View Full Version : This Morning Was So Wonderful....Last Night Was Too

05-18-2011, 09:33 AM
Hi All-

As some of you may have saw my other post about trapping cats possibly....well I did catch 2 of them.

One is seeming to do so well and the other is not. They are both scheduled to be fixed on Thursday evening. The thing is they are temporarily staying with a friend of mine in her back cage outback till I can figure out what I'm going to do. I was set on doing just a TNR. Figured they are strays/feral so that's what I'd do.

Well the one has proven me wrong. Last night I went by to clean their litter, feed, water, etc. I went and petted both even though they were huddled against the wall. They didn't move too much and I figured well I'm going to put my hand in front and see if I can pet their faces and see what happens....I thought well 2 things they are going to let me pet them or I'm going to get bit and scratched.

I'm pleased to say that the one orange boy was so happy to be getting petted. He even rolled a little closer to me so I could pet him, he came out a little bit to get some food and then went back, it was so amazing. I couldn't believe this is the same cat I got on Sunday.

Well this morning I stopped by to see how things were going and the same boy was out on top of a cat carrier laying on a blanket. When I did come in he moved towards the back next to his buddy.

After cleaning up their area a bit I went over to them and pet each one on the side where I could reach and I just was talking semi-softly to them both and the one that has the most orange on him and who was wanting attention last night decided he would like to come out.

It was so amazing!

I was just so excited to see him want some attention, the other one didn’t move. :(

But this one came over to me laid down in front me and just let me pet him and love on him. It was just so wonderful to see that.

The pictures I took this morning were from my cell phone so the quality isn’t great but you will see him start to come out and then he comes out all the way! I’ll do a separate post with the photos I took last night so you can the other orange/white boy.


05-18-2011, 09:38 AM
Here are the ones I took from last night.

I know they look very scared, but this is before I started petting them both.

I'm really trying to find them both a home very quickly. If anyone would like to adopt either one, please contact me ASAP. I really don't want to release them back outside.


05-18-2011, 09:44 AM
What Great Little Owesome Orangies!!!:love::love:
We wish we could take one, in Michael's name:love::love:
God Bless you for helping the Helpless!!!:love::love:

05-18-2011, 01:44 PM
Good work, Melissa. The fact they are orange and young will be of great benefit when they go out for adoption (you see, I know you are going to make headway with the shyer one.) The one who is already friendly is leaning into your hand hard and I'm sure he'll be climbing your pant legs for attention very soon.

TNR is hard; I can't do it because I can't stop trying to "save them all" so leave it friends who can. But, they don't like fostering so I will take the sick ones for them. As long as we are all working together we can feel we are making a difference - certainly you are, and have been for years.

05-18-2011, 03:21 PM
I really don't want to release them back outside.


Oh how I know that feeling!

Those photos are wonderful. Sometimes, having one accept petting gives the other confidence. Blessing for them!

05-18-2011, 03:38 PM
Yep that's true....hopefully he will come around....I just can't keep them so if any of you can pass on about these 2 boys I'd appreciate it so much!

Thank you,

05-18-2011, 04:00 PM
They are beautiful! The orangie reminds me so much of Catmandu's Michael!

Malibu's Mom
05-18-2011, 04:47 PM
I hope you find them a good home soon. I have a soft spot for orangies. :love: I plan on doing TNR myself and I'm worried I wouldn't be able to release them, or maybe even end up with more cats! :eek:

05-19-2011, 12:32 PM
Well these two boys are going to be fixed tonight! Then we have decided instead of leaving them outdoors in a cage we will take them into our place. Please helps us find these 2 a forever home if you can.

I'm going to try as hard as I can too.

Just keep some happy thoughts for the 2 tonight please. Thanks!


05-19-2011, 12:35 PM
:love: The two babies are so Adorable.. I will bet you find them homes soon.. Thanks for the hard work you do with the rescues..

05-19-2011, 12:46 PM
Lots and lots of luck to them and you. Is the shyer kitten coming around now? As you know, sometimes the handling they have to go through for neutering, etc. can make them more social. Where are you going to keep them in your home? Will a rescue organization help you with putting them out for adoption?

05-19-2011, 03:01 PM
Lots and lots of luck to them and you. Is the shyer kitten coming around now? As you know, sometimes the handling they have to go through for neutering, etc. can make them more social. Where are you going to keep them in your home? Will a rescue organization help you with putting them out for adoption?

The shyer one I was able to hold last night, I wanted to test him a little bit just to see how he would do. I took him out from under his hiding spot just to do an all over check out and he left me hold him. I put him down rather quickly but he did very well with letting me hold him.

I'm going to keep them separate from everyone else just for a while till they get used to the sounds and then depending on if they are wanting to play and such we'll probably let them out with our younger kitties.

I'm going to check with Paws to see if we can be put on their wait list, they are no kill and they tend to adopt cats out a lot quicker than I can and do.


I'll just be glad when I find out the results of the combo test, I hope they are both negative.


05-19-2011, 03:28 PM
Prayers and good wishes that all goes well with the fixing and that the kitties find PURRFECT homes soon.

God bless you, Melissa. :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

05-19-2011, 05:39 PM
I'm hoping the tests some back negative and that the spaying goes well. I also hope you can find them furrever homes quickly. :)

05-23-2011, 02:39 PM
Well the 2 boys made it through surgery and they both tested negative!!

They are now ready to go to their forever home.

Anyone interested??


05-23-2011, 03:25 PM

Thank you so much, Melissa, for looking out for guys like these. You have done wonders for so many!


05-24-2011, 12:15 AM
Well the 2 boys made it through surgery and they both tested negative!!

They are now ready to go to their forever home.

Anyone interested??


This is wonderful news.:D I live too far away and I already have a house full. I'm sending positive vibes that these two little boys will find their forever loving homes very soon. I also hope that they'll be able to stay together. Good luck.:)

05-24-2011, 01:42 PM
Well the 2 boys made it through surgery and they both tested negative!!

They are now ready to go to their forever home.

Anyone interested??


Congratulations on the good news. I'm sure a number of people on this forum would be interested - if they didn't already have a house full.

It can be hard to get older kittens out into the adoption arena at this time of year when the very young kittens are flooding the rescues/shelters etc. and those organizations know the adoption rate for an 8 week old kitten is fairly rapid. When I've fostered older kittens, especially those who were feral, it's taken months of being a squeaky wheel before the shelter would give me a date and adoption center. I don't blame them at all, they know what people want. Anyway, enjoy those orange boys while you have them, they will be out of your home soon enough. Just hope you don't get any more calls in the interim.

05-24-2011, 02:34 PM
What gorgeous kitties - and one of them is already very friendly. I'm so glad they tested negative and I hope they'll find a loving home soon. :love:

Thanks for all you're doing for them. :)

05-26-2011, 09:22 AM
I took some photos of Simon (mostly orange) and Albert (more white and orange) last night and figured I'd share them.

05-26-2011, 12:10 PM
What pretty kitties they both are! Thank you.

05-26-2011, 02:50 PM
Yes they are, Simon has started to talk now, :) which is so weird hearing a kitty meow for the first time :)

Albert is trying to come around it's just taking him a bit longer than his brother.


05-26-2011, 03:45 PM
You are going to miss them when they find their forever homes - which won't take long judging by their looks and how quickly they are coming to enjoy human contact.

05-26-2011, 09:45 PM
They're both very handsome and I hope that they'll find their forever loving homes quickly. Good luck.:)

05-27-2011, 10:38 AM
You are going to miss them when they find their forever homes - which won't take long judging by their looks and how quickly they are coming to enjoy human contact.

Yes I am going to miss them but I can't have this many...it's just too many.