View Full Version : Rhode Island is on TV!!!

04-08-2011, 11:05 PM
I know there are a few "displaced" Rhode Islanders on here. Thought you folks would enjoy this.

New TV series, Body of Proof, Tuesday at 10 PM Eastern, on ABC.

Although the show is "set" in Philadelphia, all the filming was done here in RI, with most of it in Providence; some was done here in East Providence. Last summer, seemed like every time we ventured out, there were road blocks and detours due to the filming.

Here is a story about one of the houses they used:

If you want to watch episodes online, here is a link:

04-09-2011, 05:12 AM
Oh, that's neat! I'll have to take a look.

04-09-2011, 06:47 AM
Hey - now that's pretty cool........(waves to all her friends and relatives, mostly from from Warwick)! ;)

I'll have to watch it - not that I'd recognize anything after being away all these years. :(

04-09-2011, 07:21 AM
We've watched a couple of episodes. I didn't know they were filming in Rhode Island though.

I loved the show Providence when it was on. And then there was The Brotherhood - it was on Showtime back in 2006. That one showed lots of Providence.

Pinot's Mom
04-09-2011, 07:45 AM
OK, the other displaced Rhodie checking in...I had no idea either. I would never recognize Providence; the only time I went there was for concerts at the Civic Center (which I'm sure has been replaced). If I can catch it, I will though, thanks!:)

I was an Aquidneck Island girl.

04-09-2011, 08:22 AM
OK, the other diplaced Rhodie checking in...

I was an Aquidneck Island girl.

First line: LOL, love it!

Oh, the Island folks are a society all unto themselves! :cool:

04-09-2011, 09:00 AM
Oh, the Island folks are a society all unto themselves! :cool:

Oh Maggie----------are you going to let her get away with that??? :confused::p

Sandie - my folks built a house on Jamestown, after I was on my own, so I never resided there - just visited. I guess you'd call Jamestown "a poor man's Aquidneck"?? :confused::eek::D

04-09-2011, 09:20 AM
Oh Maggie----------are you going to let her get away with that??? :confused::p

Sandie - my folks built a house on Jamestown, after I was on my own, so I never resided there - just visited. I guess you'd call Jamestown "a poor man's Aquidneck"?? :confused::eek::D

Actually, Jamestown is nobody's poor man. Have you ever checked the price of houses there?

I lived on Aquidneck Island for two years, when my first husband was stationed on the USS Gearing. My formative years were spent in Warwick - just like you, Ellie :)

Pinot's Mom
04-09-2011, 09:46 AM
Oh Maggie----------are you going to let her get away with that??? :confused::p

Why, we always knew we were...ahem...cut from a different type of cloth...:D

Now, who's going to let me get away with THAT one??:eek:

04-09-2011, 10:41 AM
Actually, Jamestown is nobody's poor man. Have you ever checked the price of houses there?

I lived on Aquidneck Island for two years, when my first husband was stationed on the USS Gearing. My formative years were spent in Warwick - just like you, Ellie :)

Oh yeah - Jamestown definitely is no Shantytown. My folks built a nice rancher - cedar shake shingles - in keeping with the look of the area. My cousin had built a gorgeous "mansion" there too - all natural stone excavated on the island. Now that was no cheap undertaking! :eek: I wish I knew the address - I'd check it out - price-wise. I tried to find him thru whitepages, but no listing in Jamestown under his name. I don't even know if he's still alive, since he was a good 10 years older than I am.

And just a bit of useless info for people who don't know.........Gretchen and I grew up just a few miles from each other and went to the same schools, etc. We didn't know each other back then tho - since she is (cough,cough,cough) OLDER than I am. :eek::p:D

Why, we always knew we were...ahem...cut from a different type of cloth...:D

Now, who's going to let me get away with THAT one??:eek:

Ummm - I'm speechless on this one, so you win this round. ;)

04-09-2011, 12:12 PM
He heeee, love this thread!

Just as I joke that I 'think' I need a passport to "cross the bridge" (Washington Bridge, to the other 80% of the state on the other side), folks on Aquidneck often comment similarly re the rest of us on the main land.

I have to be careful though, as I am a "transplant," only lived here 16 years. Do you know, I don't think I've ever BEEN in Jamestown, yet? As Dad's house - where I grew up - is north, I just gravitate up that way most of the time.

04-09-2011, 12:34 PM
Hey Sandie - you don't know what you've missed till you've hob-nobbed with the islanders! ;)

I heard rumors that Maggie's address was Cliff Walk, too. :D

04-09-2011, 12:35 PM
It's fun to know where it is the show was really filmed, we knew it wasn't Philadelphia - well, Paul knew, as he's been there a few times, but didn't know where it really was!

04-09-2011, 12:39 PM
He heeee, love this thread!

Just as I joke that I 'think' I need a passport to "cross the bridge" (Washington Bridge, to the other 80% of the state on the other side), folks on Aquidneck often comment similarly re the rest of us on the main land.

I have to be careful though, as I am a "transplant," only lived here 16 years. Do you know, I don't think I've ever BEEN in Jamestown, yet? As Dad's house - where I grew up - is north, I just gravitate up that way most of the time.

Where did you live before Rhode Island?

I have lived in Michigan more than half my life - but when I am asked where I am from, I always answer Rhode Island.

The Michigan license plate on my car reads 1QUAHOG.

04-09-2011, 12:45 PM
The Michigan license plate on my car reads 1QUAHOG.

Do people in MI even know what a quahog is?? :confused:

04-09-2011, 12:52 PM
Do people in MI even know what a quahog is?? :confused:

No, they don't. Once a guy followed me into a car wash to find out what it was - and he was in a convertible with the top down! We drove the UPS and FedEx drivers nuts when we first got them.

But there must be others from out east living here. I originally tried to get just QUAHOG, but it was taken. Then she tried QUAH0G - with a zero instead of the O. That was also gone. so it came down to 1QUAHOG - and Douglas has 2QUAHOG.

Once, when we were in Rhode Island, some lady commented that she didn't know there were quahogs in Michigan :)

04-09-2011, 01:14 PM
And I bet no one in Michigan knows how to pronounce it, either! :)

04-09-2011, 01:19 PM
And I bet no one in Michigan knows how to pronounce it, either! :)

And I have this funny picture in my mind, of all these PT'ers Googling quahog to find out what in the heck it is we're talking about! :p:D

04-09-2011, 04:08 PM
Ahahahaaaa, wow! Neat license plate -- hey, wonder if you could track down who has the first 2 options you tried? LOL

Been to Newport, Middletown and Portsmouth many times (fo te est of PT, those are the 3 towns on Aquidneck island). LOVE Cliff Walk!

Where did you live before Rhode Island?

Born and Raised in Mass. - Methuen, up on the Salem, NH line.

Maine is my heart home, and I lived there 5 years, in Falmouth, just north of Portland. However, I was never a "Mainer," you must be born there (some say 4 generations!) to use that label. I was considered a "Maniac!" :D It was my life dream to live there, and soon as I could, I got a job up there and moved.

But I couldn't cope w/ the winters, the year we had 127 inches of snow did me in: said I'd be outta there before another flake landed, and moved down here to RI.

04-09-2011, 04:10 PM
And I have this funny picture in my mind, of all these PT'ers Googling quahog to find out what in the heck it is we're talking about! :p:D

Fortunately, being from Mass and Maine, I've known and loved quahogs all my life!

Pinot's Mom
04-09-2011, 04:27 PM
Love me some Quahogs!! Had to explain them to my husband many years ago....he's born and bred here on the Mason Dixon line. I also tried to explain Lobster Rolls for many years until we finally went to Maine. The first Lobster Pound I saw, we stopped, I had one, he tasted and said OK - NOW I know the difference!

Back to Rhode Island...we lived on Bayview Avenue in Portsmouth (very close to the Mount Hope Bridge), Glen Farm in Portsmouth (which is now an "equestrian facility"), Middletown for a short time, Powell Avenue & Farewell Street in Newport, Narragansett Avenue in Tiverton (off Island). That was all with my parents. On my own, I lived on Park Street (a lovely apartment I have never forgotten) and Heath Street.

Sorry, Ellie, no Cliff Walk! :) Most of our time, however, was spent on the boat at the piers of Newport Yacht Club - does that make you feel better?;)

04-09-2011, 04:37 PM
Sorry, Ellie, no Cliff Walk! :) Most of our time, however, was spent on the boat at the piers of Newport Yacht Club - does that make you feel better?;)

Well - it is a step down from living next door to the Vanderbilt's, but still not too shabby. :D ;)

04-09-2011, 04:40 PM
My husband actually went out with my brother once and dug quahogs. Then he ate a couple - but will never do it again :D No, he didn't get sick; it's just not his thing.

We lived on Aquidneck Avenue for the two years we were on the Island.

There's a restaurant near us that makes Lobster Rolls. I tried one once - terrible. I tried to tell them you only need 4 basic ingredients, plus the roll, but they insist upon adding some fancy crap. Thank goodness for Monahans in A2. They have Lobster Salad on Fridays, and it is to die for - and very expensive.

04-09-2011, 04:47 PM
My husband actually went out with my brother once and dug quahogs. Then he ate a couple - but will never do it again :D No, he didn't get sick; it's just not his thing.

Raw??? That's not my thing either - they have to be steamed. We used to go out on my Dad's boat and jump overboard at low tide and dig for them with our toes - Dad would eat them raw almost as fast as we were digging them. I tried it once - not again. :eek:

04-09-2011, 04:57 PM
Absolutely raw!! Dig 'em, open and eat :D

When you talk steamed, are you thinking soft or hardshell clams? In our family, the hard were eaten raw (or in chowder or clam cakes), the soft shelled were steamed. The soft also make the best Fried Clams. Out here the only kind of fried we can get are strips - no bellies.

04-09-2011, 05:03 PM
Absolutely raw!! Dig 'em, open and eat :D

When you talk steamed, are you thinking soft or hardshell clams? In our family, the hard were eaten raw (or in chowder or clam cakes), the soft shelled were steamed. The soft also make the best Fried Clams. Out here the only kind of fried we can get are strips - no bellies.

No - they were hard shell. If they were too big tho - they would be rather "chewy" after they were steamed - the smaller, the better. Can't beat the littlenecks tho.

04-09-2011, 05:46 PM
We usually steamed 'em, then chopped 'em up and made stuffed clams, with the big ones. We'd often clean and save the shells for later use, they make good little "dishes" or they'd go out to the compost heap!

04-09-2011, 06:11 PM
No - they were hard shell. If they were too big tho - they would be rather "chewy" after they were steamed - the smaller, the better. Can't beat the littlenecks tho.

Chewy is the operative word. Soft shell clams do not get chewy/rubbery. Only the hard shell do.

Little Necks were meant to be eaten raw :D


This is a soft shell steamer - see it is more oblong, and the neck sticks out -


04-09-2011, 08:09 PM
I lived for about a year and a half in an apartment on Angell St. in a house that had once been the home of famed Providence resident H.P. Lovecraft :eek::eek::eek: !

04-10-2011, 08:01 AM
I lived for about a year and a half in an apartment on Angell St. in a house that had once been the home of famed Providence resident H.P. Lovecraft :eek::eek::eek: !

They have tours going by that House ALL THE TIME!

04-10-2011, 02:38 PM
598/600 Angell St.? I don't remember tour buses then, but maybe I just wasn't around at the right times.

I had the strangest roommates in that house :eek::eek::eek: -

“They seemed to be enormous, iridescent cones, about ten feet high and ten feet wide at the base, and made up of some ridgy, scaly, semi-elastic matter. From their apexes projected four flexible, cylindrical members, each a foot thick, and of a ridgy substance like that of the cones themselves. These members were sometimes contracted almost to nothing, and sometimes extended to any distance up to about ten feet. Terminating two of them were enormous claws or nippers. At the end of a third were four red, trumpet-like appendages. The fourth terminated in an irregular yellowish globe some two feet in diameter and having three great dark eyes ranged along its central circumference. Surmounting this head were four slender grey stalks bearing flower-like appendages, whilst from its nether side dangled eight greenish antennae or tentacles. The great base of the central cone was fringed with a rubbery, grey substance which moved the whole entity through expansion and contraction.”

