View Full Version : Cat Vomit - Cleaning Tips

03-25-2011, 06:15 AM
Buddy has a sensitive stomach and often barfs up his dinner if he eats too much or too fast. It always seems to be on the carpet and sometimes I don't find it right away.

How about some cleaning tips for this?


03-25-2011, 06:44 AM
I think Fister has a sensitive stomach, too. When he eats fast or too much, he also barfs. Luckily it's not very often. I usually hear it and I have learned to stay put until he's done, because if I move, he goes to another spot and the rest ends up there. It's usually undigested dry food, but sometimes a hairball.

What I do is this... I take some kitchen paper and grab the most of it with that and I have a bowl ready with an old cut up towel (thin ones are best) which I pour a bit of dishwashing liquid (Neutral) in and some hot water. That I scrub the carpet with. It works pretty well. :)

03-25-2011, 06:50 AM
I use a high traffic foaming carpet cleaner. My animals (dog and 2 cats) don't like the sound of the spraying and a little bit can go a long way. They also don't really like the smell of it so they stay away from it and then I just make sure I vacuum the spot when it dries so I don't have the dust flying around.

03-25-2011, 09:32 AM
I put a damp towel over the mess, I do not have carpeting.
Poor John Hancock was losing most of his meals that way, My Poor Balinese.:(:(:(

03-25-2011, 10:44 AM
There is a product sold at PetSmart called "Get Serious" (http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2755377) and this is the best thing I have EVER found for cleaning up after 16 cats.

03-25-2011, 11:38 AM
There is a product sold at PetSmart called "Get Serious" (http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2755377) and this is the best thing I have EVER found for cleaning up after 16 cats.

Thanks! I will check that out.

Thanks from everyone else for their suggestions too. :)

03-25-2011, 11:47 AM
Just last night Sky ate too fast and he barfed up his dinner all over my carpet and carpet runner.:( I usually hear him making the hacking noise so I try to move him to a hard surface if possible. I've been using Simple Solution which is also an enzyme cleaner and it works well. First I blot the area with a paper towel and clean up all of the vomit. Then I spray the enzyme cleaner and blot more. Then I spray more enzyme cleaner and I let it air dry. If I still notice a spot after it's dried then I spray more on it. Good luck.:)

03-25-2011, 12:28 PM
Mac scarfs and barfs nearly every day. It's a lot less since I switched to grain free feeding, but he will still urp at least a couple times per week. The sneaky little devil does this in the middle of the night and it's often dry and crusty by the time I find it. I will try some "Get Serious" from PetSmart. Thanks for the tip!:D

03-25-2011, 01:40 PM
Mac scarfs and barfs nearly every day. It's a lot less since I switched to grain free feeding, but he will still urp at least a couple times per week. The sneaky little devil does this in the middle of the night and it's often dry and crusty by the time I find it. I will try some "Get Serious" from PetSmart. Thanks for the tip!:D

Same here. 9 times out of 10 I find it after the fact all dried. I am wondering if the grain-free would work for my Buddy. He has the medium length hair and I always just assumed he barfed so much from the longer hair.

03-25-2011, 02:15 PM
happy labs, I feed grain free wet and dry. Grain free wet is tricky, it's difficult to find a brand both of mine will eat. Wellness wet seems to work for me, though they like Royal Canin the best, even though it is NOT completely grain free, it is fairly close and they will both gobble it up!
For dry, mine go crazy for Blue Wilderness Duck or Chicken or Solid Gold Indigo Moon. The Solid Gold is a little cheaper, but both of these foods are so good price isn't the most important thing.

03-25-2011, 03:06 PM
Cassie is a snarf and barf girl sometimes. When I hear that ll-aak, ll-aak sound I try to get something under her quick. When that doesn't work, I use Resolve or Formula 409. If it's dried on the rug, I use an old table knife to try and scrape up the vomit before I spray it with anything. She's barfing less now that I feed her three times a day instead of twice.

03-25-2011, 09:07 PM
I use a cleaner called Woolite Oxy Deep with Bissell stain fighters. It works perfect for all nasty messes :)

03-25-2011, 09:08 PM
Wait till it dries. It's much easier to clean up.

03-26-2011, 01:23 AM
I also have Alani, Blaze, & Ziggy who will clean up the barf for me if I let them. They love to eat it:eek: so kitty barf never dries up in my home. I don't free feed any more and I feed 4 small meals to my cats every day. I've found that feeding them smaller meals will also help to keep them from barfing. Good luck.:)

03-26-2011, 05:26 AM
Wait till it dries. It's much easier to clean up.

LOL! Most times I don't find it until it dries up. I just found a dried up one that must have been there for quite some time because it was fused to the windowsill of the kitties favorite window in the house. It was hidden by the curtain. :eek:

03-26-2011, 06:59 AM
Resolve for Pet Stains. It works so fast that I barely need to scrub the spot. Great stuff and you can buy it just about anywhere. It even works on blood. A friend's "monthly visitor" came unexpectedly and she had an accident on one of my dining room chairs, which just happen to be beige suede. I sprayed Resolve on it and there's not even a hint of a stain.