View Full Version : Katie's pics :)

M&M's Mommy
04-21-2011, 01:34 PM
Here is my favorite pic of Katie @13 Months. She is a very happy, healthy girl, very smart, too. She can speak about 10 single words (among them are mommy, doggie, grandma, hello, diaper, milk, and peek-a-boo!) and can identify most things around our house by pointing at them when asked. She also understands the meaning of "NO" and most of the things we talk to her on a daily basis. She have great focus and very long attention span. She is very curious and loves playing with her toys, through which she shows to be a very quick learner & have great memories! She remembers which buttons on the remote control that will turn the TV on/off and adjust the volume & also the button that will turn the radio on on my alarm clock & the snooze one that will turn the alarm off!! She also communicate her wants to us by developing her own sign language. She can stand on her own, cruise along the funitures, but not walk yet. I'm not looking forward to it anyway as I'm not ready to let go of her infancy yet! It's pretty amazing being a part of her world, teaching her, and watching her learn, while learning a lot from her, too!

This is my nose

Playing Patty-cake with Missy

Petting Missy

Touching head with Missy (this is how she shows love - by touching her head!). Did I mention that only Missy likes to play with Katie right now. Mocha will play with her if he has no other choices, but makes it clear that doesn't really like it. Muffin still tries to avoid her completely if she can. Missy is amazing with Muffin & now with Katie. Very patient, very loving, and very protective. Must be her maternal instinct or something. I'm sure Katie will win Mocha & Muffin over once she learns to feed them her food!

Clapping hands
I love this dress, specially when I got it on clearance for only $3.50 :D

04-21-2011, 02:35 PM
What a darling little girl! Hi, Katie!

04-21-2011, 02:42 PM
Aw, I love the head bumpies pic w/Katie and Missy. How adorable! I love Katie's little legs. Babies' chubby little legs are just so darned cute. :)

04-21-2011, 02:59 PM
I too love the headbumpies - I like the look on her face as she does it.
That dress is just adorable and will probably always be one of your favorites. Maybe you could keep it for her - it looks light as a feather and could be rolled up and not take too much storage room.

04-21-2011, 03:21 PM
She is so precious! She sounds like she is going to grow up to be very intelligent :D

04-21-2011, 10:27 PM
Katie is a precious little girl! I love the pics with Missy!:) Future Pet Talker?;)

04-21-2011, 10:31 PM
Katie is beautiful! Is she bi-lingual? Love her with Missy.

04-22-2011, 04:58 AM
What a cutie pie!!! Love her pics, and the ones with Missy are sweet!!

Scooter's Mom
04-22-2011, 06:57 AM
So adorable!
I love love love that dress! Little girls are so fun to dress up.

Lilith Cherry
04-22-2011, 11:26 AM
Katie is amazing! An intelligent beauty in the making and an animal lover to boot!:D

04-22-2011, 11:36 AM
:eek: WoW she is getting bigg.. Didnt you just have her yesterday.. Gosh she is so Precious & Just a Wittle Cutie Pie.. great pics thanks

04-22-2011, 12:11 PM
That dress is so pretty, and it looks like it'll fit her for a while, as it's kinda big around the torso right now! What a pretty and smart girl she is, and of course, we love the pictures with Missy the best! K9Karen - yes, her mommy said she is bilingual, growing up learning both Vietnamese and English. And of course, learning "dog," too, from her canine siblings, so she's sure to be a genius and a Pet Talker when she's old enough! :) She's looking less and less like a baby and more like a girl every time, growing so fast! Momma, give her a hug kiss and tickle for me, okay?

M&M's Mommy
04-22-2011, 02:09 PM
Thank you to everyone for your kind words. Right now we're speaking 100% Vietnamese to her at home. Whenever my brother is at home (he's in school & comes home only on weekends), he speaks English to her, because I do not want her to learn my accents :), so she's learning some English words, too (she can say "bear", "fish", "shark", "hi" and "bye bye"!) Plus, she'll have plenty of time learning English and speaking the language when she starts school, so we are in no rush at all :)

A little more than a year have past since I have her, but I still find myself looking at her and marveling about what a great blessing she is to our family & being flooded with emotions.