View Full Version : Meow.........meow................meow.............

04-03-2011, 09:19 AM
I was making dinner last night for a friend and getting dressed, fixing my hair and such. I was going back and forth from the kitchen to the bathroom. Every once in a while I would hear Buddy meow. It was a distant meow when I was in the kitchen but sounded so close when I was in the bathroom.

It sort of sounded like a "help me" meow but he sometimes goes down in the basement and does this while he talks to the spiders. After about 5 minutes I started opening doors because the sound did not seem like it was coming from the basement. I called him and he would meow. Hmmmm Where is that cat. Not in my bedroom, not in the spare room, not in the basement. Back to the bathroom and brushing my teeth. Wow that meow is loud for me to be brushing my teeth with my electric toothbrush if he is in the basement...

I walked out of the bathroom and looked in the dining room and mud room. No cat. Very odd. Back to the bathroom to spray my hair. Light bulb goes off in my head! Open the closet door, out jumps Buddy! I have no clue how he got in there but he was very happy that I rescued him. Talking a mile a minute and rubbing on my legs and ankles. I kept apologizing to him and he was apparently accepting my apologies because he kept rubbing and bumping me.

I have to be more careful when I close doors. :eek:

04-03-2011, 09:33 AM
Sam gets in the bathroom closet. He can open the cabinets but not the closet. So I do a critter count before I leave, esp in the mornings.

Spunky also gets in the front door when I open it. So before I close it I have to double check. He spends a few hours in there sometimes if I don't hear his plaintive cries.

04-03-2011, 12:34 PM
That used to happen quite a bit when I had a full house and could not always keep track of all My Found Cats ^^.
They used to hide in the most unlikley spots , in the crawl spaces in the cellar, in the cupboards , or in the oddest places.:cool::cool:
I am glad that you found Buddy , and let him loose.
I wonder if he will ckalk that up to a bad memory and never go into the closet again.:love::love: