View Full Version : Fear of public speaking

04-21-2011, 09:51 PM
I don't know if any of you have dealt with this. I'm not talking about the normal fear many people have, but like a phobia of getting in front of people and doing a speech. I have a presentation next week that I have to do, and I am sooo scared. I had a group presentation last week, my part was less than two minutes, and my heart rate was so high I nearly passed out!

No matter what I do- stare at peoples foreheads, practice tons beforehand, or just pretend I'm not there at all, nothing works. The minute I walk into the room my heart rate goes sky high, I spend the whole rest of the time getting it low again, and the minute I get up front it goes so high I'm shaking and can barely talk!

This is just ridiculous! I feel like it's gotten worse the older I am! I KNOW they don't care and aren't judging me, and I couldn't care less, but I just don't know how to calm myself down. I feel literally like it's something I can't help... like my body does it on it's own.

Anyone dealt with this and found a way to calm yourself? I need some different views than my parents "You can do it". I am scared I'm not going to be able to make it through my 8 minute presentation. After 2 minutes my voice is usually shaking so bad I can hardly talk. :(

04-21-2011, 10:21 PM
Sorry, no help, but I feel your pain. In school, if I had to get up in front of the class, I was shaking and sweating.:o I was just terrified.:( I have outgrown that fear although I don't really have to make speeches. But being in a crowd and speaking up doesn't bother me anymore.;) Hopefully someone here can give you some tips. :)

04-21-2011, 10:22 PM
Look at the people - in the eyes. Engage them. You are giving a message, information - to them.

Think of the information/message. You are just a channel for it. In other words, take yourself out of the picture.

They do care about you - and you care about this. You are giving them something that they need or want. Think outward - not inwards.

Hope this makes some kind of sense.:)

Here's a couple of links for info:


(One suggests joining Toastmasters...there's an idea!)

04-21-2011, 10:28 PM
If looking at the people is what scares you, focus on the exit sign at the back of the room. Deliver your speech to it - it's nonjudgemental, cannot even hear you, and everyone will just assume you are looking at someone behind them.

Practice your part in an empty room, and look at the exits sign to get yourself used to it.

When you are waiting, regulate your breathing intentionally. Breathe in-2-3-4-5. Hold it for 3. Breathe out-2-3-4-5. Repeat, and try to count higher each time, it'll keep your heart rate steady. And if you feel yourself starting to shake, take a pause in your presentation at a good place, and breathe-2-3-4-5. Hold it for 3, then continue.

04-22-2011, 01:01 AM
I really can't be of any help because I also have the same problem. When I had to give book reports or other oral reports my heart would race and I was always told to repeat myself again because no one could hear me.:( I'm so glad that I don't have to give public speaches now. Maybe you could just imagine everyone in their underwear like I've heard about and seen on tv shows before.;) Good luck.:)

04-22-2011, 08:17 AM
This won't help for next week's presentation. I joined Toastmasters and stayed with it for almost a year. Helped me SO much!

04-22-2011, 08:22 AM
Your presentation has to be about 8 minutes? My advice is to make it less of a "speech" and more of an activity. Create some nice materials and come up with a short activity to reinforce the ideas you are trying to share. Make it less about you, and more about your ideas. Your classmates will likely have fun that way, too!

I'm a teacher, and believe it or not, I hate giving speeches, too. When I am teaching, I have no problems in front of a group, even my peers. But a speech is something scary!

If you need help coming up with some ideas about how to make your presentation an activity, let me know. I'm in a Curriculum & Instruction program so I like this kind of thing. :)

04-22-2011, 09:35 AM
I also have this fear. Just this past Wednesday I had to give the department report at our monthly staff meeting. It was less than 2 minutes long. I was fine, not nervous at all........right up until I started talking. Then I got super nervous and kept stumbling on my words. I talk super fast when I'm nervous. So I had to make an effort to speak slowly. I made it through (even though I flubbed my words a few times).
Now, I've worked for the same company for over 7 years. There are only 5 people here that have been here longer than me. I know everyone! I shouldn't be nervous. I am a talker, in social situations. But put me on the spot in front of people (and I didn't even have to stand up in the front, I sat in my chair) and I freak.

We had a Toastmasters group here before. I didn't attend, but several co-workers said it was a great thing and really helped them.

04-22-2011, 10:02 AM
Pretend you are someone else......i.e. the expert on the topic. Maybe even change your octave of voice. That's what actors do if the have speech problems. Give it a try.

Good luck!!!

P.S Make sure to breathe smoothly, too.

04-22-2011, 01:16 PM
Thanks so much for the advice and thoughts everyone. Toastmasters? I've never heard of it... other than it's a toaster brand :p lol. I'll have to look it up. I'm at the beginning of my college career and I'm pretty sure I'll have plenty more presentations.

Lucky thing is, it's not really a speech. It's a persuasive power point presentation on a subject I got to choose. It helps when it's something your actually interested in, I guess. I'm doing adopting from shelters and ways you can help homeless animals.

The breathing thing should help, I will definitely do that.

04-23-2011, 09:28 PM
I can't say that I understand the fear of public speaking because I thrive on being in front of an audience. I know, I'm strange :p

BUT I do understand the fear and anxiety that comes with dreading saying something to someone you don't know how they'll take the news. I always think the fear of what you've got to say is worse than actually saying it.

I live on a busy street and a business won't allow their employees to smoke on the property, so they smoke on my property. I was TERRIFIED of asking the people to move along and not smoke on my sidewalk. Would they look at me weird? Would they argue with me? Well, weeks of smelling someone elses' smoke, I finally had enough, walked up to an employee, and explained I'm sensitive and would appreciate not smoking. I got much better with each subsequent smoker. Now, I don't hesitate... I just walk up and ask them to move along. The fear of asking them terrified me for weeks. Paralized me from saying what I had to. But it wasn't bad at all..... just like giving a speach. It was the fear of the act rather than the actual act. Make sense? Once you're into your subject you'll be fine. You might even find that you like it too :)