View Full Version : Possible job change

04-24-2011, 09:38 AM
Last month a couple coworkers got into a fight, and one threatened to quit. She actually left, and the bosses promised her the moon and stars to stay with the company. Though I think they also promised her MY position, which is store designer.

I asked the manager what is going on and he said the boss is coming down Wednesday to talk to me about becoming assistant manager. I have been asking for management position for over a year. I do the job anyway, so I might as well have the title and extra pay.

I am SUPER PSYCHED to talk about the new position, but I'd like to still keep my current title as well. I mean, I do both now, so why not continue doing both?

What do I say if they offer me the manager position? Turn it down and stand firm as designer? Hand over my title and become assistant manager? I LOVE being the store designer. I love taking care off how the store looks, arranging it, making sure everything is current trend and appealing to customers. But I also want the additional responsibility of being a manager.

I am 100% sure that this is what the meeting is about: being one or the other, not both.

04-24-2011, 10:29 AM
There is a reason these are set up as 2 different positions. You do NOT want to have both positions; it only comes with ONE pay and with time, you WILL resent this fact.

You say you do both now -- but, you shouldn't be doing that. You are selling yourself short, giving the company way more than what they are paying for.

04-24-2011, 05:54 PM
You need to really decide. From their point of view, if you tell them you've already been doing the assistant manager's job, why should they give you the title and more money? I'd go all out for the assistant manager's position, and ask if you can still have some input with store design ... and hopefully they will accept that!

04-24-2011, 06:21 PM
You need to really decide. From their point of view, if you tell them you've already been doing the assistant manager's job, why should they give you the title and more money? I'd go all out for the assistant manager's position, and ask if you can still have some input with store design ... and hopefully they will accept that!

Yes, what Karen said.:) This sounds like the best approach to use. Good luck.:)

04-25-2011, 08:01 AM
Thank you for the perspective so far.

My feeling has been to do the job to show I can handle it. Up til now, they thought I couldn't, so I guess doing it has worked because they're going to talk to me about management.

BUT, for the past few months I have felt taken advantage of, and I am well aware it is of my own making. The manager knows of my feelings of being taken advantage, and he told the bosses what I've been doing and how much I deserve the position.