View Full Version : Unchaining Moore Dogs

04-07-2011, 12:23 PM
I know the Moore is spelled "wrong" but that's the name of this organization. Please check them out :)


I got to know the founder when we were both promoting projects on the pepsi challenge. She is a great woman and has such a passion for animals.

I thought this would be a great way to help get the word...and the concept of unchaining dogs...out.

04-07-2011, 10:54 PM
That is a GREAT cause. Dogs on chains is one of my BIG pet peeves.

04-07-2011, 11:06 PM
Honestly, I am not for chaining dogs irresponsibly
(I.e with no shelter, no water, no food, being out there 24/7, etc.).. but some breeds like Northern breeds and terriers, sometimes it's the ONLY way you can keep the dog in the yard and keep it safe.

I had to tie out my Jenny girl (RIP) when we lived at our old house because we didn't have a yard. Not every dog that is chained is being neglected like some people think.

Sometimes it's the only way you can safely confine your dog, even if you are out there with them what if they see a cat or another dog and go balistic?

It keeps those animals safe, too as long as you have a proper chain set-up I see no problem with it.

You cannot say every dog that is being chained is being neglected, there are a lot of people that chain their dogs to keep them safe and people who chain their dogs that have dog aggressive dogs if they want more than one of that breed, it's called being responsible and not neglecting your dog.

So I don't agree with anti-tethering laws, personally because it brings a lot of trouble to people who are innocent and only properly containing their dogs and that have adequate shelter.
(Think of the H$U$ who are out to get people who have a yard full of dogs and think they are fighting them, when they are not.)

The ones who think their dogs are being neglected, they get taken away and possibly even killed for nothing! I do not chain my dogs, but I would tie them out if that was the only way for to keep them in the yard and safe and I would be pissed if someone ratted on me when they don't know the situation.

Lady's Human
04-08-2011, 12:26 AM
Sorry, a dog out on a chain/tether does not instantly equal abuse or neglect.

I can't afford to fence in 3 acres, and Lady would bolt given the chance.

04-08-2011, 12:45 AM
Sorry, a dog out on a chain/tether does not instantly equal abuse or neglect.

Exactly. There are people doing more harm than good out there when they think people are abusing or neglecting their dogs when they are simply responsibly containing their dogs.

04-08-2011, 09:09 AM
I do agree with everything you said and have to believe that her project is aimed at people who are "irresponsibly" chaining...which I interpret as a dog who spends its entire life chained to a tree :( My RB dog Sydney spent the first 15 months of her life chained to a tree. When the SPCA finally seized her, she was a terrified, non socialized pup. We adopted her the day before she was to be euthanized. With a lot of TLC and companionship from my RB Stryker, she flouished and lived a long happy life as a velcro dog :love:.

04-08-2011, 12:10 PM
Roxy, as you all know, lived on a chain for most of her life after we adopted her. On occasion before we moved into our apartment and she had to be taken to my grandfather's house, she did get to sleep inside.

She wasn't inhumanely chained, she had a really long chain, and she received fresh water at least once a day, usually 2-3, especially in hot weather, as well as a healthy diet and human attention EVERY DAY. She also got walked or exercised often, and she was a very happy and healthy girl until we had to have her put to sleep.

Of course, I don't completely support chaining a dog, especially if it's a small chain and they have no food or water access daily, but chaining Roxy kept her safe, and she was happy and well-loved, just as much as any inside dog could be.