View Full Version : Dropped Phoebe off @ vets this morning spay, Apollo & Herk sick at home..

04-20-2011, 07:35 AM
This morning I dropped Phoebe off to be spayed, they will keep her overnight and we can pick her up around 9 a.m. tomorrow.

Hercules has been sick since Friday, he was getting better we thought over the weekend and now he's sneezing like crazy and there is some coughing.

Apollo, who had bronchitis last month, which we treated with 2 weeks worth of antibiotic got better and he seemed to be doing just great till yesterday, he is now coughing and gaging again.

He is having trouble eating due to his cough and it's just so sad watching him and not being able to help him. When I was at the vets this morning dropping off Phoebe I asked if they had anything and they are booked till Monday but they do tend to get cancellations but if they don't get one soon I'll have to make an appt. elsewhere.

If you could keep the 3 of my kitties in your thoughts, I'd appreciate it.


(Herk - black/white; Phoebe - calico; Apollo - orange/white)

04-20-2011, 08:16 AM
Sorry to read about Herk and Apollo. Sounds like a URI, and they are sharing it back and forth. Will your vet give you more meds w/o seeing them? Just a thought.

Phoebe will be fine, I think it is harder on us as we know what is going on. And she will recover quickly.

I had to smile reading your post - our vets just love those of us with multiples! ;) I went through similar in January, in there at least once a week with one or another. The staff joked they were going to reserve a spot in the waiting area just for me.

Your furkids are well cared for, and this will pass (and your wallet is glad to hear it!).

Prayers for recovery for Phoebe, Apollo and Herk!

04-20-2011, 08:24 AM

Yes I agree I think it's harder on us because we know what they are going to go through. She is actually up for adoption but so far no one has showed any interest, except 1 person and when I reminded them that she maybe a little shy they e-mailed me back and said they would pass.

Herk got the coughing first and then it developed into this sneezing and Achilles our other cat had the same thing, he's recoverying a bit...but Apollo sounds just like he did last month.

The vet spoke with me while I was in there this morning dropping off Phoebe and she asked if I brought Apollo back for a recheck and for the second x-ray and I told her no because he was feeling so much better (plus I didn't know they wanted to do another x-ray or I would have kept the appt.).

I maybe able to get my one other vet to give me some meds for the other 2 and only take in Apollo but I'm just waiting to see if they have anything open up.

Thank you so much for your kind words,

04-20-2011, 09:37 AM
We are sending Our Found Cat Hotel Prayers to your Cats, and we will have All Of Our Awesome Angels drop by with love and treats for All.:cool::cool::cool:

04-20-2011, 11:47 AM
I hope that Phoebe's spay goes well.:) I'm sorry to hear that Apollo and Hercules are sick.:( I would think that your vet would at least be able to squeeze them in since they are sick. This is what my vet tries to do for me. I hope that they'll be able to be seen by a vet soon and they they'll both recover quickly from their illness. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent their way.

04-20-2011, 01:13 PM
I'm sending Get Well Soon thoughts and prayers to Apollo and Herk!:love:

04-20-2011, 01:14 PM
Well now Annabelle my other 11 month old has the coughing and another one started sneezing....I'm going to just go nuts I think at this point. Actually I kinda feel like crying just due to other stresses right now but this will pass once the furbabies are feeling better.


04-20-2011, 03:24 PM
Prayers and good wishes and warm healing energies are coming for all three of your dear kitties, Melissa.

04-20-2011, 03:57 PM
The vet called and Phoebe is done but I can't get her till tomorrow at least I know she made it through just fine.

Herk has an appt. at my country vet...so I'm hoping she will do just fine for tonight to help him and Apollo will probably go along since I'm super worried about everyone getting whatever this is.


04-20-2011, 08:26 PM
I'm glad to learn Phoebe has got through her operation nicely. :love:

And I'm glad to hear you have an appointment for Herk, and I hope Apollo will be seen too. :love: :love:

04-20-2011, 10:40 PM
Well now Annabelle my other 11 month old has the coughing and another one started sneezing....I'm going to just go nuts I think at this point. Actually I kinda feel like crying just due to other stresses right now but this will pass once the furbabies are feeling better.


