View Full Version : Dusty!

03-28-2011, 05:33 AM
Oh Dusty what a happy go lucky fun boy you are! I love your Hawiaan shirt and being a typical golden having all those toys! Happy dotd to you

03-28-2011, 06:20 AM
Dusty...Not only are you handsome you are a very smart boy to. Dusty, you are a very lucky boy to have a family that loves you and takes very good care of you. I would if you were mine. Congratulations on DOTD.
I got to see how pretty you are and to read such nice things about you.
I wish you and your family will have many, many more wonderful years together.:love::love::love:

Linda in SC:love:

03-28-2011, 09:29 AM
Good morning Dusty, a very happy Dog of the Day to you, sweetheart! Be still my Retriever loving heart!:love: What a precious boy you are, Dusty; a quintessentially Golden guy, from your big, big heart and smarts, to your unwavering devotion to your humans and your love for...toys?:D:p That million mega-watt smile, that colorful Hawaiian shirt and oh yeah, that impressive cache of toys says it all!:D

Oh, what a life! Not only do you have your very own truck, you have your own chauffeur!:D I laughed out loud reading how amazed you are at the workings of the take-out window...just put a green piece of paper in and voila, a McDusty Burger appears (or would that be a McDusty softie cone)?:D No wonder you don't want to get out of your truck! lol

Your Mommy (or Daddy) says you're in your "twilight years;" I say you're just hitting your stride, with lots and lots of living and loving' yet to do!:cool:

What a wonderful way for this Retriever loving Mom to start the day, reading all about your precious, beautiful self and your wonderfully enchanted life; how much you mean to your family! How lucky they are, having a best furkid and joyful, loving companion in you, Dusty! I can't imagine a more deserving Dog of the Day, and we're honored to crown you our very special honoree! Enjoy a very happy, fun and love filled day, sweetheart, being loved and spoiled to pieces; hope you're treated to a drive by the take-out window! Big hugs and kisses, woofs and wiggles to you precious Dusty, from me and my Lab Star!:love::love::love:

03-28-2011, 04:10 PM
Hi Dusty,

I am so pleased to meet & get to know a little about you.You sure
seem like a sweetheart who loves his family & loves life.:love:I think
you would make a great friend & companion.:) Congratulations on being
chosen as our special DOG OF THE DAY. Wishing you many happy years
ahead. Sending you lots of cyber hugs & kisses just for you sweet boy.:)

03-28-2011, 07:33 PM
What a sweet wonderful dog in every single way! The very best to ya'll, peace and love :):):D:D:D:p

03-28-2011, 08:18 PM
Aww Dusty you look like the sweetest boy ever!:love: I like your shirt! Congrats on being DOTD! I hope this is a special day for you!:)

03-28-2011, 09:25 PM
You made me laugh, Dusty! You have so many toys...and Cheerios - lol!
Enjoy your DOTD status, cutie! :):love: