View Full Version : Big Baba

04-18-2011, 05:46 AM
Oh Big Baba it breaks my heart when animals are abused. Thank goodness for people like your family that take you in, give you love and a forever home. You look like a big love bug! Congrats sweet boy on being dotd

04-18-2011, 10:19 AM
Big Baba - :love: Love your lionlike gentleness....and thrilled you have the forever home you deserve !

04-18-2011, 01:06 PM
As long as I live, I will never understand how a human could abuse any animal - but especially not a spectacular dog like Big Baba.

Big Baba, it makes my heart soar to read that you have a forever home with humans and other pets that appreciate and love you dearly.

Congratulations Big Baba - we are honored to meet you.

04-18-2011, 01:26 PM
Baba, I am honored to meet you today and I too love your lion-like gentleness. I am so happy that you now have a loving, caring forever home. I hope your people will give you a big hug from me today, sweety. Happy Dog of the Day to you!

04-18-2011, 02:55 PM
Beautiful Baba! A very happy Dog of the Day to you! Oh, what a gorgeous, fluffy, lioness of a girl you are!:) Wish I could cover that sweet face of yours with a million kisses!

You sure have been through a lot in your few years, Baba! It's sickening to think that anyone could abuse a defenseless animal, a gentle soul such as you; simply heartbreaking. :( And to think that after finally being placed in a caring and nurturing environment, just as you were beginning to learn to love and trust again, you would lose your foster mom as well!

But those sad and scary days are behind you now, Baba, aren't they?:) Finally you're living the life you so rightly deserve, having found your way to the most loving forever home, and we give great thanks to your parents for their patience and unconditional love; choosing rescue and giving such a deserving doggie a 2nd chance at happiness!:love: You've already come so far, Baba, and before long your past life will be but a distant memory! How lucky your family is to have you in their lives; a beautiful, gentle, smart and loving gentle giant of a furkid named Baba!!!:)

Enjoy your well earned day of honor, Baba! I'm wishing for you and your family, your parents and kitty pal Sir Tetley, your Yorkie bud and Parrot pal, a very happy Dog of the Day, and many, many more wonderful years of shared love and devoted companionship! Love and hugs to you on your big day, beautiful Baba! It was a joy meeting today!:love::love::love:

04-18-2011, 03:22 PM
What a horrid beginning for you, Baba...I'm so glad that you are now in a loving lively home! :love:
Enjoy your DOTD status! :)

04-18-2011, 04:12 PM
Hello Big Baba,

It's a real pleasure to meet you today sweet boy.:love: I am so sorry
that you were ever treated so badly by cruel people.:( Now that you are
part of a wonderful family, you need not worry anymore. You are a beautiful
pup and loved for the sweet soul that you are.:) Congratulations Baba on
being chosen for special honors as our deserving DOG OF THE DAY.:love:
Sending lots of cyber hugs & kisses just for you.

04-18-2011, 05:38 PM
Big Baba deserves nothing but the best, such a cutey!!!!

04-18-2011, 07:17 PM
Your story brought tears to my eyes. I am so glad you have found a loving, forever home!!

04-18-2011, 08:46 PM
yes he is a handsome dog when hubby takes him for walks people slow down to get a better look at him.first few times he walked with his tail down now its up and curled and never goes down the rest of the walk which is about 10 blocks he is the most mellow dog i've encounter for having those horrid people hurt him and is so gentle when taking food from our hand ,he still is a bit jumpy at times when hearing loud noises but has improved lots since coming home to us ,when sleeping he used to lay almost sitting up now lays full out on side and in deeper sleep now too and still pees like a puppy also would never look straight at our eyes now he does . He is just a big lion teddybear puppy love him too bits <3

04-19-2011, 01:53 AM
Baba, you are so handsome with your leonine ruff! You had a sad beginning but the rest of your story of "happily ever after." Happy DOTD to you, sweet Baba.

04-19-2011, 03:14 AM
hi thanks for all what was posted about our big baba my avatar is a pic of his pals :love: