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04-27-2011, 02:05 AM
A Glimpse Of The Royal Wedding Reception Area

Royal Wedding guests to sample best of British food in 19 splendid rooms

By Rebecca English
Last updated at 8:25 AM on 29th March 2011
It has been billed as a low-key royal wedding – but when the couple in question are hosting their reception at Buckingham Palace , the reality is anything but.
Yesterday, just a month before Prince William marries Kate Middleton, palace officials offered a glimpse of the venue and the team working round the clock to ensure their big day goes without a hitch.
Those lucky enough to have been invited, will have access to 19 state rooms, decorated in opulent style, following the Westminster Abbey ceremony on April 29.

Feast your eyes: Exquisitely decorated with red silk damask, the walls of the State Dining Room make a fitting background for the portraits of sovereigns from throughout history. Countless dignitaries, including presidents and prime ministers, have dined here.


Grandeur: Prince William and Kate Middleton's guests will be drinking and dining in opulence. The Blue Drawing Room was the venue for the first State Ball held at the Palace in 1838 before Queen Victoria 's coronation. It has 30 fake onyx columns and a table made for Napoleon.

Fit for a queen: A portrait of Edward VII's wife Queen Alexandra hangs in the White Drawing Room, the grandest of the state rooms overlooking the gardens. A secret door leading to private rooms allows for a discreet Royal entrance.

On the walls will be Old Masters brought out from the vaults of the Royal Collection in honour of the couple, who will no doubt appreciate their finer points as they met studying history of art at St Andrews University .
The focus of the reception will be the picture gallery, where the wedding cake – a traditional multi-tiered fruit cake – will be on display surrounded with works by Canaletto, Rembrandt and Rubens.
Guests will also be able to wander through areas normally reserved for heads of state and other dignitaries in the palace’s west wing, including the White and Blue Drawing Rooms, the Music Room and State Dining Room, all of which date back to the 1820s.

Remarkably, just 60 staff, from chefs and footmen to housekeepers, will be on duty catering for up to 900 guests.
But Edward Griffiths, deputy master of the household, whose department is responsible for all hospitality, says his staff are well drilled. Guests will be offered champagne and canapes ‘from the moment they arrive’, he explained.
Their glasses will be topped up throughout the day – although the Prince and his new wife plan to stick to soft drinks (bar a glass of champagne for the toasts) until later, it is understood.
The Queen’s head chef Mark Flanagan admitted his team would be under pressure but was confident his 21-strong staff – who produce 550 meals a day when the Queen is in residence – were up to the task.
The cooks will be using copper pots to create the wedding breakfast, some of which were first used 190 years ago during the reign of George IV.
Mr Flanagan would not reveal details about what they planned to serve but promised to use ‘the best of British’ and source much of it from the Queen’s gardens and estates.
Each canape is made to be consumed in just ‘two bites’.


A taste of things to come? Could guests be munching on quails' eggs served with celery salt (seen left)? Meanwhile, demi chef de partie Shaun Mason is hard at work preparing thousands of intricately designed sweets.

Delicious treats: A chef of the Royal Household at Buckingham Palace , London , holds a tray of canapes, like those that may be served at the Royal Wedding.


Collection: Wine glasses used during royal receptions are lined up at Buckingham Palace , and right, a copper cooking pot that is still in use today and bears the markings of King George IV sits on a rack in the kitchens at Buckingham Palace.

04-27-2011, 02:47 AM
Opulent: The lavishly decorated White Drawing Room will be one of the rooms used during the wedding reception of Prince William and Kate Middleton.


Fine art: Jennifer Scott, Assistant Curator of Paintings, looks up at a Canaletto from 1723 in the Picture Gallery at Buckingham Palace, which will be one of the rooms used during the wedding reception and right, a Rubens self portrait from 1623 in the Picture Gallery.

Decadent: Jennifer Scott sits underneath the Peter Paul Rubens painting Winter (bottom centre) in the Picture Gallery, which will be used during the wedding reception.

Song and dance: Palace Steward Nigel McEvoy walks through the Music Room, which has seen some of the history's finest pianists play their music on the ornate grand piano and which will be used during the wedding reception.


Splendour: The White Drawing Room includes a stunning chandelier and furniture lined with gold upholster. The room will be one of many others used in the wedding reception, while right, Edward Griffiths, Deputy Master of the Household, stands in the room, recognisable by its intricate carpet

Magnificent: The finest crystal chandeliers hang from the ornate ceiling of the Blue Drawing Room, which will see dozens of guests mingle during the reception.

04-27-2011, 05:03 AM
Wow!:eek: I guess I live in a real shack compared to that place!:D

04-27-2011, 07:35 AM

With all due respect Wom, I'm a SOOOO sick and tired of the ROYAL WEDDING, ROYAL FAMILY, ROYAL THIS, ROYAL THAT!!!!

I have no respect for those people, who got their money from killing people, pillaging, plundering, etc., that think they are better than everyone else. Sorry. I'll be glad when this is all over. However, I'm SURE we'll be hearing about it non-stop for months to come!!! UGH!

04-27-2011, 08:10 AM
Yes indeed. Very spectacular, very ornate, very regal - and very stuffy!!! Nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. :eek: I'll take the "lived in look" of my little domicile any old day! :D

04-27-2011, 08:12 AM

With all due respect Wom, I'm a SOOOO sick and tired of the ROYAL WEDDING, ROYAL FAMILY, ROYAL THIS, ROYAL THAT!!!!

I have no respect for those people, who got their money from killing people, pillaging, plundering, etc., that think they are better than everyone else. Sorry. I'll be glad when this is all over. However, I'm SURE we'll be hearing about it non-stop for months to come!!! UGH!

With all due respect back at ya Donna, I don't care about em either :D
I think it's nice tho, to get a glimpse of the palace with all the stuff they stole. :D:D

04-27-2011, 08:14 AM
Wow!:eek: I guess I live in a real shack compared to that place!:D

Yeah, but you paid for your shack, they don't even pay for lunch :p

04-27-2011, 08:14 AM
I would hate that lifestyle.

If I ever find the man of my dreams I will be wearing a sundress and sandals, standing on the beach with the ocean air blowing my hair while I say my vows. I will have sold my house and have a luxury RV waiting to take me on the road with my beloved and of course at least one fur critter by my side as well.

04-27-2011, 08:16 AM
Thanks for the photos, Wom. Just a GORGEOUS palace, really. LOVE it!

04-27-2011, 08:21 AM
Yes indeed. Very spectacular, very ornate, very regal - and very stuffy!!! Nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. :eek: I'll take the "lived in look" of my little domicile any old day! :D

I'm pretty sure those areas in the pics wouldn't be used other than for ceremonials.....their living quarters must be more comfortable.
Can you imagine tho if that wasn't the case ???
You'd wake in the morning to the alarm clock, reach over to turn it off, and someone would scream at you "Don't touch that alarm clock. It's 1200 years old, and belonged to Julius Caesar." :D

04-27-2011, 08:22 AM
I'm pretty sure those areas in the pics wouldn't be used other than for ceremonials.....their living quarters must be more comfortable.
Can you imagine tho if that wasn't the case ???
You'd wake in the morning to the alarm clock, reach over to turn it off, and someone would scream at you "Don't touch that alarm clock. It's 1200 years old, and belonged to Julius Caesar." :D

I would most likely throw a pillow or my slipper at them if they did that.

04-27-2011, 08:23 AM
I would hate that lifestyle.

If I ever find the man of my dreams I will be wearing a sundress and sandals, standing on the beach with the ocean air blowing my hair while I say my vows. I will have sold my house and have a luxury RV waiting to take me on the road with my beloved and of course at least one fur critter by my side as well.

Yer too late. Prince Phillip is already married :(

04-27-2011, 08:25 AM
I would most likely throw a pillow or my slipper at them if they did that.

Napoleons pillow ??? Attila the Huns slipper ??? Nope, you wouldn't be allowed to do that either.

04-27-2011, 08:30 AM
I'm pretty sure those areas in the pics wouldn't be used other than for ceremonials.....their living quarters must be more comfortable.

Yes - I'm certain that they are - but still much too stuffy and formal to suit me. Can you picture a couple of dogs sleeping in the same bed as a royal, or dirty dishes in the sink, or cat litter adorning the floor around the litter box?? :eek: Heaven forbid!!!! :eek::p

04-27-2011, 08:33 AM
What lovely pictures. While I couldn't live in that manner I would love to take a grand tour of the whole palace some day or rather palaces. Most of those rooms are only used for important occasions, the living quarters are still out of this world but and very regal but more adaptable to the lifestyle they are accustomed to.
Fun to pretend every once in a while but I prefer living the ordinary lifestyle and having the freedom of making my own decisions and not be under scrutiny every second of the day.

04-27-2011, 08:37 AM
Yes - I'm certain that they are - but still much too stuffy and formal to suit me. Can you picture a couple of dogs sleeping in the same bed as a royal, or dirty dishes in the sink, or cat litter adorning the floor around the litter box?? :eek: Heaven forbid!!!! :eek::p

Don't know if this is true but I remember reading that the corgis did have a place on the queen's bed. Not all of them I imagine but who knows the way she dotes on them. Apparently those little royal corgis have the run of the living quarters, and I bet they have not a clue who they really are...our dogs probably have the same sense of importance as they do :D:D:D

04-27-2011, 08:41 AM
Yes - I'm certain that they are - but still much too stuffy and formal to suit me. Can you picture a couple of dogs sleeping in the same bed as a royal, or dirty dishes in the sink, or cat litter adorning the floor around the litter box?? :eek: Heaven forbid!!!! :eek::p

Hmmmmm....no, I couldn't picture that stuff either.
I've been trying to picture Charles and Camilla in the privacy of their bedroom, but nothing comes to mind. :p

04-27-2011, 08:44 AM
Don't know if this is true but I remember reading that the corgis did have a place on the queen's bed. Not all of them I imagine but who knows the way she dotes on them. Apparently those little royal corgis have the run of the living quarters, and I bet they have not a clue who they really are...our dogs probably have the same sense of importance as they do :D:D:D

The real question here is, "Is the Royal Doggies Pooper Scooper made of platinum or gold ???"

04-27-2011, 08:51 AM
I've been trying to picture Charles and Camilla in the privacy of their bedroom, but nothing comes to mind

I just got a chill up my spine just getting a mental picture of that!!! I'm SO glad that William looks like his mother. Harry, the poor kid, was cursed with his Dad's ears.


Yes, it is great to see how the other half live. And I laughed when someone posted about tossing a slipper at an alarm clock.

I'll take my little "hole" apartment over their stuffiness any day!!!!

04-27-2011, 09:47 AM
The real question here is, "Is the Royal Doggies Pooper Scooper made of platinum or gold ???"

Never gave that one a second thought..perhaps they have a trained seagull that just gobbles it. :D But I would imagine gold . Mine is a plain sheet metal, made by hubby, works quite well. I've used it daily for years and it's still as good as new.

04-27-2011, 09:59 AM
Yer too late. Prince Phillip is already married :(


04-27-2011, 10:46 AM
What made me laugh was the idea of seeing a cat litter box in one of these grand rooms - with some litter scattered across the carpet.

Thanks goodness the Royals do have "private rooms" - can you imagine if we all got to see them and pick those apart too.

I for one, enjoy seeing the palace rooms and the beautiful paintings. If life was all vanilla it would be very boring.

Now Charles and Camilla in their bedroom????? I think I will just close the door on that one.

Thanks Wom for the post!

04-27-2011, 10:53 AM
:eek: WoW what a place.. I could not even imagine.. Yup Wom your notation is very correct..

Yeah, but you paid for your shack, they don't even pay for lunch :p

04-27-2011, 10:55 AM
If Charles and Camilla had a child ????


04-27-2011, 10:57 AM
:rolleyes: Oh lets hope they dont have a child.. I do think the pic is too good..:p

04-27-2011, 06:44 PM
Thank you, you dear, sweet, wonderful man for posting those great pictures. Oh I miss England so..
I love every single itty bitty second I was there. I toured Westminster Abbey and it was so grand, so holy, so historic, so INCREDIBLE. I spent hours and hours there by myself soaking up all the beauty and wonder and history of this incredible wonder.
I stood in front of tombs and said prayers, wondered what their life was like, marveled at their strength and courage oh so long ago. What it meant to live in 1304 and be near sighted, have a tooth ache, a broken bone, an eye infection, lice, childbirth, never having a shower or a really clean home but risking your life and freedom for your country to make it better and stronger. Amazing people. To write laws, fight in a war, no pain meds, no idea of how to heal a cut or a sword wound but they went on to fight for England. Amazing souls. To write such beautiful poetry, paint such incredible paintings, to build the Abby and other such buildings. All the man power with shovels and bare hands.............. The workers probably didn't have shoes, maybe never a decent meal, maybe something as simple as a fresh orange in their life but they worked and worked to create such beauty that we marvel and are in awe a thousand years later. The castles, burgs, Abbys are a testamont to what man can do with grace and goodness, talent and hard work. Their beauty is greater then most of us have ever seen and it is truly a work of art as is a great painting. It is a legacy they have built not just for their children but for hundreds of generations to come and hundreds more, a place to worship and come together, a place of beauty and refinment a place of goodness and a place that holds the souls of many who changed the world.
Westminster Abby how I adore thy.

04-27-2011, 06:54 PM
Oh and yes if I could live in such amazing beauty as these rooms I would.
The beauty of the artwork is breathtaking as is thee detail of every little nook and cranny. I so admire all the hard work in these beautiful rooms.
If I could live with gold, crystal and satin why not? Why should beauty not surround me?
People with money, real money own these kinds of homes too. Because they are beautiful.
If you have not been in one of these rooms, well you can't understand. The picture does not do in justice, it does not evoke a feeling. One needs to be in a room such as these and then yes the feeling comes over you.
Sort of like explaning the beauty of a cat to a person who has never seen one, there are no words to discribe the voice, the sweetness, the love, those faces. I could go on but really unless you have been there, you can't grasp it.

Lilith Cherry
04-27-2011, 09:14 PM
I am sure the White House has some incredible interiors too so don't throw stones! I think these pictures are wonderful! I am sure the corgis occasionally pee on the carpets and I am sure they sleep on the beds and sofas in Buck House:)

04-28-2011, 08:51 AM
WOW!!... :eek::eek: TOO grand and highly decorated! It would be amazing living there, but, then, its comfier and kinda better living where you live. I think my home is comfier! :);) I would feel...creeped out at night.. And if I really did live here...my room would be like an acre long! :eek::eek: Beautiful but, eh..I'm happy with my home. And the couple's pictures are all over the place. When it ends, all the parties etc. I'll be glad the magazine covers have something new! :p:D

04-28-2011, 09:50 AM
The place looks really grand. I wonder if I could get a job there running the carpet sweeper, dusting the furniture, cleaning the windows, changing the kitty litter? I promise I would not break or steal anything just work as directed. Maybe get to wear an old lady maids uniform too.

04-28-2011, 10:56 AM
If Charles and Camilla had a child ????


Aawwww - you guys are mean. :rolleyes: Camilla really isn't all that bad looking - at least not when you compare her to Charles! :eek::p:D

04-28-2011, 07:31 PM
For the first time in his life Charles is finally looking happy. And since his boys think highly of Camilla I guess that's what really counts.
I was reading that Camilla was the person who was the most helpful to Kate for the preparation of her wedding.
And the queen has developped a strong liking to her now that she has gotten to meet her.

04-29-2011, 03:18 AM
Thank you, you dear, sweet, wonderful man for posting those great pictures. Oh I miss England so..
I love every single itty bitty second I was there. I toured Westminster Abbey and it was so grand, so holy, so historic, so INCREDIBLE. I spent hours and hours there by myself soaking up all the beauty and wonder and history of this incredible wonder.
I stood in front of tombs and said prayers, wondered what their life was like, marveled at their strength and courage oh so long ago. What it meant to live in 1304 and be near sighted, have a tooth ache, a broken bone, an eye infection, lice, childbirth, never having a shower or a really clean home but risking your life and freedom for your country to make it better and stronger. Amazing people. To write laws, fight in a war, no pain meds, no idea of how to heal a cut or a sword wound but they went on to fight for England. Amazing souls. To write such beautiful poetry, paint such incredible paintings, to build the Abby and other such buildings. All the man power with shovels and bare hands.............. The workers probably didn't have shoes, maybe never a decent meal, maybe something as simple as a fresh orange in their life but they worked and worked to create such beauty that we marvel and are in awe a thousand years later. The castles, burgs, Abbys are a testamont to what man can do with grace and goodness, talent and hard work. Their beauty is greater then most of us have ever seen and it is truly a work of art as is a great painting. It is a legacy they have built not just for their children but for hundreds of generations to come and hundreds more, a place to worship and come together, a place of beauty and refinment a place of goodness and a place that holds the souls of many who changed the world.
Westminster Abby how I adore thy.

