View Full Version : Random Pictures!

03-31-2011, 12:11 AM
Hey all! Sorry for being so absent, I have been way busy with school! This term I'm taking a photography class and I'm having a lot of fun learning how my camera works :D My parents had a PowerShot A95 that they never use so they decided to ship it to me. I'm still FAR from learning everything but I am having a lot of fun experimenting with various settings.

I wanted to share some of my favorite pics from my fiddling today:


A strange shot of the flowers on the fence in the alley

Blurry Remus...the focus point was off but it still turned out cute

More Remus

More flowers

A random lock

The back of Leonard :D

Thats all! I hope you all enjoyed...hopefully I will have time to post more (and with a good camera, I'll be able to take more pics of my furkids!)

For those of you that are wondering...Hoodini is still on the loose. He has gotten past a few trapping rounds but I've been studying his movements and I think I might be able to catch him. He's gotten bigger since he escaped and he looks clean so I get the feeling he's being taken care of somewhere. I think a couple of the neighbors are taking turns based on what yard he wants to camp in. I haven't given up!!

I hope everyone is doing well. :love:

Edit: Sorry for the image size, photobucket apparently has a maximum size now. :p

03-31-2011, 05:48 AM
Lovely pictures and I especially love the white flowers! :love::D