View Full Version : Depressed and angry

11-03-2002, 06:57 PM
I spent over a month looking for a place to live that allows dogs. Nothing, nada, zip. Only one place that was an absolute dump and way too much money. I talked to everyone I could think of just about...called dozens of places...begged...pleaded
NOTHING!!! I think this blanket no pets policy everyone has just SUCKS ROCKS! it's like you have to be rich and own a house to have a freaking dog these days....So my bf and i decided I should stay a couple more months to see how 'thinks work out'. I would desperately love to have my own place where Juneau and I could be happy and safe....grrrrr. One thing is for darned sure, i will NOT give up my dog come heck or high water! I don't care if we have to live in my car!

11-03-2002, 07:09 PM
I don't know how it works in Canada, but here in the States, you can buy some houses with no money down and your house payments are generally less than rent and you start to earn equity in the house AND you can have your dog without paying a deposit!! Good luck in your search.

11-03-2002, 07:11 PM
The only really good solution is buy a house, but I have been in the same boat - trying to rent with a dog and two cats.

I looked for months...and I even weeded out a lot of places because the first question I would ask is "Do you allow pets?" I found a lot of places that would only allow the cats, or only cats or *small* dogs, so after that answer I would say "thanks, but no thanks" and say goodbye.

I finally found the perfect place - a farmhouse that was a couple hundred more a month than I wanted to pay, but I lost it when someone who had looked at the place before me rented it. :(

After some long and anxious months, I found a two bedroom condo that allowed all my pets. :) It was still more expensive than I wanted to pay, but what could I do? Later, while I lived there, some irresponsible people who lived in a anorther unit (and had a bunch of dogs) did over $50,000 in damage, so the new renters were told "no pets allowed".

So that is what is ruining it for all of us responsible pet owners - people whose pets ruin rental units.

Now I live in a house, my BF owns it. So his two dogs, my dog, and our three cats live here, and nobody can tell us "no pets allowed.

11-03-2002, 07:11 PM
any housing in the lower mainland of BC is veeeryyyyy expensive..you would pretty much need two incomes or a well-paying job. The annoying thing is I earn at least four dollars more an hour *salary* than min wage and my rental options are very limited. Geez

11-03-2002, 07:17 PM
wow i am amazed you were able to find any rentals with all those animals ! I am getting a 'tude with the ppl being jerks about my dog. He is house broken, RARELY barks, good natured and yet all they will allow is small dogs (which face it, tend to bark) I used to have a smaller dog and boy when he wanted something he would YAP! it was piercing! :). My bf's mother recently got an American Eskimo, cute but crikey! the yap on that thing! it was enough to make your ears bleed :)

11-03-2002, 07:38 PM
Urg, I know how you feel..My moms apt is all of a sudden not allowing pets, so my mom either has to move out, or get rid of our cat. But she can't find ANYWHERE..I really know how you feel, you kinda think ppl would have apt's just for ppl looking for a place to live like that, they'd def get the money..

11-03-2002, 08:37 PM
um, I am pretty sure they CANNOT do that! did your mom sign a rental agreement stating she is allowed to have the cat???? make sure she has a copy of it! if she signed a document that says that the landlord CANNOT force her to leave because of the cat! At least, that is what I think.....PLEASE contact your local tenancy thingie they can tell you what your landlord is legally allowed to do.

11-03-2002, 09:07 PM
Yeah, Lalania, that is the way it worked when I rented my condo - people who already had pets were allowed to keep them (including me, and believe me, if anyone had told me I had to get rid of them or move, I would have raised heck), but *new* people who were coming in were told no pets.

I can't figure out either why some places only allow small dogs, but not big ones, the only thing I could figure is there is more liability with having the big ones. I know that even with homeowners insurance they won't cover you if you have certain "bad" breeds of dogs - and those are usually the larger breeds like Rotties and the like (I'm not saying Rotties are bad - it's just what the insurance companies think). We just had the insurance updater checking on our dogs a few months ago, luckily all three of our dogs are mutts. So when he asked what breeds we have, I just said mutts.

11-03-2002, 09:11 PM
yeah my dog is a mutt too but they don't seem to care.
I wish i could just move back to my mom's as shameful as that would be, but they have a no big dogs policy there too!

11-04-2002, 12:45 AM
I got lucky, I rent a nice room in a big condo & I get the run of the house, free food, free everything else & if I help the boys rake up the leaves I get $20.00 & so do they. I have most of my pets here, I decided it would be a bad idea to dring my dog here since they don't train their dogs, nor take them to the vet, unless the city of Ottawa (in Ontario Canada) makes them. But I left my dog with my dad so my dog is fairly happy. I only pay $225.00 per month. & hopefully I'll be reunited with my good old dog in a years time.

11-04-2002, 01:01 AM
or call the local humane society or shelter and ask them for pamphlets or referrals. You should be able to find an apartment rental book of some sort that will help you narrow it down.
I haven't encountered that problem b/c I just looked at apartments and my dad finally said "this is really stupid, you need to find something to buy." and lo and behold we found a TINY house with one bedroom,living room, kitchen, and bathroom and a 2 car garage, that I could afford. Most of my friends that have apartments are appalled at my house payment!!!! $250.00!!!! I moved in in June and my animals came after that!!

11-04-2002, 01:10 AM
luckily in Tucson most apartments let you have pets. But some have a small dog policy, and some have a 1 pet per room policy. So if you have a two bedroom you can have two pets and so on. The last apt. I lived in the manager that helped us fill out the paper work loved us and our cats that she didn't even charge us a pet depoit. But we still had to pay the $10 pet rent a month which wasn't that bad. I have a house now so I Corkscrew when I moved into the house.

11-04-2002, 01:36 AM
Originally posted by popcornbird
The reason, its a brand new 5 bedroom house that doesn't deserve to get dog poo and pee at this young age! We plan to live in it, so we don't want it smelling like dog poo or cat pee, although we did have cats negotiable. We just never got a cat family that showed up. Bird people were also negotiable and outdoor bunnies are welcome, if they remain outdoor. We had some dog families show up but we had to tell them we couldn't give the house to people with dogs. We do feel bad not giving it to them, but hey, its our house, and if we don't want dog pee on the carpets, its our right. :) Even the most trained dog or cat CAN have accidents.

Just wanted to state my opinion here. I have 3 dogs living in my house, and my house certainly does not smell like dog poo, it doesn't even smell like "dog" lol. Smokey is 16, and he often has accidents as he has some issues there with the old age. And of course Nebo had a couple of accidents when I was potty training him (although not much). They make products to take out the smell and clean it up nicely. Birds, cats and other pets can also have accidents. Of course it's obviously your right to not want dogs in the house, I just wanted to say that.....just because people have dogs in the house does not mean their house is going to be dirty and smelly....lol....course I suppose it doesn't mean that it wouldn't be either, but it would depend on the people...

And as far as the original topic, I'm very afraid of what to do if I want to move out. I would never leave my Nebo baby behind, and i know it's hard to find a place with what is considered a "big" dog. Oh well, I'll just have to deal with things as they come along.

11-04-2002, 05:37 AM
My fiance and I had a lot of trouble finding an apt that would allow one declawed neutered cat!! I'd say about 90% of the apts here have no pet policies. But we finally found one and I ended up getting another cat-hehe (the landlord didn't know about the 2nd one). Now that we've bought a house (well 3 years ago), I have 4 cats and don't have to worry about anyone's rules!!! My friend just got an apt. She told the landlord she had 2 cats, but she really has 6 and a bunny and 2 canaries. Lucky for her, the landlord is an animal lover!:)

11-04-2002, 05:42 AM
Originally posted by popcornbird

Don't mean it to be smelly or dirty. We don't want dog poo/pee in the carpet period whether it smells or not. We spent a lot of money on that carpet when we got the house built. Its a very high quality carpt, and we don't want any animal peeing in it, whether its a dog or a cat or a rabbit. Whatever. But especially a dog, because in my religion, dogs are considered impure and cannot be kept inside the house anyway. They can only be kept for guarding, helping the blind, or other neccesseties. Don't get me wrong, its very important in our religion to be kind to all animals including dogs, and to feed them and care for them if they are in your guardianship, etc., but their saliva, and of course poo and pee, are considered impure, so we wouldn't want them peeing in the house. Birds can have accidents, but they really don't "pee" or do anything that would soak into the carpet. Their "poop" is just like a little dot that gets cleaned just by touching it with a napkin................the whole thing transfers onto the napkin. LOL! If our house had a REALLY big yard and a room type of area to keep the dogs in, then there wouldn't be a problem, but as far as having dogs INSIDE the house, well, that's a big no no.

What religion is that? I must comment that it is interesting that the thred is about the difficulties in renting with pets, YOU (well, your family) had difficulties with it, initially, BUT, you then mention how you don't/won't let pets into the home you own....hmmmm...something seems contradictory here.

11-04-2002, 11:36 AM
Um I agree with Johanna. Do as I say not as I do.
And personally I have been around birds and my dog and cat are both cleaner than them. Especially my cat. blech
I don't have a problem with people who love birds but I know I don't want one in my home.
I understand your religion says that dogs are impure, but feces is feces is feces. No other way around it. No matter what produces it, it stinks and is gross. Granted I would rather have a small amount like a bird drops on my car than that of a great dane but whatever.

11-04-2002, 11:42 AM
HEY!!! What's wrong with Great Dane poop??? It's easier to see!! lol!!!

Sorry pop, but I know people of your religion and they have dogs and love them to pieces and have them in the house. And, they are VERY religious people. Guess it's just a matter of choice eh?

11-04-2002, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom
I understand your religion says that dogs are impure, but feces is feces is feces. No other way around it. No matter what produces it, it stinks and is gross. Granted I would rather have a small amount like a bird drops on my car than that of a great dane but whatever.

Look up in the sky! Its a bird, no its a plane, no, its GREAT DANE POOP! He he he...

I guess I just don't get exclusionary religion. Where does it say- or what person is preaching "Dog poo and pee is impure, but the rest of the animal kingdom- well- their stuff is A.O.K"? And, my sister has FIVE cocketials (those noisy things he he he) and do not tell me BIRDS AREN'T messy...and that their poop and pee just picks up on a napkin!!! I have never seen an animal that has what looks to be perpetual diarrhrea like birds!!!! I like them, don't misunderstand me, but give me a cat litter box anyday to clean!

11-04-2002, 12:09 PM
May I ask what religion is that? Just curious!

11-04-2002, 12:12 PM
possibly Islam? some cleric guy in Iran is 'arresting' all dogs

11-04-2002, 12:20 PM
I have always thought it cruel that some people leave their dogs outside 24/7, a guy I work with leaves his dog outside 24/7 because it is 'too big' :confused:
But he lives in a house!! Juneau gets free run of the backyard and sleeps beside our bed every night. I would not have it any other way :) and I'm an atheist so no animal is 'unclean' to me besides perhaps the human animal *G*

11-04-2002, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Mugsy, people of my religion who have dogs AS PETS (inside the house) are not following every aspect of the religion. Just as you have practicing Christians and non-practicing Christians, you also have practicing Muslims and non practicing Muslims.

Not being religiously "Pure", thou I do consider myself a christian, I don't think "not following every aspect of the religion" equates to "non practicing" anything! Last I checked- only one of us was perfect and pure...so, that makes the rest of us SINNERS. The no dogs in the house choice you are expressing seems to me to be more of a CHOICE, not some religious edict..at least based on your explanation. And, that is FINE. I just don't think it is right to throw the religious angle on it. I know you cannot be "following every aspect of the religion" because you (being human) are not perfect. So, dogs could come in the house you own, the house you rent, etc. Your family CHOOSES to own pets, and you want the landlord to LET you, but you don't want to do the reverse- let others have pets in your house. It isn't religion. It is a human characteristic best described as hypocritical.

11-04-2002, 12:26 PM
Boy do I agree on that one Laliana!! I'd rather be an atheist (which I'm not) than think that a dog is unclean. At least I understand the Jewish thing about pork...when it came about it was necessary and now it's just a tradition. Now as for dogs....there is no historical reason for a dog to be considered unclean or impure. Humans are a lot more "impure" than dogs.

11-04-2002, 12:28 PM
OOPS!! Sorry for the misspell Lalania!!

11-04-2002, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by Lalania
possibly Islam? some cleric guy in Iran is 'arresting' all dogs

That seems so amusing to me...They would need twice as many handcuffs, wouldn't they? What were they arresting them for? Unlawful peeing? Violation of a barking ordinance? Roughhousing?

11-04-2002, 12:34 PM
Gee now THAT paints an interesting mental image! lol Oh btw...human exrement is far more "impure" than dogs.

11-04-2002, 12:36 PM
GROSS!!! Maybe they poop outside near the dog's house?

11-04-2002, 01:13 PM
I love ur last 2 posts... hahahahaha!!!

11-04-2002, 01:18 PM
Yep Jess....we can get "catty" on here can't we!!

11-04-2002, 04:28 PM
One last statement. Christ was a Jew and then formed the Catholic church...you know....catholic...universal??? Now, did they all originate from the same religion....I don't believe so...belief in a Higher Being...yes....same religion no.

11-04-2002, 04:57 PM
hahah mugs!
The cleric is arresting dogs cause he's an extremist
wish i could find the url again...

11-04-2002, 05:00 PM
Lalania- when I first moved to Massachusetts, I called around looking for a place to rent. I stopped telling people that I had a cat (I only had one then). I would call places that clearly stated, "no pets". I rented all three apartments in Mass with a cat..and here is what I did. I let the person get to know me..as much as one does when you are interviewing to rent anyhow. Then, when they saw my application, me, references, then I told them about little bitty Tex..and things went in my favor.

I know with Jun-bug it might be a little tougher, as it's hard to say you have a little itty bitty 75 lb dog...but, it might be worth a try. I don't know the housing market there, so maybe it won't..good luck.

11-04-2002, 05:11 PM
I think it's lame too Pbird :( poor dogs and dog parents in Iran
sniff i think you can be fined or something there now for merely owning a dog and if they catch you with it they take the dog away

11-04-2002, 05:13 PM
AAACCCKKK!!! I'd better not EVER go to Iran (not that I would want to mind you)...I'd be executed with my 18 dogs.

11-04-2002, 05:23 PM
LoL eighteen dogs..that's alotta poop
i have way too many plastic shopping bags, want some?!?

11-04-2002, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by mugsy
AAACCCKKK!!! I'd better not EVER go to Iran (not that I would want to mind you)...I'd be executed with my 18 dogs.

NO WAY! I knew there was something about you...you and your dozen and a half dogs. Where do they all sleep? How do you feed that many? Man, you must have really fertil grass...he he he..

11-04-2002, 05:28 PM
wouldn't wanna walk around in that yard with all the doggie mines *G*

11-04-2002, 05:39 PM
There's no time for fertilizing....they tear it up too quickly!!! lol Oh and send those trash bags my way! hehehe;) Feeding time is the most chaotic time of the day, but they all have their place and we just say "ROOMS!" and they all head to the right place and we put the bowls down and they snarf it down. Rinny is the only issue, he's REALLY food aggressive...even to us, so he's fed in a cage. Hmmmm.....I'm having an idea....I know...stop the world...but...what if we collected ALL the dog poop in my back yard and sent it to Saddam??? He'd probably die on the spot and we wouldn't have to send troops in...I could be the heroine of the war on terrorism! What do you guys think??? Ok Ok...I know I've spent too much time here today when I should have been sleeping this sickness away. But...in 20 minutes I'm taking an hour break to watch my nightly JAG episode...I'm obsessed.

11-04-2002, 05:42 PM
I think that poop grenade is an excellent idea. While we are waiting to drop the "P" bomb, why don't we stockpile it at your house!!!!!! My cats are creating as we speak!

11-04-2002, 05:43 PM
found the URL doesn't load here but I *am* on dial-a-joke *G*
iran cleric arresting dogs (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20021013/od_uk_nm/oukoe_life_iran_dogs_1)

11-04-2002, 05:44 PM
OK....that's a TMI alert! lol I'll have to email ol' Georgy boy and let him know my plan. Think he'll go for it? hehehehe

11-04-2002, 05:47 PM
WHAT AN IDIOT!!!! oh MY GOD!! How ironic is that?? There's the article that Lalania is talking about.

Iran cleric wants to arrest all dogs
Sun Oct 13,11:30 AM ET

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Dogs and their owners could become the latest target of a clampdown on moral corruption in Iran after a hardline cleric called for canines of all shapes to be arrested.

"I call on the judiciary to arrest all long-legged, medium- legged and short-legged dogs along with their long-legged owners," the newspaper quoted Gholamreza Hassani, Friday prayer leader in the northwestern city of Urumiyeh, as saying.

"Otherwise I'll do it myself," the Etemad newspaper on Sunday quoted the cleric as saying.

While canines are reviled by strict Muslims for being "unclean", dog-ownership has increased in Iran in recent years especially among well-to-do, Westernised Iranians.

"In our country there is freedom of speech, but not freedom for corruption," said Hassani, famous for his often eccentric outbursts. "Some evil people interpret freedom to promote un- Islamic and corrupt behaviour."

Police and hardline judiciary agents have carried out sporadic clampdowns on dogs in Iran, fining owners and confiscating their pets in streets and public parks.

In his latest comments, Hassani appeared to be widening the net of his anti-canine campaign since last year when he thanked police for confiscating short-legged dogs in Urumiyeh.

11-04-2002, 05:51 PM
WOW, how refreshingly ignorant. Leave the canines alone, just go after the people!

11-04-2002, 06:08 PM
Ain't it the truth!

11-04-2002, 11:50 PM
WOW!! what happens while I am away!!!

11-05-2002, 01:35 PM
Dogs unclean? I thought it was pigs.....
uh huh.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

11-05-2002, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
That's right. Pigs are unclean. Pigs are impure inside/out. Dog's saliva, that's what we consider unclean. Get it now? I hope so. But what they are doing in Iran is absolutely ridiculous and against the teachings of the religion. Some people :rolleyes:
Many, many, many people take religion out of context.

Not to start another religous discussion, but to me...dog saliva isn't any different than horse saliva, pig saliva, cat saliva (yes, cats drool), etc. I don't understand the distinction. Is it a regional thing?

11-05-2002, 03:34 PM
Pigs actually like being clean, they lay in mud to cool off and to rid pests off them. Pigs are also the most intelligent farm animal!

11-06-2002, 12:07 AM
Have you tried asking your vet? My BF and I mentioned apartment hunting one time while in our vets office and walked out with a list of places that were pet friendly, including places that allowed large dogs. Evidently they started the list because their vet techs were having a hard time finding pet friendly places. Your vet, animal shelters, heck, even pet stores may know of animal friendly places to rent....even if it's just meeting someone in one of these places who knows someone else who is a pet friendly renter. Just a thought. Good Luck.