View Full Version : Marley

03-19-2011, 07:19 AM
Hi Marley...What a handsome boy you are. I would spoil you to if you were mine. That is what animals are for. Congratulations on DOTD. Hope your day is special. You also have a great family.:love::love::love:


03-19-2011, 10:50 AM
Hello Marley, it's a pleasure to meet you. When I first saw your pic, I said "Oh, My Goodness, What a cute dog!" and I guessed at what kind and I was right. You are adorable with your colors and your poodle hair. I dont think I've seen a pic of any other dog on PT that looks like you--you're adorable. I enjoyed reading about you, your toys, your dog brother Barney, and your two cats. No doubt you are loved and have a wonderful home. I hope all of you have a long happy life together. Congrats on being DOTD! Kay in NC

03-19-2011, 01:26 PM
Hi cutie pie Marley! A very happy Dog of the Day to you!:) You are too precious for words, and so beautiful (in that boyish sort of way!:D) I don't think there's a doggie lover on earth who can resist a Cockapoo, and you sweetheart, are simply irresistible! You and your Shih-Tzu bro Barney make quite the precious pair, quite the travelin' team; bet you two kids keep your Mom on her toes!:p What a lucky pooch you are, Marely, being surrounded by so many adoring fans (human and furry), lavishing love on you 24/7; including but not limited to, your Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grampa, cat brothers Smokey and Kingston, doggie bro Barney, and girlfriend Maddie!:D And how neat it is that you and your furparents are still "all in the family;" talk about having life by the tail! hehe But no one's luckier than your Mom, having a devoted and loving best furkid and friend for life, in you!
Congratulations on your much deserved day of honor, Marely! Wishing for you and all of your furry sibs, a very happy and fun filled Dog of the Day celebration! It's not Sunday, but hopfully your Mom can fit in a Saturday trip to the doggie park, so that you can share the big news with all of your doggie buds!:D Love and cuddles to you precious Marely, and to Barney too! Meeting you sure has brightened my gray and gloomy day!:love::love::love:
P.S...So glad your leg is all healed now! I have to say, that shot of you in your cast just melts my heart!

03-19-2011, 01:37 PM
Marley IS wonderful and I love your message. All animals deserve to be loved and we should always keep our eyeballs open and quash any abuse, nip it in the bud! Marley is a sweetheart and deserves to be DOTD:love::love::love::love::cool::cool::p

03-19-2011, 03:14 PM
What a great story - what a great lil' doggie! Your pics are too cute! I'm happy that you're in a loving happy household, with other dogs - and two cats! I bet every pet is loved and cared for in your home ...yipee! :love:
Enjoy your DOTD status, Marley...and no more jumping out of cars for rabbits! :)

03-19-2011, 04:14 PM
Hello Marley,

My, my, you are a cutie pie sweetheart.:love: I love all of your pictures
and enjoyed reading all about you today. I'm sorry you broke your leg
Marley.:( I hope you are all healed up by now. Congratulations on being
named as our special DOG OF THE DAY :) I hope you & your furry friends
enjoy a little celebration in your honor.Sending you lots of hugs & kisses.:)