View Full Version : I have a potato chip eating sphynx!!!

03-21-2011, 04:19 PM
Not only is AustinB a thief, but now he's fallen in LOOOOVE with Lays Potato Chips!!!

Getting to the thief part...I had a BIG story I had been writing. I interviewed the President of Connecticut Votes for Animals and was dictating it off my little tape machine. It's the size of my fist. I decided after 5 hours at the computer to take a break. The next day, I went to finish the story and my tape machine was missing!!!:eek::eek:

I tossed (and vacuumed while I was at it) my entire living room where the machine could've been. I even went dumpster diving thinking I might have inadvertently tossed it in the garbage. Eeewwww!!! I looked in between the fold of an afghan flung over a chair. I found, not only the recorder, but a pair of old reading glasses, and one of my socks. I'm just thankful he doesn't bury things other than poo in the litterbox.:eek::rolleyes::p

03-21-2011, 05:01 PM
I'm just thankful he doesn't bury things other than poo in the litterbox.:eek::rolleyes::p

:D Don't let him read this; you may give him ideas!

03-22-2011, 12:27 AM
Wow!!! I thought that my two little redheads were naughty. Maybe he's getting ideas from the cat burglar in San Mateo,CA.:) I'm glad that you were able to find your tape recorder. Now I guess you'll just have to hide everything that's valuable to you but not too well so that you'll be able to remember where you've hidden it.;) Good luck.:)

03-23-2011, 11:07 PM
Sounds like a case for Groucho, kitty lawyer :confused:

Auntie Moosmom -- Cassie wants you to know that she likes Pringles. And she also likes Cheerios, either dry or in the milk I sometimes let her drink from my cereal bowl as a treat.

03-24-2011, 06:33 AM
Doing much better.


Cheerios?????? Now there's an idea!!

Every morning when I make my first cuppa joe, Bad @$$ Buddy politely waits for his little "taste" of half and half. If I don't give it to HIM first, he'll head butt my hand while I'm pouring it in and get it all over the counter. That's one smart cat!

Spikerdude, when hears me very quietly try to open my container of Chobani Pom Yogurt, will come running from the other room. I give him a couple of licks ONLY, because he gets the major "hershey squirts" as he's lactose intolerant.

03-24-2011, 07:12 AM
Every morning when I make my first cuppa joe, Bad @$$ Buddy politely waits for his little "taste" of half and half. If I don't give it to HIM first, he'll head butt my hand while I'm pouring it in and get it all over the counter. That's one smart cat!

Buddy and Coco Puff are so much alike. Coco does the same thing except I use skim milk. So I've learned to warm a little bit of it first, then I pour it into a saucer and let him lap it up.

I just saw yogurt especially for cats advertised the other day but I don't recall the name. Maybe you could Google it and see if it's available in your area.

Oh, and my RB Puddy LOVED salt and vinegar potato chips. I gave her teeny tiny bites and it was enough for her. :D

03-25-2011, 09:03 AM
I have the same problem on week ends. But it's Coffee-mate. Lucky likes it. My 1st cup in the morning on Sat & Sun I put a little in. If I let the cup out of my site for more then a secound, he's in there full face.
I don't know what it is about Lays chips. Both Lucky and Egypt love them, but BBQ only, no other brand or type. Wife has problems with Boo Boo and corn chips.

03-25-2011, 09:55 AM
I wish I could've grabbed the camera and taken a picture of AustinB's skinny little naked @$$ sticking out of the potato chip bag! Wasn't quick enough I guess.

Last night he blatantly walked up to me on the couch while I was eating my (AGAIN!!!!) pasta with butter and cheese, and grabbed two pieces (rigatoni, no less!!) and ran like the thief in the night that he is!

06-13-2011, 10:00 PM
Dear Auntie Moosmom,

Butter? Did you say butter?! Here I am! I love butter! I got meowm to set her piece of toast down yesterday after church and guess what I did, I hopped right up there and licked some of the butter! (Silly meowm put it on the coffee table where I could get right to it. :D ) But meowm doesn't give it to me very often. She does give me a taste of yogurt from time to time. Just the creamy part and just a taste because it makes my tummy act weird. Mostly I like catnip or when she puts an ice cube in my water dish in hot weather.

Purrs and head-bumpies,

06-14-2011, 03:37 AM
My cat you to love yogurt but now that he has tasted sour cream there his no going back!
Sandy Frost:)

06-14-2011, 06:00 AM
He LOVES Cheetos now too! He had his head in the bag last night and grabbed one and ran!! He ate the whole dang thing!!!

I'm never surprized (although I am cautious) when he picks something new to eat.

06-14-2011, 11:31 AM
Nothing wrong with that. I have 2 that only like Lays BBQ chips.