View Full Version : Hello Queeny

04-04-2011, 03:53 PM
Hello Queeny,

You sure were a cute puppy sweetheart & I'll bet you are a pretty grown
up girl now.:love: I love the picture of you & your friend Jonny,:) Congrats
on being our precious DOG OF THE DAY.:) Hugs & kisses sweet girl.

04-04-2011, 04:32 PM
Queeny - you are such a little cutie. :love: Sounds like you know how to have lots of fun too. I wish you many happy and healthy years with your human family. Congratulations on being selected as today's DOTD. Enjoy! :D

p.s. - I'm an aunt to a boy pug named Scooter. I haven't met him yet, but hope to this summer. :)

04-04-2011, 04:38 PM
Your little Queeny could not possibly be more adorabe! I'm in love once again!Enjoy your special day :) Peace and love :D:D:p;)

04-04-2011, 04:49 PM
Hi there Queeny! So happy to meet you, sweet baby girl!:) What a precious, Pugilicious pup you are, Queeny, and oh, what an absolutely adorable wittle one you were!:D You're one of the those "should come with a cuteness alert warning" type doggies!:) And I must say, you and your beautiful Labbie best bud and sidekick Jonny make one precious pair! How lucky you are to have a best furbud in him, and he in you!:) What a wonderful life, what caring humans you have been blessed with, Queeny! Wow, how many doggies can boast 2x daily trips to the doggie park, playtime in the garden, and the occasional trip to work with your Mom!:) Yes, your family loves you so very much, and for good reason! Any family would count their lucky stars, having a best friend and furkid as sweet and loving as you! Hope you're enjoying your much deserved day in the spotlight, precious Queeny! Please have your young person give you a big hug and kiss for me!:love::love::love: