View Full Version : Sometimes people really get to me...argg!

04-03-2011, 11:47 PM
I am a vet tech student in colorado. A few days ago I was sitting doing some homework in the student lounge and I saw a girl holding what looked to be a tiny baby kitten when I looked closer I saw it was a 10 day old puppy (purebred english bulldog) In a cat carrier because he couldn't be a alone long enough while she was at school. Cutest thing I have ever seen!!
She works at a local vet clinic and said that his breeders brought him in to be euthanized because he had a "dead" hind leg. Being animal suckers that we all are she snatched him up from his breeders!!
First things first... WHO, especially a breeder, that apparently likes animals has never seen a dog that has lived successfully on 3 legs...
I just hate when the most innocent creatures (this poor baby still had his eyes closed and sniffed everywhere) could just be tossed away like garbage because he wasn't "perfect"...
Ah sorry sometimes these things really get to me... Thanks for listening. By the way he has a safe and happy home now! Heres a pic of him!!

04-04-2011, 03:09 AM
So glad to hear he has a good home. Hopefully his breeders will learn from this, and not mate the same 2 dogs again, just in case. With the distortion that Bulldog has gone through over the past 100 years, it almost doesn't even look like the same breed of dog, and these things can happen.

I am glad he was saved, such a wee pup never asked to be born, but deserves love as much as any puppy now that he is here!

04-04-2011, 05:07 AM
Aww, the puppy is so cute!:love: Shame on the breeder!:mad:

04-04-2011, 10:40 AM
What Chocolate Puppy said!

I know the vet techs at my vet practice are always overloaded w/ pets, both long term keepers and nursing to health for adoption at "some" future date which seldom arrives. LOL Positive "hazard" of the job, I guess!

04-04-2011, 10:56 AM
Poor little pup - to be surrendered for a date with death, but so fortunate that fate saved him. Curses on the heartless breeder. I can't imagine why they just couldn't have kept him, and then given him away as a loving pet for someone.
So glad that he's safe and being cared for. Thanks for posting a story with a good ending (and a good beginning for the pup). :love:

04-04-2011, 11:27 AM
Beautiful baby, shame, shame, tsk, tsk to the breeders. I wouldn't even go as far as call them breeds... they seem very irresponsible, and definitely not compassionate.:mad::mad::(

Lol, yes, I always hear that every vet tech has/had a dog names Lucky, Chance, Gimpy, a tri-pod dog or cat, etc! Definitely a job hazard, I like how you put that! :)

04-04-2011, 12:57 PM
Obviously it wasn't a good breeder. They weren't going to get the money they wanted for a deformed puppy so they didn't want it. At least they were bringing it in to be done humanely. They could have done it themselves. :(:mad:

My sister got her oldest cat when she worked at a vet when they were going to put him down because his front leg was deformed when he was born. He is now about 16 years old and his leg has never slowed him down. He runs and jumps (well not so much anymore) like any other cat with four good legs.

Good for this girl to take this puppy and at least give it a chance at life. :)

04-04-2011, 01:16 PM
Poor baby!! I'm glad you took him, Maggiemae. Great job! Breeders SUCK.

04-04-2011, 03:44 PM
The puppy is so darling! How wonderful that the student's instructors let her bring the puppy to class with her. (If that was me, with such a wee guest in my class I wouldn't have been able to concentrate on the lecture!)

Dog people, what will happen to this little puppy as he grows and gets more mobile? Will he just adapt to being differently abled? He's so tiny and cute!

04-04-2011, 05:21 PM
He will get used to it in time. He won't know any better than having a deformed leg. He might drag it and limp at first, but in time he will be what's 'normal' for him!

Keep us updated on the lucky little guy!:love: