View Full Version : Introduction

05-10-2011, 06:27 PM
Hi Everyone,

My name is Rhonda and I am owned by Huck(the May 2nd Dog of the Day).
Besides Huck I also live with Callie who is 11 and a rescue from the streets of La Paz, Mexico and Wyatt who is 6 years old and a JRT.
We live in San Diego County and compete in agility and also Wyatt competes in terrier trials and we all are avid hikers and hike all over different parts of California. All 3 dogs are therapy dogs and take turns going to work with me at the Assisted Living that I work at. We have a great life living on a 40 acre Arabian horse ranch where I work and manage. I also am owned by Slick, my 20 year old Arabian gelding who I have had his entire life and owned his mother. I look forward to meeting all you animal lovers.

05-10-2011, 07:28 PM
Nice to meet ya! I'm Rachel and I'm from Cleveland, Ohio. I'm actually visiting California for two weeks next Tuesday. I'll be checking out San Diego while I'm in the area with my aunt for the Animal Safari Park. I'm looking forward to that.

05-10-2011, 07:30 PM
Rachel I live 10 minutes from the Safari Park, come on up to the ranch and I can introduce you to my furry trio and the horses:) Enjoy your visit here.

05-10-2011, 08:07 PM
Hello and welcome to Pet Talk! I also live in California. The East Bay....Concord to be exact.
I remember reading about Huck. As you can see from my siggy I also have an Aussie, although she is standard size (I guess you would call it that). And I have what I think is an Aussie mix, Taggart. :)

I am sure you will enjoy it here in Pet Talk Land. Oh, and just to let you know......we LOVE:love: pictures!! :D :D

05-10-2011, 08:09 PM
Thanks, I am glad you all love pictures because I have ALOT of them! LOL I am a hobby photographer and my favorite subjects are the dogs and horses.

05-10-2011, 08:17 PM
We have visited the Wild Animal Park and had a great time! We did the "Photo Safari," which was a little expensive but completely worth it, in my opinion, as we got to ride on a truck into the area where the grazing animals are, got to feed apple chunks to a rhinoceros (yes, I got all slimy, they have such poor vision) and got to touch other animals and feed Rainbow Lorikeets and Paul took a lot of cool pictures! It's such a fun, amazing place that I am sure we'll be back again someday!

05-10-2011, 08:36 PM
Welcome, Rhonda, Huck, Callie & Wyatt!

I'm Sandie. I live in RI with the crew of 15 you see in my siggy. They are all rescues.

Willy and I started Agility in January. Both of us are having a grand time! :)

05-10-2011, 08:48 PM
Welcome!! My name is Shannon, and I have two Springer Spaniels...Boomer and Sooner....We live in the Dallas area....I have visited your neck of the woods before and had a great time. I remember Huck as DOTD because I thought "what a beautiful dog AND a very cute name!!" I don't post much during the school year but, hopefully, I'll get back to it this summer. I think you will love this site....lots of very, very nice people!!

05-10-2011, 08:50 PM
I will always call it the Wild Anmal Park, Safari Park just does not roll off like Wild Animal Park, lol. It is a great place and in fact am going there Sunday with a friend visiting from back east.

05-10-2011, 09:19 PM
Hi Rhonda, welcome to Pet Talk!:D

05-11-2011, 06:21 AM
Hi Rhonda, welcome to pet talk. I am Bill, Kokopup, and I live in Alabama with my wife Celia. Koko's mom. We are owned by Koko, my rescuer, and Rascal, our Tux. I think you will enjoy being a part of this unique group of pet lovers.

05-11-2011, 10:23 AM
Welcome to pettalk, I am in northern california but my daughter is down at UCSD in her freshman year. San Diego is beautiful, I love to visit her.

05-11-2011, 06:55 PM
Rachel I live 10 minutes from the Safari Park, come on up to the ranch and I can introduce you to my furry trio and the horses:) Enjoy your visit here.

Really? I would have to see if I have time! :) Is that in the San Diego area, or just a different city? I can't wait to check that place out. I'm also a freelance/hobbyist photographer as well.

05-11-2011, 08:08 PM
It's San Diego County, we can see the balloon they send up as a ride everyday from the ranch:)

05-11-2011, 08:18 PM
Welcome to PT. Can't wait to see pictures

4 Dog Mother
05-12-2011, 11:44 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk! I'm afraid I am an oldie and don't post as much as I used to. Don't really know why. But I still come back to check out pictures etc. Your dogs are great and so are your pictures.

My name is Diana and I live in Findlay, Ohio which is where there is a Dog Park that many people come to from Pet Talk to get together and enjoy each other, food and letting their dogs run and play together. Another meeting is coming up Memorial Day weekend. So hopefully you will see lots of pictures of lots of dogs if you look under the Meetings section.

Right now we have 6 dogs. We have had Dazzi the longest and she is 11. Taggert is 9, Pippi is 7, and Tucker will be 4 this summer. We added two more dogs last winter. A very good friend and very active Pet Talker died and we inherited his pups, Cinder and Smokey. They are about 10 too. Everyone gets along great for the most part but we have a very active house at times.

I have two daughters who are also Pet Talkers. Cincy's Mom is my oldest and she has 3 dogs all lab mixes, Sadie, Cincy and Spot. My youngest has 3 also Dakota, a Great Dane, Destiny, a Dalmation and Sierra, a Terrier mix. We are probably the only people I know that have more dogs for Thanksgiving Dinner than people.

I hope you enjoy Pet Talk and continue to post and add lots of pictures.