View Full Version : Prevent Blindness in Geriatric Cats

04-27-2011, 02:20 PM
My Cato is 19 and blind. I had no idea he had high blood pressure (aka hypertension). I assume that's what caused his blindness, because the vet put him on Amlodipine, which is Norvasc. I didn't know; I looked it up. I've learned that hypertension in cats can lead to kidney failure and blindness, which can appear suddenly. If I had known Cato was hypertensive before he went blind and that I could give him Amlodipine to prevent it, I would have done so.

Cato gets around by feeling his way; a cat's whiskers are incredible devices! At this point, his retinas are scarred so I doubt anything can be done for his blindness, but he acts relatively happy, affectionate and functional. He climbs on me and meows in my ear to wake me up and does so with great persistence.

My advice is to have your cat or dog checked for high blood pressure - especially if he or she is getting on in years - and discuss this issue with your vet. If Amlodipine is prescribed, be sure not to use two doses close together, and look for info such as: http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=A&C=31&A=1215&S=0

04-27-2011, 05:54 PM
Thank you for this info. All of my oldies are gone now but even my younguns are getting up in years. :)