View Full Version : Cat vent...Maya Linn my 12 year old dumpster kitty...

03-27-2011, 07:07 AM
4 hours sleep last night. Up at the buttcrack of dawn to a blue eyed Seal Lynx Point Torbie meowing (it's not pleasant...a MEEZER MEOW!!!) an inch from my face, whiskers tickling my nose, wanting to be fed RIGHT THAT VERY MINUTE!!! No??? She will then bite my nose, (sometimes she'll really clamp down) and will go as far as pawing my nose, claws extended. Get a claw that hasn't been clipped and I'm wide awake!!!

I try tossing her out of the bedroom and closing the door. So much for my security deposit. She claws at the carpet in the corner of the doorway. I put a cat food bucket over the damaged part, she'll scratch at the door. I tried squirting her with water. *sigh*

I think I'm cracking under pressure. I've never let this get the best of me. The walls seem to be closing in on me.

I need a V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N...NOW!!!!

03-27-2011, 07:12 AM
4 hours sleep last night. Up at the buttcrack of dawn to a blue eyed Seal Lynx Point Torbie meowing (it's not pleasant...a MEEZER MEOW!!!) an inch from my face, whiskers tickling my nose, wanting to be fed RIGHT THAT VERY MINUTE!!! No??? She will then bite my nose, (sometimes she'll really clamp down) and will go as far as pawing my nose, claws extended. Get a claw that hasn't been clipped and I'm wide awake!!!

I try tossing her out of the bedroom and closing the door. So much for my security deposit. She claws at the carpet in the corner of the doorway. I put a cat food bucket over the damaged part, she'll scratch at the door. I tried squirting her with water. *sigh*

I think I'm cracking under pressure. I've never let this get the best of me. The walls seem to be closing in on me.

I need a V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N...NOW!!!!

LOL I don't suppose you can try free feeding?

03-27-2011, 09:20 AM
At her age, she can't go as long on an empty stomach. I have 2 oldies, they can only go 6 hours between meals. At this point, I can get up and add food and still be asleep! :eek:

03-27-2011, 11:03 AM
Believe me Mary, she IS free-fed!!! She has Wilderness dry any time her sorry @$$ feels the need to eat! Can you tell I'm sleep deprived!


Every 6 hours? Yeah, well I need at least 9 hours sleep a night or I get VERY CRANKY!! So, she and I are even!!

I do love the old broad, but GEEZ!!!

03-27-2011, 02:21 PM
It must be a cat thing, Donna....


03-27-2011, 04:20 PM
ROFLMAO!!! Great post!!!

03-27-2011, 04:56 PM
Neither of mine have ever woke me up for food. They are quite happy as long as there is some dry out for them. They have either Wilderness or Indigo Moon out anytime they want. They WILL wake me up for pets and loves, though. Ming is especially good at patting you with a paw and then working up to a claw softly raked across the face with the meezer MEOW. Mac just jumps on you and kneads his little heart out. Cats!:rolleyes:

03-27-2011, 05:37 PM
Sydney starts waking me up around 4:30am. Tap, tap, poke, poke...

03-27-2011, 06:25 PM
When Soncat lived in Rhode Island he adopted a beautiful orangie from the local shelter. Every morning she'd wake him up around 4:00 am pawing on his face to be fed. Soncat would get up, fill her dish, then go back to bed. After Grafix finished eating he would hear her going from room to room. When her inspection tour was done Grafix would jump up on Soncat's bed, give him a big kitty kiss across his face, snuggle next to him and go to sleep.

03-27-2011, 07:26 PM

Soncat is VERY lucky he was ABLE to go back to sleep!!!


patting you with a paw and then working up to a claw softly raked across the face with the meezer MEOW

Describes it to a "T"!!!!

03-27-2011, 07:58 PM
I go through this every night sometime between 12:30 and 4AM. Starts with a Toby meow from the nightstand, then a persistent pawing at my shoulder, then Havoc joins in as backup for frequent, tag-team jumping on and off of me. If demands are still being ignored, then Toby claws on the corner of the bed. This whole process takes up to 30 minutes, but I usually just give in at the first "meow" because I know the feline assaults aren't gonna stop until I get up and give them a bite to eat.

03-27-2011, 10:00 PM
Calvin does the AM parade. All over me! There's the kidney crunch, whiskers under the nose, standing on my chest, parading up one side and down the other. Ankles and wrists are not small enough to be spared either! I've seriously taken to waking him from naps so he'll be too tired to wake up at the godforsaken hour he choses. I purposely got a kitty with no meezer in him for the talking! Had one before and neighbors in my apartment building would ask why the baby cries so much! Had to tell them it was a stinkin cat! LOL! Just kidding! Part of the deal with sharing your life with a fourlegged furkid! :love:

03-28-2011, 12:55 AM
I know how loud meezers can be and my Pearl can be quite loud. I haven't free fed in many years now but I do feed everyone just before I go to bed or else I know I'd have a major problem. I feed them around 8am and then around 9:45am Mon.-Fri. before I go to work. Then they usually get fed no earlier than 8pm and their last feeding could be as late as 11:30pm-12am Mon.-Fri. On weekends I still get up to feed them their first feeding at 8am but then I go back to bed for a while. Their second feeding may be any where from 11am-12pm or so. My RB Sunny was the main cat that would meow in my ear to try to wake me up earlier than needed and his meow was also very loud. Good luck.:)

03-28-2011, 09:44 AM
I have never had a Found Cta that demanding for food.
Mister Scrappy and Precious were demanding in their own way , but that was to lie on my chest so they could show me just how much they loved me.
Sometimes I would be too busy and push them off.:(
I wish just once more that they would be there again, touchingme and meewing for love.

03-28-2011, 12:09 PM
Boy, you put all this into its proper perspective, Gary! Thanks.

03-28-2011, 01:28 PM
#5 --- that's my house! She was doing it this morning at 4:09 AM.

Moosmom... I'll kitteh-sit for you while you take a vacation. Please take Austin with you, though -- I think he would miss you terribly since you're his number one human.