View Full Version : Ferret Types And Colors

05-09-2011, 05:04 PM
Yes, there are different ferret types and colors. Many of these are distinguished by not only the coloring of their fur but also their markings.

Look, for example, at the “Siamese Ferret.” As might you may guess if you’re at all familiar cat breeds, the Siamese Ferret possess darker “points” on his face. His “mask” as it’s called resembles the letter “V”.

There’s also a champagne version of the Siamese or point ferret. This particular kind has no mask, but the nose is lighter in color, most of the time it’s pink or beige and usually has a “T” outline.

The Solid Ferret. You might guess that the solid ferret is the one who votes regularly . . . holds a steady job . . . no, no, that’s just a small ferret joke. Okay, a very small ferret joke.

The solid ferret possesses a more concentrated coloring than the standard ferret. And in the ideal world, all of his guard-hairs will be colored. It’s not that he doesn’t have points, mind you. You just can’t distinguish them.

A solid ferret, in fact, should also possess a full T-bar mask as well as a nose color that matches his coat color.

The Standard Ferret. This ferret sounds like he’s about to win some outstanding award at an all-ferret pet show. The standard ferret is probably the most common type you’ll find today. The guard-hairs on this little critter are no less than 90 percent the same color compared to his white guard-hairs.

The body color appears lighter than the points on the legs and tail. This makes the points much easier to see. Standards are additionally identified by their nose colors, which should be appropriate for their body colors and their full or T-bar masks.

There are different shades of ferrets. It makes little difference what the ferrets are called. The important aspect of this is to know that all ferrets are typically grouped according to their coloring.

Black ferret for example, is a remarkably beautiful animal. His guard-hairs are actually black while his undercoat is either white or has a light golden cast to it. His eyes are black or as close to black as possible.

And of course, his cute little ferret nose is also black. Sometimes, you’ll find the nose of the black ferret to be a speckled black.

Don’t confuse the black ferret, described above with the black sable. While the black sable appears at first glance to be black, upon closer examination, you’ll discover he’s actually an extremely dark brown. He too has a white or even a cream colored undercoat.

This is hardly noticeable through the very dark guard-hairs. His eyes are also a very deep dark brown — almost black. And of course this ferret’s nose is also black.

But you may see some black sable ferrets with a mottled — or marbled — blackish brown nose.

Chocolate. Yes, this ferret is described as chocolate because his fur is that delicious shade of brown. And while you’re envisioning this ferret, think of the sable, because the coloring is closely related to the black sable. The undercoat of this particular animal has either a golden cast or its white.

More than likely you’ll find that the chocolate ferret has brown eyes, but you may see one here and there who has dark burgundy eyes. And yes, they are every bit as beautiful as they sound.

Now after all this dark chocolate floating in front of you imagine a light pink nose either with or without the brown “T” outline. Sometimes you’ll discover this variety of ferret also has a beige or brick colored nose.

Champagne. Think diluted chocolate. This particular ferret is a light to medium tan and may be as dark as a “diluted chocolate” say the experts. His white undercoat may get as dark as a cream color, but usually no darker.

This fuzzy critter’s eyes can range from a light color to a dark burgundy. Like his chocolate ferret friend, the champagne ferret has a nose that in most cases is pink. And you may find that these may or may not have the brown to beige “T” outline.

Cinnamon. The coat of the cinnamon ferret is an absolutely gorgeous shade of light reddish brown. The undercoat that corresponds to this is either white or has a golden cast to it.

The eyes of this guy are light to medium burgundy with a pink nose. You may also find this variety of ferret to have a dark a nose as beige with a brick colored “T” outline.

Curiously, many experts will tell you that none of this really matters. The truth of the matter, they say, is that true red cinnamon ferrets don’t even exist today! Go figure!

Albino. The albino ferret, just like an albino in any other species, lacks any pigment in his skin or his eyes. This type of ferret may range from a creamy white to a snow-white color both on the guard-hairs themselves as well as the undercoat. Every albino also has light to medium pink eyes. And every albino ferret has a pink nose.

DEW — Dark-eyed white. This ferret, in many ways, resembles the albino variety. He has either a white or cream colored coat or a pink nose. But instead of the pink eyes of the albino ferret this category of mammal has dark burgundy eyes.

The DEW pattern of this animal possesses 10 percent — and in some cases less — guard-hairs in the form of a stripe, colored tail spots or sprinkled throughout the coat itself.

The DEW ferrets have one disadvantage. This variety tends to be prone to deafness, a result of the Woardensburg Syndrome. This is the same syndrome which causes deafness in white long-haired cats with at least one blue eye.

Visit http://www.howtotakecareofferret.com to get more ferret information.

05-09-2011, 08:28 PM
I have a white long haired cat with two blue eyes & he seems to be able to hear fine so far. Can this syndrome affect his hearing later on in life? He was born last fall so is still a youngster & a Siamese barn cat cross. He does have some orange coloring on his tail, the tips of his ears, around his eyes.

Suki Wingy
05-09-2011, 11:43 PM
I would move this to the "pet general" section.

05-10-2011, 10:03 AM
and pictures to each description would be really nice too..