View Full Version : Groucho adopted us 10 years ago!

05-12-2011, 03:23 PM
This is Groucho's 10th Gotcha Week :love: We don't remember the exact day Groucho decided to adopt us and completely change our lives but we're so very glad he did. Soncat and I have said many times that we can't imagine not having this bundle of love around.

Groucho, thank you for all the love and happiness you bring us! And yes, sweetie Grou, you WILL have your favorite chicken dinner in honor of your Gotcha Week!

We hope you know how very much you're loved: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

05-12-2011, 04:03 PM
Happy Gotcha Week #10, Groucho!!!!!!

Party till the cows come home!

Cheers and congratulatory meows from your pals in Ann Arbor,

05-12-2011, 04:09 PM
Wow, Groucho! You've got an entire Gotcha Week! That is wonderful! Please have meowmie and Soncat give you tons of petting, hugs, scritchies and lovies from me. Happy 10th Gotcha Day, Groucho!

05-12-2011, 04:50 PM

I hope you're having a super terrific week :cool:
Enjoy your chicken dinner!

Purrs and love from Guatemalan friends,
Sophie and her humble servant Astrid

05-12-2011, 05:00 PM
WOW!!! You get an entire week!!! My brats are so jealous!!!

HAPPY GOTCHA WEEK DEAR GROUCHO!!! :love::love::love::love::love::love::love:
That's a luvie from each of us!!! :D

05-12-2011, 06:18 PM
Happy Gotcha Week ! Groucho the Great! A whole DeCATade!!!!!

Will you tell us your story again?!

05-13-2011, 01:01 AM
HAPPY 10th GOTCHA WEEK GROUCHO!!! I hope you have a wonderful week of being pampered and spoiled.:)

Queen of Poop
05-13-2011, 04:54 AM
Happy Gotcha Week Groucho!!! Such a special kitty. :love:

05-13-2011, 05:00 AM
Happy Gotcha Week Groucho!!! :D

05-13-2011, 05:52 AM
Happy 10th Gotcha Week Groucho!! Congrats and I hope you enjoyed your day!:D:D:love::love:

05-13-2011, 09:41 AM
Congratulations Groucho, on Ten Years of Love and Companionship together.
It is wonderful that you have a decade of love together , you are so truly happy together!!
We Found , Porch and All of Our Angels are ceebrating your Love!!!

05-13-2011, 10:48 AM
A whole week to celebrate, but of course, you deserve it! :D It has been 10 wonderful years for both you, Momcat and Soncat, I'm sure.

Have fun all week long and don't let them forget the chicken! Fister and I wish you many more happy and healthy years! :love:

Happy Gotcha week, Groucho!

05-13-2011, 10:55 AM
Happy Gotcha Week, Groucho! It's quite obvious you knew very well what you were doing when you adopted your family - congratulations!:D

05-13-2011, 01:19 PM
Happy Gotcha Week, Groucho! May you have many, many, more with your family who adores you!:love:

Killearn Kitties
05-13-2011, 04:28 PM
Hi Groucho! Happy Gotcha Day!! :D
No cat deserves a week of celebration more than you sweetie!
Make sure you celebrate like there's no tomorrow. :love:

05-13-2011, 06:22 PM
Happy Gotcha Week, Groucho!! Hope you have an excellent week, and lots of chicken dinners!!

05-14-2011, 04:34 PM
Hi and thank you to everyone for your good wishes and lovies. I'm a very lucky kitty because Meowmie and Soncat give me a safe and caring home along with unconditional love, attention, and the reassurance that I don't ever have to be afraid of anything. Do you think they know how much I love them too?

A lot of things were going on for Meowmie and Soncat when we found each other. I was living in a nice small pet store with my littermates but we didn't know what would happen to us if we weren't adopted. I guess at the time Meowmie and Soncat needed me as much as I needed them.

Again, thank you for making my Gotcha Week extra special! And tomorrow I dine on my favorite chicken dinner.

Purrs, headbumpies, and kitty kisses,
Your friend,

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-16-2011, 10:11 AM
Inka says:

"hey my dearest Groucho!!!! I hope you have something left from that fabulous chicken dinner you got???"

Lut says: heyGroucho, Inka absolutely wanted to type first, "otherwise he will have eaten all the chicken mom" is what she meowed.......:rolleyes:;). You are a lucky boy Groucho!! I wish I had a whole long week to celebrate my birthday ;)


05-16-2011, 05:31 PM
Hello my lovely Inka! :love: I want to thank you and your Meowmie for your very nice Gotcha Week message! Don't worry about a thing, my sweet, I saved some of my chicken dinner to share with you. I'll call you on your cell phone and we'll arrange to get you to Trenton so we can really celebrate.

Purrs, headbumpies, kitty hugs, and kitty kisses,
Your devoted Groucho