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View Full Version : I just don't get it.

04-15-2011, 08:31 PM
I went to a wake tonight. I feel like I post these threads far too often then I should have to.

An acquaintance of mine died on Sunday night while I was in Florida. She was a Junior in my school, a very good friend to many of my very good friends, and she was only 17. She had an underlying heart defect that was apparently not known about, according to her mom. She died at the hospital where I had my open heart surgery and I go to annually for my own heart issues. But anyway, I had a friend die the summer of 2008 and another this past December from a drunk driving accident. One was 16, the other was 26. What I don't get is when does this end? Why do people die so young?

Another thing I just want to rant about was the RUMORS people feel the need to spread. People are saying she over-dosed or that she killed herself or whatever. We all know what really happened, can you just end it now? Why bring more pain to an already heart-broken family? I don't understand why people need to be so malicious. Apparently people have been using a website to make calls from her phone #, as a JOKE. Can someone explain to me what is wrong with these idiots that they feel the need to make situations worse?

She's gone already, the least they can do is respect her. I DON'T GET IT. :mad:

Sorry for the angry rant, I'm just so done, so heartbroken, so confused....gr.

04-15-2011, 09:18 PM
Alyssa, sending you hugs. A friend of mine's brother died of a heart defect when we were 9, I think he was 7, and he was playing kickball with the other kids and his heart gave out on the playground. We knew he had a heart defect, but he never took it seriously enough. In fact, he was not expected to survive his first week of life, but he defied the odds and made it as far as second grade.

Comfort yourself, and your other friends, and tell them that while she didn't live a long life, she lived her life to the fullest, and none of us knows how long our lives will last. She was blessed, in a way, not to have to worry about it her whole life, others may have found out and spent 17 years worrying and fretting, and still died.

There will always be people who feel the need to spread rumors and make things you feel better about themselves. The people who loved your friend know the truth, and that is what matters more than anything else.

04-16-2011, 09:39 AM
I am sorry for your loss, Alyssa.

I like what Karen said, since this was unknown, she didn't spend e rlife woying, just lived her life! That is a lovely thought.

The important folks know the truth.

04-17-2011, 09:31 PM
I understand. Just recently found out that one of my brother's classmates who he graduated with in 2007, passed away over the weekend. He was only 22 years old. It was suicide. It's a shame, taking the easy way out sometime. I just hope that now he is in a better place and whatever was troubling him, he's okay now. Just wish people after high school would at least SEE that life has so much to offer when you get older. I just can't imagine. I am 26, and thinking about someone 4 years younger ending his life that way, it's just beyond me. :(

04-17-2011, 10:30 PM
I understand. Just recently found out that one of my brother's classmates who he graduated with in 2007, passed away over the weekend. He was only 22 years old. It was suicide. It's a shame, taking the easy way out sometime. I just hope that now he is in a better place and whatever was troubling him, he's okay now. Just wish people after high school would at least SEE that life has so much to offer when you get older. I just can't imagine. I am 26, and thinking about someone 4 years younger ending his life that way, it's just beyond me. :(

Some people sink to such depths tho, that they believe life has nothing left to offer them.

04-17-2011, 10:34 PM
[QUOTE=Alysser; Can someone explain to me what is wrong with these idiots that they feel the need to make situations worse?
She's gone already, the least they can do is respect her. I DON'T GET IT. :mad:[/QUOTE]

And........we allow them idiots to breed. :mad: