View Full Version : Sparky says-woe is me!

05-15-2011, 05:51 PM
Sparky loves to go out. Myndi wants no parts of it and loves to stay in. This puts Mom in the middle! What do I do??? :eek::confused: If I wait long enough - problem solved! :p

05-15-2011, 06:20 PM
Well pom, it looks like you'll have to stand with your body half in/half out of the door to keep these two pups happy!:p They're both adorable!:)

Lilith Cherry
05-15-2011, 06:29 PM
Oh Sparky, you are so darned cute...shame that Myndi doesnt like to join you. I should send Finney and Ben to come to play with you, lol!:)

05-15-2011, 08:55 PM
He hee, what a great photo story! Their faces do say it all, don't they?!

Ellie, take Sparky out for a walk, leave Myndi inside. She will quickly decide she prefers to be w/ both of you!

05-15-2011, 10:25 PM
Awww, what cuties!!! Hey Myndi, I saw a handsome pom that looks a lot like you today at an ARF event. His name is Oscar. :D

4 Dog Mother
05-16-2011, 10:58 AM
Poor Sparky - he looks so sad not getting to go out. But then again ours want out and two seconds later they want back in.

Both your pups are very cute!

05-16-2011, 12:15 PM
Hi, Myndi and Sparky! You are so cute!

05-16-2011, 12:20 PM
:love: Aweee such Adorable Sweet Babies.. great pics thanks

05-16-2011, 08:39 PM
Awww......poor Myndi. What you do is leave her inside with a special treat and then you take Sparky out for a bit of fresh air with you. Too bad we don't have the patience of our dogs.

05-17-2011, 06:23 AM
Sparky and I go out lots by ourselves, and Myndi doesn't mind in the least. I think she enjoys the quiet! Sometimes when we come back in tho, she will be standing at the front window looking out like she's thinking - hey, where did everybody go??? You'd think she would realize that we're out back tho.........;)

Sparky would enjoy some pups to play with, I'm sure - come on Finney and Ben! Myndi's days of romping and roughhousing are over - except of course when she gets wound up with her people. :p:D She's still got a lot of spunk and can show it when the mood strikes her.

Sparky says thanks to everyone who was sympathetic to his plight.......:D