View Full Version : Happy Kitties!

04-02-2011, 01:27 PM
It is 50 degrees here in Pennsylvania. I am cleaning and have all of the windows open. The cats are having a blast running from room to room and sniffing the air coming in the windows, especially Buddy. I love when they put their noses way up in the air and sniff, sniff, sniff. I tried to get a pic but he was done sniffing by the time I got the camera. I :love: Spring!

04-02-2011, 04:13 PM
Groucho loves it when the weather is warm enough to open the windows. He goes from one to the next checking everything out while looking for his squirrel and bird buddies. I'm definitely no fan of spring, hate it actually, but I do love to watch as Groucho gets into all the new scents, birds, and signs of spring.

Could I ask you to give your furcrew lots of scritchies and lovies for me? :love:

04-02-2011, 08:18 PM
I was doing the same thing today only it's in the 60's here. All of my cats love to sniff the fresh air. Storm's been acting very lively and he's much more active today. Spring is here.:)

04-03-2011, 09:57 PM
Dear Auntie Happylabs, my meowmie had the balcony door open today and I was watching and listening for birds! The air smelled good too! My meowmie asked if you would give your kitties some petting and lovies for us. We :love: spring too!


04-04-2011, 09:30 AM
Spring will be here very soon, and I will soon be opening up the Ebony Beau Tubster:love::love::love: Memorial Lounge so My Found Cats can sit in the breeze and enjoy the warmth of summer.
I bet that My Found Cat Angels will be there with thier Loved Ones and their Awesome Angels Friends for take out picnics!!