View Full Version : Happy PURRTHDAY, Mandy!

04-04-2011, 10:47 AM
Today is Mandy's birthday; she is now FOUR years old! And she still dislikes humans, ha haaa.

Since last July, Mandy has been "living" in a spare bedroom. After almost 3 years together, she and Tommy decided they can't co exist. :rolleyes: HE had kept her away from the food bowls, water bowls and litter boxes. In the first 6 months she was segregated, she gained TWO whole pounds and is finally up to a "normal" weight! And she regularly uses the litter box, no more "accidents" due to the BULLY.

In January, Chestnut started spending lots of time with her, round the clock for 6 weeks, and now nightly. (If you misse dit, he has lost all muscle tone in his hind quarters, so he can't jump. My vet suspects neurological issues. She advised not to have him do stairs for the litter boxes in the cellar.) Mandy is FINE with Chestnut joining her! I see them both run to, and eat from, the food bowl together when I set it down. So clearly it is not Mandy, it is Tommy who is the brat.

Periodically, Sparkle, Ebony or Bobby will also spend a night w/ the 2 of them.

Here are photos from this morning, of the Birthday Gal!



04-04-2011, 11:46 AM
HAPPY 4th BIRTHDAY MANDY!!! I'm glad to hear that you're now doing well and I hope that you'll continue to have many more happy and healthy years ahead of you.:)

04-04-2011, 12:41 PM
Happy PURRTHDAY #4, MANDY!!!!!!

04-04-2011, 12:45 PM
:love: Happy Purrthday Mandy & Have Many More.. hope you get belly rubbss & treats all day..

04-04-2011, 01:01 PM
Happy 4th Birthday Mandy!! I'm glad to hear you at least have a buddy to spend time with. :D :D

04-04-2011, 01:10 PM
Happy 4th Purrthday, Mandy!:love:

04-04-2011, 01:39 PM
Happy 4th Birthday Mandy!! I'm glad to hear you at least have a buddy to spend time with. :D :D

Cindy, she really doesn't mind. Once Chestnut had finished his meds for those 6 weeks and was feeling better, I open the door first ting in the morning and it stays open till I go to bed. Chestnut is out and about. Mandy hasn't left the room, she is content there.

I have had to run chase Tommy out a few times -- he goes in to tease her. :rolleyes: The moment Mandy sees him, she starts that "siren" meow, and I run get him out before the black fur starts flying. :eek:

04-04-2011, 02:13 PM
Hey if everyone is happy, that's all that matters, right? :D

I was going to ask how you keep Tommy from going in there with her, but you answered that question. :)

04-04-2011, 03:55 PM
Happy Purr-thday, lovely Mandy!

Scooter's Mom
04-04-2011, 09:25 PM
Happy Birthday, beautiful Mandy! I hope you have many more PT celebrations!

04-05-2011, 09:25 AM
Happy Purrthday MagnfiCat Mandy , you are Four Today and have so many years together.
We wish we could come over and give you a great Hig and Food from the Buffets.

04-05-2011, 03:48 PM
Happy Birthday Mandy!:love:
Sorry I'm late.:o

04-05-2011, 03:53 PM
Happy Purrthday Mandy. :love: Stand your ground, and don't let any bullies pick on you! Sorry this is late, but hope you had a good one.

04-05-2011, 05:45 PM
Happy Purrthday Manday! :)

04-05-2011, 06:35 PM
Hi pretty Mandy and Happy Purthday #4! I hope your special day was filled with lots of your favorite treats, great new toys to play with, tons of love, and all the things a sweetie like you could possibly want! Sending you lots and lots of purrthday lovies :love: :love: :love:

04-05-2011, 07:12 PM
Aw, this is so lovely, thank you, Everyone!