eek:;)

I'll take some beans?


Hi PM.

Got some pita chips.

Two dogs and a beer?



With pickles?:D


LP and LH.

I almost died when I saw the price of yellow chiles at the store.

About 98 cents in CA and 5.19 cents a pound here in KY!

I am going to have to win the lotto to eat fresh salsa.



Thanks for filling in for me, but could you make sure the ORC wears a hairnet?


05-20-2011, 01:00 PM
Don't forget Phred's famous beer soaked brats and choco chip cookies!!!:love:

05-21-2011, 12:46 AM
Okay, lunch service is going to have to wait, my lap has been viciously siezed by a cat demanding attention, and my right hand has been appropriated by a dog demanding the same.

Ingredients are all behind the bar, though.

That is one of the best possible reasons for lunch to wait! While you are delivering attention, LH, I will put some franks and burgers on the grill. It's a pretty big grill so I will do a few vegies too. Could someone please pass me a bottle of water?

Pinot's Mom
05-21-2011, 06:15 AM
Richard, I have news for you, we don't actually BUY chili peppers; we GROW them! Much less expensive that way. Our salsa is all home grown. You'll have to get yourself a garden.

Anyway....breakfast? Coffee's on, brought some baklava (turkish); I know it's not healthy, but it's GOOD. There are also some sundried apricots (really good). Help yourselves! :)

Lady's Human
05-21-2011, 09:09 AM
Orc, take care of the water for the griller, willlya?:p


Baklava's good for you, it has nuts, honey, those are good for you!

Lady's Human
05-21-2011, 09:55 AM
As I can't get any work done outside today (the ground is a saturated sponge), we're going to a baseball game.

Should the world come to an end while we're at the game, could someone shoot me a PM and let us know?


05-22-2011, 06:29 AM
As I can't get any work done outside today (the ground is a saturated sponge), we're going to a baseball game.

Should the world come to an end while we're at the game, could someone shoot me a PM and let us know?


Well, still here....Life goes on!;)


I was thinking about Phred the other day. I saw a fire engine on the street.


More dogs and burgers? And a water.



One of the saddest things about moving was having to let my garden go to seed.

I had a huge tomato plant, peppers, bell and chili, green onions and a pumpkin plant that was getting HUGE...

None of the tomatoes made it to the kitchen, I ate them off the vine.:eek:;)

05-22-2011, 11:15 AM
Well, be patient and I will be able to share our home grown heirloom tomatoes this year.................

we have Abe Lincoln, Paul Robeson and Clint Eastwood..............

so far the Clint Eastwood looks the best - strong - lots of buds already.

05-22-2011, 03:53 PM
Just grabbing a cherry root beer. We have rain moving in again. sigh
Also under a tornado watch until 9 pm. I am so sick of the rain. At least we are blessed that it's not snow. :love:

05-22-2011, 06:33 PM
Ooh, is the grill still going? I brought some little neck clams for steamers and lots of butter. Maybe we can get LH to make some clam fritters and onion rings too.

05-22-2011, 06:52 PM
Ooh, is the grill still going? I brought some little neck clams for steamers and lots of butter. Maybe we can get LH to make some clam fritters and onion rings too.

Clam cakes and steamed clams with butter?? Count me in - and you'd better have bushels - I can eat my weight in steamed clams!
If you ever want to try a different recipe for clam cakes, check out the one I posted for Rocky Point clam cakes in the recipe thread. They are awesome! :D

Pinot's Mom
05-22-2011, 07:36 PM
First of all, I know Pom's approximate weight-eating that many clams isn't that big of a deal. ;) Second; CLAMS??? STEAMED CLAMS WITH BUTTER? I am SO in!! Keep them coming with Chardonnay, please?:)

Lady's Human
05-22-2011, 07:58 PM
Sure, I go outside to mow the hayfield and I come back to find I'm behind the grill again?

Okay, but we're doing 'em my way........steamers over a firepit, and the clam fritters done there as well.

Orc, stand by with the super soaker, willya? Don't want the fire to get out of control.

05-22-2011, 08:15 PM
Sure, I go outside to mow the hayfield and I come back to find I'm behind the grill again?

Okay, but we're doing 'em my way........steamers over a firepit, and the clam fritters done there as well.

Orc, stand by with the super soaker, willya? Don't want the fire to get out of control.

Too bad the bar isn't at the beach. You could do an old fashioned clam bake. Dig a deep hole - throw in some clams and lobsters and seaweed, and cook that way. I don't think Orc could spoil that - or could he??? :confused::eek:

Lady's Human
05-23-2011, 08:33 AM
Breakfast burritos anyone?

05-24-2011, 07:49 PM
Yes on everything for me! Too bad, I just had a lumbar epidural, so I'm gonna chill (with a chilled beer) and watch you all do your stuff. I'll bring my appetite. I'm starving. ;)

05-25-2011, 08:23 PM
How's about some burgers and dogs? Those I know I can cook on the grill. Maybe a rootbeer float for desert?