View Full Version : Rawhide

11-02-2002, 02:07 AM
How safe is rawhide? I bought some at the Petco clearance bin to see if Nebo would eat it or not (Smokey and Reggie have never really liked it) One is a bigger dental bone, and I have a package of smaller cheese flavorted twists. He *loves* those cheesy ones....it's very nice because it keeps him occupied for a long time, lol. I haven't let him chew on them alone, just giving him one in the kitchen while I do other things. I swear I have heard that rawhide can be dangerous, so I'd like to know if you guys have any info on this. Thanks. :)

11-02-2002, 06:12 AM
Amy, I have the exact same concerns. I bought Malone a *huge* pressed raw hide bone & at first he could chew on it for hours and not get much off it. I wasn't really that concerned. Then one day, it was like he learned how to really chew it, and he got this really big chunk off and I am thankful to have gotten that out of his mouth before he choked or it stopped up his system or something. So I only give him rawhide now when he is supervised, and take it away after 20 minutes when it gets soft. I let it harden back up before giving it to him again. (Side note: At first he was pretty agressive with giving it up, but I started giving him a treat for giving it up, and that has helped immensely)

11-02-2002, 06:21 AM
Oh oh , can somebody tell me what this is , "rawhide" :confused:

11-02-2002, 06:26 AM
Lut, Rawhide is a bone that they make for dogs out of the hide or skin of a cow, and then it is treated somehow to make them hard. When the dog chews on it, it softens up and then they can swallow large amounts of it. hope this helps!!

11-02-2002, 06:46 AM
I had a really bad experience with rawhide with one of my dogs now at the RB. She got a small piece in the back of her throat and was gagging. Fortunately I was able to grab it, even though it was very slimy and hard to get out, and thankfully she was fine. I never bought another one for her after that. Recently I have to admit that I have bought some for Bella. She is a voracious chewer and really loves them. Now though I only give them to her with extreme supervision for maybe 20 min. at a time and then take them away. When they get too small out they go!

11-02-2002, 10:06 AM
I give my dogs rawhide. I've never had a problem. I buy the big rolls, or the pressed rawhide, because it lasts longer and is harder. I throw them away when they get small enough to swallow. My dogs, however, just chew on them for a while, and then leave them. They don't go wild, trying to eat them.

My sister's dog aren't allowed to have rawhide, though, because they try to get them just soft enough to swallow them whole. That would be bad news! I think it depends a lot on the dog whether they should have them or not.

11-02-2002, 10:44 AM
Simba and Honey both LOVE raw hide. I give them each a peice when Honey comes over for she'll calm down. I gave Honey Simba's HUGE raw hide bone... lol it's so funy to watch her walk around with it, but she'll chew on it for hours! I think it'll be allright as long as you watch him with it, make sure it doesn't get too soft... I always take Honey's away when it does.

11-02-2002, 11:15 AM
Katie and Bull will ususally chew on a bone til one of the knots on the end gets torn off then they'll leave them alone. Little while later they'll come back and chew for a while. They will do this til the little center area is disolved then Katie buries the knots.

11-02-2002, 12:49 PM
rawhide is often made with formaldehide *sp* which is a very toxic chemical. I don't know if they still use it or not. My first dog got rawhide and probably ate some of it and lived to be 14. *shrug*

I do not give Juneau rawhide, he gets those icky pig ears and those monster dino bones from PetSmart.

11-02-2002, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by Lalania

I do not give Juneau rawhide, he gets those icky pig ears and those monster dino bones from PetSmart.

We tried giving Katie one of those monster bones but she just made a mess with it.

11-02-2002, 01:22 PM
I have seen a couple of dogs choke to death and die from rawhide, so use extreme caution! I had bought the pressed rawhide bones for Kersey since she is such a powerful chewer, and Graham since I got one for Kersey, but I only normally let them chew on it for no more then 1/2 hour, and even then I make sure they are in the same room with me and I can watch closely. Several weeks ago, I let them chew on them for a bit longer because they had not gotten any big chunks off yet, and Kersey ended up having raging, explosive diahrea in the living room before I could get her outside. I have not given her and Graham their pressed rawhide bones since that incident several weeks ago.

Just be so careful with it.

11-02-2002, 01:32 PM
Sadie loves rawhide! (I always have to whisper that word because she get's all excited!) It fun to see how may different treats they have for dogs!:) ;) I do watch her very carefully though, when she has rawhide!

11-02-2002, 01:41 PM
Try the 'knuckle' dino bones.....Juneau goes bonkers for that! also we give it to him *outside* :)

11-02-2002, 01:59 PM
On the subject of bones, what are good things to leave with the dog when you are gone that are long-lasting and safe?? We have a couple of nylabones (one cost $20 :eek: and he doesn't even like it :rolleyes: ) I do give him pigears but am afraid that they will mess up his intestines also. Any suggestions please??

11-02-2002, 02:07 PM
I don't give either dogs Rawhide, Smudge had some problems with it the first year or so that I had him and Winter has a sensitive throat to begin with so I don't chance it. Instead they get the occasional pigs ear, hoof, or natural cow bone that some of the stores around here sell (good thing Alberta is beef country) which they both love, but they don't get them very often 'cause they try to throw them around and stuff like that and my mom thinks they'll dent the floor.

11-02-2002, 02:44 PM
Phoebe and Deisel only get rawhide on a very rare occassion. I read that the rawhides are not good for them as they can swell up in their stomachs and should only be given them when they can be supervised.

11-02-2002, 02:47 PM
I personally don't like my dogs to chew on rawhides. I just find it too much of a risk for my dogs. THEY ARE HEAVY CHEWERS. Those rawhides wouldn't last more than an hour.I like to give my dogs the beef/soup bones (you know from the butcher) I like htrem b/c the dogs can't break them. But some people don't like them b/c it is raw meat/marrow. But You could always cook them

But if you do get rawhides My vet said to get the small rawhide stick(or something in simaler size) becasue if you get them too big the dog accually softens it and then swallows the rawhide without chewing off chunks, so they can endup swallow a rope of rawhide. Some is left in the mouth the other half is down in the stomach so the dog can end up choking. With small peices if the dog swallows the whole thing it not long enough that it's going to be half swallowed and the other half not swollowed.

I guess the whole point is you need to supervise the chewing.