All I could say when I came home was: “Iä! Shub-Niggurath! The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young!”

I did go see his grave in Swan Point Cemetery at one point. There were little plastic lizards and other creepy-crawlies on it.

H.P. Lovecraft, gone but not forgotten!

04-10-2011, 04:29 PM
598/600 Angell St.? I don't remember tour buses then, but maybe I just wasn't around at the right times.

No bus, WALKING tours -- self guided, and some have Guides who talk as you go.



Listing from 2009:

Thought you would enjoy this website NAME (quahog.org!) :D as well as a tidbit from the page:

A Sixty-Year Rest Disturbed

Although it is nearby, Lovecraft's body does not actually lie beneath his donated headstone, a fact that was evidently unknown to the person or persons who, on the night of October 13, 1997, apparently tried to dig him up.

04-10-2011, 05:35 PM
I must have led more of a sheltered life than I thought. I lived in RI till I was 18, and never heard of H P Lovecraft before this thread - and I had aunts and uncles in Providence.

04-10-2011, 05:41 PM
I must have led more of a sheltered life than I thought. I lived in RI till I was 18, and never heard of H P Lovecraft before this thread - and I had aunts and uncles in Providence.

I had never heard of him either, Ellie.

I have the Quahog.com site bookmarked, and here is another cute one -

You know you're from Rhode Island if . . . . . (http://www.matthewjcook.com/personal/ri.shtml)

04-10-2011, 06:20 PM
I had never heard of him either, Ellie.

I have the Quahog.com site bookmarked, and here is another cute one -

You know you're from Rhode Island if . . . . . (http://www.matthewjcook.com/personal/ri.shtml)

Then I don't feel too bad. At least I'm not the only one. :eek:

And "You know you're from RI..." - is hilarious! I identified with the majority and was laughing thru the whole thing.

I was born at Lying-In Hosp.
Before we moved to the Apponaug area, we lived in Hoxsie - off of Airport Rd (don't ask me to spell the "O" Rd which is what I knew it as) - right up from Hoxsie 4-Corners where there was an Almacs and Mom used to shop there.
Scarborough - most definitely - Block Island??? - never to this day even.
Vinegar on fries - is there any other way???
And on and on - just so darn funny!

I've got to send that link to my brother in NC - he'll love it. :D

04-10-2011, 06:50 PM
Yup, this was my first home there - http://www.hplovecraft.com/creation/sites/pics.asp?id=598angel.

I lived in the third-floor apartment, with the entrance around the back (so my street number was 600 Angell). When I was looking for a place, the rental agent said "H.P. Lovecraft used to live here, if that means anything to you."

I said, "Wow, it sure does!" I had somehow discovered H.P. Lovecraft in my late teens/early 20s or somewhere around there, i.e., the impressionable ages, and I had never forgotten him. I took the place because it had what I wanted at a price I could afford, but I have to say H.P. was an additional draw.

(Yes, so maybe Michigan people don't know from quahogs [which I first heard of after I'd moved to New England, i.e., metro Boston], but those in the right frame of mind could find out about H.P.! :D)

04-10-2011, 06:53 PM
You know what "John from Alpert's" sounds like.

OH MY GOSH!! I DO, I remember him!!! Alpert's is gone now . . . . :( Sold to Raymour and Flanigan.

04-10-2011, 06:59 PM
Sandie - thanks for starting this thread. It is so much fun :love:
Brings back so many memories :)

04-10-2011, 07:02 PM
I have cousins that live in Middletown. I did not know until today that it was on an island. I've obviously never been to see them. We talk a few times per year.

04-10-2011, 07:10 PM
Okay Gretchen - I can spell the old Airport Rd name now:

Occupasstuxet Rd

No wonder it was changed. I cheated tho. I found it in an old book I "borrowed" from school - "Episodes in Warwick History" - published in 1937 by The Warwick Historical Committee. I found it among a bunch of really old things I was going thru, just a couple of weeks ago.

An interesting quote on the intro page: "The young live forward in hope and the old live backward in memory". Guess we're the old ones..........;)

04-10-2011, 07:10 PM
Sandie - thanks for starting this thread. It is so much fun :love:
Brings back so many memories :)

Yes, indeed! I wasn't that long in R.I., but I came to love it very much.

04-10-2011, 07:12 PM
I had never heard of him either, Ellie.

I have the Quahog.com site bookmarked, and here is another cute one -

You know you're from Rhode Island if . . . . . (http://www.matthewjcook.com/personal/ri.shtml)

I got a few of those, but I wasn't there long enough to really "be" from Rhode Island.

04-10-2011, 07:20 PM
A Sixty-Year Rest Disturbed

Although it is nearby, Lovecraft's body does not actually lie beneath his donated headstone, a fact that was evidently unknown to the person or persons who, on the night of October 13, 1997, apparently tried to dig him up.

I didn't know this. Where IS he actually buried, then?

04-10-2011, 08:24 PM
I do remember that!! And the airport was originally on that road. I remember going over and parking in the parking lot (it was free back then) and watching the planes take off and land.

04-10-2011, 09:53 PM
I didn't know this. Where IS he actually buried, then?

Dunno. It says "nearby."

Glad this thread is so fun for a group of us! LOL

04-11-2011, 12:31 AM
Listen to "Rhode Island if Famous for You" by Blossom Dearie:


Hmmm...that didn't light up so you may have to paste/copy. It's a cute little song!

04-11-2011, 07:06 AM
I do remember that!! And the airport was originally on that road. I remember going over and parking in the parking lot (it was free back then) and watching the planes take off and land.

It wasn't even an airport for a plane of any decent size back then either. It wasn't an airport for any commercial planes originally.

And did you also go down to Narragansett Bay at night and watch the submarine races too?? :p

I was eating ice cream last night before I went to bed, and thinking about this thread. Then something else popped into my head. Remember Hoodsies??? - and they came with that little flat wooden spoon to eat them with? My old maid aunt worked as an accountant for them when they were in Providence, and she always had a bunch in her freezer for when the nieces and nephews would visit. I Googled Hoodsie and noticed that they are still around. Never woulda' thunk....

Yup - I've got to thank you too Sandie, for starting this thread. Bet you never thought where it would go tho - did you??? It has brought back memories for me, that had long been forgotten.

Thanks - you're a great Rhodie - even if you are an import!!!! :cool::D

04-11-2011, 07:47 AM
Yup - I've got to thank you too Sandie, for starting this thread. Bet you never thought where it would go tho - did you??? It has brought back memories for me, that had long been forgotten.

Thanks - you're a great Rhodie - even if you are an import!!!! :cool::D


Pinot's Mom
04-11-2011, 05:41 PM
This is fun! :D

I am FROM Rhode Island, as far as I'm concerned, although I was born in Bethesda Naval Hospital in MD. I was on Aquidneck Island from the age of 9 until 20 (although my junior and senior years of high school I lived in MD for the school year).

The "you know you're from RI" link - very funny! I identified with the duckpin, bread, coffee syrup, clam cakes, Almacs & Finast (OMG!!), Newport Creamery (did anyone else "hang out at the Wall"?), the pronunciation of places, I HAVE been to Block-many times, we were boaters and had regular rendesvous there, I know The Pier, clear clam chowdah, a CVANSTON accent, the package store, quahog stuffies, suppa, Cumbie's (OMG again!!), and the convicted felon - too funny!!:D:D

04-11-2011, 06:37 PM

04-13-2011, 09:49 AM
I lived in Providence for 6 weeks. Does that give me any status in here? LOL. It was one of the coolest towns I had experienced, truly. Lots of quaintness, history, etc. I then lived in Worcester for 5 years, LOL. I felt the same way about THAT town! I think I just like NE.

04-13-2011, 12:00 PM
New England is a wonderful place to live!!!

Other than school, I've lived here all my life, lol.