Oh yeah !!! You should see the pergola I built over my barbeque....that'll really spin ya out. ;)

04-29-2011, 03:26 AM
And the queen has developped a strong liking to her now that she has gotten to meet her.

You know what they say "Horses for Horses" errrrrrr...I mean "Horses for Courses"

The million dollar question.....which one would you choose ? :p

04-29-2011, 07:08 AM
Which one would I choose??? The one on the right definitely!!!

I have no respect for the royal family. Especially a RICH family who got their "wealth" from plundering, pillaging and killing other people to get it.

Strip them of all their crown jewels and their snobbiness and they are nothing more than commoners.

04-30-2011, 12:48 AM
Thank you for the pictures-- it is neat to see the inside of one place I will never see "up close and personal".

I thought Miss Middleton looked beautiful. I wonder what the significance of Prince Will's uniform and medals is. (and also Prince Charles) I thought the Queen of England looked wonderful in her yellow. I wonder what Prince Will's and Miss Middleton's duties will consist of, as a married couple of the royal family. (Will she be Princess Kate now?)

And I also wonder if Buckingham Palace has a section where the family actually lives day to day, and these rooms that are not used on a regular basis because they are so opulent. Isn't that true of the White House too, though? (Do ya think Sir Elton John played that piano while he was there, I'm thinking maybe not.)

04-30-2011, 01:30 AM
I wonder what the significance of Prince Will's uniform and medals is. (and also Prince Charles)

Well, they are made commanders in chief of certain regiments, and therefore get to wear the medals that those regiments wear I suppose.
I know Princess Anne has a bunch of medals to, and one of her regiments the Royal Highland Fusiliers was with me in Malaya. We seen neither hide nor hair of her, but she still gets the medals.
Prince Charles got a medal for marrying a horse...hee hee

04-30-2011, 06:19 AM
Ehm, I have to admit I watched the entire morning and noon... :o I didn't plan to, but then I couldn't turn off the tv. :)

What I like about events like this is that it's bringing people together. It was nice seeing all these people celebrating in the streets of London, all of them dressed in their flag... And it reminded me of 1991 when I visited London; even though many things have changed there over the last 20 years, there were many places that still look familiar, and I would love to go there again.

As for the pictures Wom has posted... It looks nice and impressive, but I wouldn't want to live there! :)

Anyway, I hope for William that his marriage will be happier than his parents'...

04-30-2011, 07:24 AM
And they drove off into the Sunset in a convertible :cool:

04-30-2011, 08:06 AM
Beautiful couple. I didn't see any of the actual wedding... just saw photos online. I'm sure they will be playing it on BBCA a few times and I might be able to catch it.

I'll have to ask my grandma if she watched :) if she could have gone home for the wedding I bet she would have but alas at her age and with her bad hip she just can't make that trip anymore.

I have one of these beautiful plates from when Diana and Charles were married


I just wish I knew where it was :( they were married the year I was born. yes they didn't stay together... but who does these days. i don't begrudge them that their marriage didn't work out. It's life and that happens and I'm certainly not going to assume that william and kate are set up for the same fate. they are happy and in love and for now that's good enough for me :)

Thanks for sharing the pictures. I've never been over to england even though my grandmother came to canada from england... but I can't fly. I just can't do it. Maybe one day but for now I'm not sure there are enough tranquilizers to get me through a trip that long on a plane lol

Also about the whole "if they didn't have money they'd just be commoners"... you know that kate IS a commoner? and so is camilla? Also I believe the queens late husband was a commoner as well... he was a soldier when they were married I believe

04-30-2011, 04:34 PM
I saw the videos of the wedding. Kate's train wasn't that long. WOW...because Diana's was looooooooong. I don't know, but it was a lot of yards long. And only her sister picked up her train, on Diana's there were two girls. So many people think this wedding was a flop in front of Diana's. And I heard somewhere that they left a seat empty that was left out for Diana. :p And the forecast said it would rain but, as the sun was shining, they all said that Diana was smiling upon her son, and I think they believe Diana brought the sunshine. :eek: But, it was fun watching the ceremony. The little bridesmaids looked adorable. There was one on the balcony who put her hands on her ears because the crowd was too loud. And another was holding the flowers on her head that were about to fall. :p her bouquet was hanging from her elbow. :D

04-30-2011, 05:51 PM
I loved every minute of it. Kate is so poised and regal and William is such a great looking person, kind, gentle, generous...these are things carried on from their mom. Diana did a great job with the boys. I loved the way Kate and William very subtly honoured Diana's memory - she wasn't there in person but her presence was felt by all.
I wish them every happiness in the future, it isn't easy to lead a normal life when you can't sneeze without a camera bulb popping.

05-02-2011, 09:58 AM
As for the pictures Wom has posted... It looks nice and impressive, but I wouldn't want to live there! :)

What ???? Your new bathroom looks like the Blue Room already :p:p

05-02-2011, 11:10 AM
What ???? Your new bathroom looks like the Blue Room already :p:p

lol Yes, ALMOST!! ;)

05-03-2011, 06:00 AM
I wonder what the significance of Prince Will's uniform and medals is. (and also Prince Charles)
Prince William was wearing the famous tunic of an Irish Guards officer rather than his RAF uniform.
He holds the honorary rank of Colonel of the Irish Guards and honoured the regiment by walking down the aisle with his bride in the dashing scarlet uniform.He was also wearing his Garter sash and star, Royal Air Force 'wings', and Golden Jubilee medal.
The decision is unexpected as the prince is a Flight Lieutenant in the RAF working as a search and rescue helicopter pilot, and could have worn the uniform of the air force.

Prince Harry is a newly promoted Captain in the Household Cavalry's Blues and Royals and wears the uniform of his new rank. He is a trainee Apache helicopter pilot and will wear the 'wings' of the Army Air Corps and his Golden Jubilee and Afghanistan Campaign medals.

Charles wore his most formal military uniform when his son ties the knot. The Prince, who has held the title of Admiral of the Royal Navy since 2006, wore his blue Royal Navy number one ceremonial dress, a spokesman confirmed.

I wonder what Prince Will's and Miss Middleton's duties will consist of, as a married couple of the royal family. (Will she be Princess Kate now?)
No, Kate is not a princess. She is now Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge. As to royal duties I expect they will both undertake them when required. Right now William has returned to his duties in the air force and they will have a honeymoon later in the year.

And I also wonder if Buckingham Palace has a section where the family actually lives day to day, and these rooms that are not used on a regular basis because they are so opulent.

The Queen and Prince Phillip live in the palace when they are in London, it is also the London home of the Duke of York (Prince Andrew) and the Earl (Prince Edward)and Countess of Wessex and their daughter. The palace is a huge place and whether they use the rooms pictured regularly or not I would not know but I should imagine they would be used for ceremonial/banqueting and other formal occasions.

05-03-2011, 06:24 AM
Also about the whole "if they didn't have money they'd just be commoners"... you know that kate IS a commoner? and so is camilla?
Hmmm, you are right about Kate and Camilla they were commoners before they married royalty inasmuch as they fulfilled the definition of being without title or rank but both were never one of the common people, not with their connections and wealth. Nice enough people no doubt, but common, never.

Also I believe the queens late husband was a commoner as well... he was a soldier when they were married I believe
Got to tell you the Queens husband, Prince Philip, is still alive and kicking! :D As for being a commoner, no, he is of royal blood, a prince of the Greek royal family.
He renounced his Greek and Danish royal titles, converted from Greek Orthodoxy to Anglicanism, and became a naturalised British subject, adopting the surname Mountbatten from his British maternal grandparents. His wife made him a Prince of the United Kingdom in 1957.

05-03-2011, 02:08 PM
There's only two kinds in this world........commoners and inbreds. ;)