View Full Version : Cataholic's big news

11-02-2002, 06:06 PM
I received a PM from Lillycat (Cataholic's Mom) with some big news !!!!! Seems Cataholic doesn't have her computer at home this weekend and she NEEDS to relay some news. Does anyone remember the black and white stray that ended up on her porch one day? She wrote about it in "Oh NO ... not another cat!!!" And do you remember that she found the lady owner? Well guess what. She has the cat back. The lady owner called her to take the cat. HEE HEE that makes 7!:D I wonder if she'll name it Arizona like she was thinking before???
So write your responses so that when she gets back to work on Monday, everyone will already know about "Ari".

11-02-2002, 06:12 PM
Yay!! She should name it Arizona.. it's a great state.

11-02-2002, 07:20 PM
Are you sure she wasn't going to name this one Vermont or is that gonna be her next one?;)
Congrats on another beautiful tux kitty Cataholic!

11-02-2002, 08:11 PM
Ver(mont)e is going to be her Mom's next cat. Tee Hee

11-03-2002, 01:04 PM
Can you believe it? The lady met me outside my house, as I was heading to the grocery store!!! And, she said,"this cat attacks my children and I"!!! WHAT? She said, "for no apparent reason"....whatever. This woman obviously has some issues. So, I have the still unnamed female in the back bedroom. She is as sweet and loving as before, seems pretty hungry, and seems a little 'full' around the middle. If I come to find out that this cat is pregnant...UGH! I asked her if she had had it spayed yet.."No, I wanted to see how things worked out"...UGH!!! She had been letting it inside and out, despite telling me she wouldn't. So, I might have seven cats...plus a litter, soon. I am going to keep her separated until I get her checked out by the vets. Hopefully, she won't be pregnant, but if she is.....WHO WANTS A KITTEN?

I will wait and see about her name. I think, cause she is a female, we are going to choose between Maryland, Arizona, and Florida (Ida, right? NOT). Now, Vermontcat..you MUST understand, SHE can't be called Monte....and Jen- you know I have TENNY already...and I can't have Tenny and Penny......so, I will update you guys as the week progresses....I just KNEW there was something not right about this woman...:mad: :mad: :mad:

11-03-2002, 01:14 PM
Wow Cataholic so you may have ended up with a package deal of Tux cats!:eek: Do you plan to take her to the vet soon to find out for sure if she is pregnant? If she is you know you will have to post tons of kitten pictures and I hope they all come out as tuxes! If there are kittens you know one of the boy ones will be named Vermont!;) I can't take any kittens here though, my cat is happy as the resident Queen.

11-03-2002, 03:22 PM
I hadn't followed the older thread and have read it right now: well Cataholic, it looks as if this is the best solution at least for Zonie -and I think you fell in love with her immediately. I am admiring people like Jen and you -because so many cats indooors is really hard work but she knew exactly where to go.....
Now I have only 2 neutered toms but 20 years ago Grisette had a litter -and at the same time I found a litter of 4 (about 6 weeks old) in the woods:mad: :mad: :mad:
I remember half of the University of my home town helping me to get good places for them all.
Tell us soon what name you finally chose and keep us posted.

11-03-2002, 05:03 PM
It is a constant reminder- your gut instinct is 'usually' right. I will call the vet first thing Monday am...and get her in this week. The seclusion won't work..since Dakota has been pawing the door to the room for the last twenty minutes!!! The new kitty is just sleeping in the cat tree, as calm as can be. I think she has some sort of rear end problems..like a poorly healed fx to tail or leg, as well as an owie behind her ear that will need to be shaved and cleaned up. Ugh.

Miss Meow
11-03-2002, 05:37 PM
That woman sounds like a right waste of oxygen ... I'm so glad she's come back to you as she'll have a loving and safe home.

I vote for Arizona this time. Maybe if she has kittens, one of the kittens can be Vermont(e), and Delaware, and whatever else we manage to pressure you into!

11-04-2002, 05:44 PM
miss meow.......this is lillycat....cataholics mom and the tux's grandma...smile.....i just looooved your response!!!! you put a smile into my day......:) :)

11-04-2002, 05:53 PM
Has Arizona gone to the vet's yet?

11-04-2002, 06:15 PM
We have a white coat appointment at 3 pm Tuesday. I am concerned about putting her in a carrier...hmmmmm...I hope she doesn't get too scared! I will bring a present for the WC to examine, and I am thinking worms are there...I just want to let everyone roam about freely!

I will post first thing tomorrow afternoon.....

11-04-2002, 07:26 PM
good luck with the vet appt tomorrow.....we will all be thinking of you. love, mom, indra, nevvie and baby washy.:p

11-04-2002, 09:38 PM
Miss Meow,

Great response!! I was thinking in the line of "too stupid to live" but you beat me to the punch.

As far as wanting a kitten is concerned, if by chance there's a long haired black female, put my name on it and I'll find a way to come get her. :D :D :D And please let us know how you make out at the V-E-T. (Yes, I spell around my cats all the time :p)

Good luck!

11-04-2002, 11:35 PM
I'm just now reading this thread. Congrats on the new addition Cataholic. :) I'm so glad that the lady came back to you so that the cat can now have a loving forever home. I think that she was meant to be your cat all along. I also like the name Arizona. Good luck at the vet tomorrow. I sure hope that she's healthy. :)

11-05-2002, 12:16 AM
Maybe you should get her tested for FIV and FELV... just a thought. SInce she is not spayed and possible pregnant there is a good chance she could have contracted a disease during mating.

Good luck, and hey, where's those pics!:p

11-05-2002, 08:12 AM
Today is the BIG WHITE COAT visit...shhhhhhh, don't say it to loud, I don't want Ari to hear us. I will have her checked over from nose to tail, and I am hoping against hope for the best!!!

About those pictures...I am seriously considering purchasing a digital camera to make posting easier!!! Our scanner is broken right now, so, I have no pics to post.:(

11-05-2002, 10:12 AM
Good luck to you and the new kitty! I just picked up this thread and can't believe that woman. I'm glad she's not keeping the cat, - I'm onboard with that whole Waste of Oxygen thing!!

At any rate, as she is a female, can I throw the name Carolina in the mix? I'm a Carolina girl by birth so I'm biased, but its a great name and a beautiful state- either one of them!

Good luck at the white coats.

11-05-2002, 12:59 PM
Just seeing this thread now...good thing you live far away from me...I swear if I could, I'd have more cats...

Thank goodness you were there to rescue that sweet girl...and if your still hurting for names....Cali would be cute... :)

Today is your vet appointment, right about now I think. We are eager to hear about what the vet has to say and how she dealt with being in kitty jail.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-05-2002, 12:59 PM
I really can't believe how some people treat pets, but I'm so glad the woman brought her back to you instead of just letting her outside to fend for herself. Seems Ari must have liked it at your house and let the woman and her kids no in not so subtle a way. ;)

Here's hoping the WC visit goes well and she is healthy enough to introduce to your other cats.

Cinder & Smoke
11-05-2002, 03:55 PM

Very sad news at the Vets...

Poor Arizona is now playing at the Rainbow Bridge... :(

Please see "I am very sad..." (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16827) for the details and to comfort Cataholic.

Rest In Peace, Arizona.