Aw, sorry about this Melissa. This is why the URI is so often called the kitty cold. It is quite catching from one to another. See if you can get meds for all of them. Won't be easy dosing them, but the best way to get it all cleared out. With 4 of them now, they will just keep passing it back and forth. :(

04-20-2011, 11:47 PM
I'm sorry to hear that now Annabelle is getting sick too.:( I would try to get enough meds for all of your cats. You do need to know how much they weigh though. I went through this when I only had 3 cats and they all got it. Unfortunately my RB Pepper weighed more than the vet thought so he didn't get enough of the meds and he got much worse before he finally got better. Lots more prayers and positive thoughts are being sent their way.

Also I'm glad to hear that Phoebe's spay went well. I sure hope that she won't end up getting sick now too.

04-21-2011, 06:49 AM
Yep, URI's are the never ending illness, it seems, b/c they pass it all around. Such generosity we can do w/o, eh? I'm sorry that your kitties have the sickies, Melissa. We feel so bad for them but they do get better and back to their old selves. It just takes a little time. I'm also glad that Phoebe came through her spay just fine, as I knew she would. We do worry when we have to put them under, though, so I totally understand. Soon all of this will be but a memory. :)

04-21-2011, 09:53 AM
Thank you all for the well wishes, Phoebe will be coming home soon but she will be away from everyone else just to make sure she doesn't catch this bug.

I had Herk and Apollo at the vets last night. Apollo was checked out first, she took his temperature at it was 102.2 which is good because we thought he was really sick. Anyway, she listened to him and made him cough which was rough for him and she said he could be brewing a cold but she thinks he may have the starting signs of asthma. She said that with him being diagnosed last month as bronchitis that it maybe from his lungs. So she gave him a 5 day course of antibotic just to make sure if he is catching anything it will be covered. She also gave him a steriod shot for his cough and said that it should last about 48 hours so we are watching to see if this will help his cough and if it does then we pretty much know he has asthma.

Now onto Herk, he had a temperature of 104.4, I couldn't believe it, I felt so horrible for not taking him sooner. The vet gave him some antibotic and by later in the night he was feeling a little better. He will be on that for the next 2 days. Last night they both got some can food and this morning as well. I also bought two more strips of clavamox incase the others get sick so I don't have to take them in.

If you all would continue the prays I'd appreciate it for them.


04-21-2011, 10:15 AM
I'm glad to see Phoebe came through the spay fine. :) Good that you keep her separated from the others. I hope Annabelle, Herk and Apollo will feel better very soon!

Lots of positive thoughts to them all! :love:

04-21-2011, 12:26 PM
More prayers and healing energies and good thoughts for your three little lovies.. May all be strong and healthy soon.


04-21-2011, 06:13 PM
Just checking in for an update. I will keep praying.

04-22-2011, 12:58 PM
Hi Cassiesmom-

Hercules is doing very well, getting pills in him are a little tough but we are managing to do it and that's what's important. He was running around this morning playing, I was so happy to see that.

Apollo is getting better, although I watched him again this morning while he was eatting and he did the cough thing, not as loud so I'll keep an eye on him for sure.

Phoebe is acting like nothing has happened to her, I couldn't believe how small the incision was. When I've had others done at this country vet she cuts a good inch or so and stitches them back up with the inside side sticking somewhat outside but this vet had a very small cut and it looks almost normal.

I'll see if I can get a picture of it, it's just amazing at how good it looks and she seems to be doing very well which I'm so glad.

Thanks for asking!

04-22-2011, 01:59 PM
Phoebe is acting like nothing has happened to her, I couldn't believe how small the incision was. When I've had others done at this country vet she cuts a good inch or so and stitches them back up with the inside side sticking somewhat outside but this vet had a very small cut and it looks almost normal.

Sounds like it might have been lasered. It's so much easier on them but it's more expensive. I'm glad to read that everyone is doing better.

04-22-2011, 04:09 PM
That is so good that everyone is coming along just fine.. :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: