View Full Version : The Voice - tv show

Scooter's Mom
04-26-2011, 11:32 PM
Is anyone watching this?
I think this is a great way to do auditions for this type of show. It really emphasizes the voice, not the look, of the artist.

I've really been enjoying it tonight.

04-27-2011, 01:24 AM
Yes, I did watch it and I really enjoyed it too.:) I think it's great that the contestants are judged by their vocal performance and not by their looks. It's also great that there's no age limit although they may not let extremely young children perform. I hope to be able to continue to watch it.:)

04-27-2011, 02:09 AM
We watched it, and I think it is great that at least for a few minutes, contestants are judged just by voice alone. I wonder how many that didn't make it we didn't get to see.

06-15-2011, 11:04 AM
Has anyone else been watching this show? What do you think so far?

It is much different than American Idol, some in good ways, some in bad, but what I find most annoying is that of the four coaches, Christina Aguilera seems to think the show is all about her, not the singers. Cee Lo is flashy and all that, but she seems to try to hog the spotlight at every opportunity.

So far I do like everyone who has made it through, though I was kinda surprised Blake chose Xenia to save instead of Jared ...

06-15-2011, 03:42 PM
I think it's great, more enjoyable to watch than American Idol. I really enjoy watching Adam Levine & Blake Shelton as the judges... great talents!

Scooter's Mom
06-15-2011, 04:30 PM
I think that this show is miles ahead of AI...
Can't wait to see who makes it through for Adam & Cee Lo's teams.

06-15-2011, 07:20 PM
There are symphony orchestras that have conducted 'blind' auditions, as more male than females were getting the jobs. This way, they are judged on their talent alone.

Brilliant idea. :)

06-16-2011, 11:44 AM
Yes, I'm still watching it and I really enjoy it.:) I also like the fact that they give you about a week's time to vote. I think that Christina talks way too much for my liking but the other judges are great.:)

Scooter's Mom
06-16-2011, 01:03 PM
I am not a fan of Christina, at all. She dresses trashy and acts similarly. She may be a great person, but she sends off such negative vibes that I am no longer a fan.

I am a huge Adam Levine fan now though and I wasn't before. I've always been a Blake fan. :love:

I am surprised Blake didn't pick Jared Blake (bald). He was really good. But I can see where Blake is coming from saying he can offer more help to Xenia than the others.

06-21-2011, 04:11 PM
I am finally caught up on this show. I am also curious to see who goes home on CeeLo's team. The Thompson sisters song is stuck in my head right now and I just think they sang it horribly! Even when they did their group song with CeeLo they were not good. They do not have strong voices. I do like Vicci a lot on his team.
I can't think of who is on Adam's team at the moment....one girl (Casey) and three guys. That much I remember. Oh, Jeff, Javier and......nope, can't remember. :)

So far I think my favorite person from Christina and Blake's teams is Beverly. She rocks!!! :)

06-25-2011, 05:35 PM
So what does everyone think of the final four? I am glad Beverly made it, I think Frenchie will do fine now that she's had the extra exposure of the show. I didn't think Blake had much of a problem choosing Dia over Xenia, Xenia was obviously still very nervous being on stage, which is why she was so flat and out of breath - give her a few years and she'll be better equipped in so many ways. And I was glad, somehow, that Javier was chosen over Casey, there's nothing wrong with her, but I thought he had the nice voice and stage presence. And while I don't doubt Cee Lo had a hard time choosing, I think Vicci pushed harder and put more of herself into her performance than Nakia did.

I was please Christina toned down her attention-getting antics a bit more this week. And I like that all the remaining female contestants have showed that you can be dressed up and fancy on stage while still retaining a bit of modesty and class (take notes, Xtina!).

Scooter's Mom
06-25-2011, 06:34 PM
I am happy with Vicci. I love her.

I am okay with Javier, but also liked Casey.

I really think Blake was sad about the choice "America" made, but happy at the same time. He seems like a genuinely nice guy.

Beverly, while having a good voice... her face shaking just annoys me and I cannot watch her. Even my husband commented on it and he never notices things like that.

07-01-2011, 11:11 AM
So what did everyone think of the finale and the winner?

I waited a couple days, finally got to watch it last night. I am glad that they were both doing so well on iTunes, I've got some credit over there I will go use! I will confess I hit the skip button through the Pit Bull and whoever's performance, and a couple other things, I just wanted to see the finalists when they sang. Thought the duets were fun, and loved Blake's reaction to Miranda and Dia singing together!

I really think the top two both kinda won, so I am happy with the results, and I am sure the other two will find work in the music industry as well.

07-01-2011, 11:32 AM
I also skipped Pit Bull's performance. No thanks!!

I loved Javier's song with Stevie Nicks. And I'm not a huge Stevie Nicks fan. But she is a legend. :)

I actually liked ALL of the performances by the finalists on the last show.

While I like Dia and think she is talented....I thought Beverly and Nicci were better than her. She is just so shy and looks so uncomfortable on stage. Bev and Nicci kill it!!! They rock!

I called the top four before they were announced and I also called the winner. Maybe I should be playing the lotto!!! ;)