View Full Version : Dear Catmobile Kitties ----

03-18-2011, 11:26 PM
Cassie and I were wondering if the kitties would like to visit Chicago in mid-June. The Cubs play the White Sox at Comiskey Park -- oops, U.S. Cellular Field -- for three games. I think U.S. Cellular Field would be easier for the Catmobile to travel to and park at than Wrigley Field. Parking at Wrigley is never easy. Kitties, please don your sunglasses and plan to spend a day at the ball park with us. The Cell is nice, even though some of the upper sections are a little steep. They have lots of options for food, both healthier choices and traditional game food. Chicago is fun in summer. We could even take a picture with the Art Institute's lions.

Thank you,
Cassie Cat and Elyse

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQTCcoQ76tfbq35slZNmMvuJWBJGivDq wHe_3EeCAuLsBjTsiPL4-clenl6

03-19-2011, 08:56 AM
Sounds good!.. I bet there will be lots of opportunities for bagpipe recitals, too!

03-19-2011, 09:38 AM
Mr Scrappy:love: is one of the Chicgo Cubs Animal Angel Fan Club.
If Our Pet Talker Angels, Mr Scrappy would open up that Concessions and HH Lady Edwina Rose:love: an ex Chicgoan and Juke Joint Joseph:love: would be happy to be guides , especially to Morton's Steak House!!:cool::cool::cool:

03-19-2011, 11:40 AM
Isn't the royal wedding in April? Winnie and Angel will need to recover from that before I let them make further plans. they are still trying on clothes from Mardi gras :D:love:

Pinot's Mom
03-19-2011, 02:16 PM
Yes, the Royal Wedding is April 29 - here's the link to keep you updated...


I haven't discussed this with Pinot yet. We'll have to chat when she gets off the Catberry - it's been all abuzz since the last trip! :)

Edwina's Secretary
03-19-2011, 03:51 PM
They could catch the EL in Evanston and take it to Addison and Wrigley Field. Edwina would love to visit the Northside where she once lived and is an old hand at traveling by rail!


03-19-2011, 11:54 PM
If there is no need for the bagpipes, I'm keeping the boys home this trip. Ming is seriously practicing for the wedding and I'd hate to have that interrupted. After all, they will be performing on the world stage this time!:eek: If Mac wants to go solo, I'll let you know soon.

03-20-2011, 01:58 PM
Hi Cassie and all my fellow kitties,
Baseball in Chicago sounds like loads of fun! Count me in, I'm going to get my baseball glove and start practicing catching and pitching with Soncat. We'll definitely need our sunglasses for this trip!

Cassie, I was going to call you later. When do you think we should start making our plans for the royal wedding? That's coming up in a matter of weeks. I left a message for Pinot on her Catberry but haven't heard from her yet. We should also find out if the Royal family has any cats.

London in the springtime, baseball in Chicago.....this is going to be a fun summer!

Your friend,

03-21-2011, 11:05 AM
I'll definitely be on the Royal Wedding, of course, and then you can count me in for a nice summer in Chicago. I'll call my bfff Chels to see if she's going too (paws crossed).. I'm soooo excited!

Cute as usual,

--Posted via CatBerry Mobile--

03-22-2011, 10:58 PM
Hi Cassie and all my fellow kitties,
Baseball in Chicago sounds like loads of fun! Count me in, I'm going to get my baseball glove and start practicing catching and pitching with Soncat. We'll definitely need our sunglasses for this trip!

Cassie, I was going to call you later. When do you think we should start making our plans for the royal wedding? That's coming up in a matter of weeks. I left a message for Pinot on her Catberry but haven't heard from her yet. We should also find out if the Royal family has any cats.

London in the springtime, baseball in Chicago.....this is going to be a fun summer!

Your friend,

Prince William's wedding is on April 29... that's a Friday. I don't think we should wait much longer before we start to plan.

Cassie and I checked on royal.gov.uk ---
The Queen has four Corgis and three "Dorgis" (Corgi x dachshund). The Royal Family are also horse enthusiasts. We couldn't find any mention of cats. There is a section on the Royal Mews -- but it has to do with horses! Imagine that. Apparently, in British English, a mews is a form of stable. Maybe the Royal Mews has barn cats, though. We could consult with Killearn Kitties' Samantha and her meowmie.

The Cubs are home for the entire week before the cross town series in June. They play Milwaukee and then the New York Yankees. We think the kitties should plan to be in Chicago for at least part of that week. Maybe we can catch the Cubs and the Yankees at Wrigley and then the cross town series. The Yankees almost never play here, so that is sure to be a big weekend.

03-22-2011, 11:05 PM
Cassie hopes Lady Edwina will offer advice on appropriate hat wearing for a Royal Wedding.


03-23-2011, 04:55 AM

DID SOMEONE MENTION A ROAD TRIP???????? Sorry I haven't been around lately guys. Meowmie has been a little "under the weather", so I've had to tend to her with Kleenex when she cries and make sure I keep her laughing by knocking stuff off the shelves, and giving her one of my world famous goofy looks!! So far it hasn't worked and I'm a little concerned. She ALWAYS laughs when I do that!!! Not sure if she's up for a long bus trip. But...I AM!!!! Let me know where to meet da bus. I'll bring the 'nip!!

Sorry the pipers aren't going to make it. I'd LOVE to hear more pipe music. Good luck at the Royal Wedding!!!

Lady E, LOVE your chapeau!!!! You will surely out-do the Queen come April 29th.

03-23-2011, 05:19 AM
I thought the Pipers and the Scottish Dancer were to be part of the Royal Wedding.. Sydney, Bob, and Sparkler have sure been practicing for it!

03-23-2011, 12:30 PM
Prince William's wedding is on April 29... that's a Friday. I don't think we should wait much longer before we start to plan.

Winnie still can not use her footsie so it's sort of iffy if she can go right now. She will be heartbroken to miss the wedding though. :love:

03-23-2011, 05:25 PM
Dear sweet Winnie, if you are still not able to use your hurt footie at that time -- my meowmie is a nurse, she will get you a wheelchair, and I will push you where you need to go.


03-23-2011, 06:11 PM

AustinB here. I would gladly loan you my kitty buggy AND escort you around so as to not make your booboo hurt any more. I hope that's acceptable. Maybe a little "romantic" stroll around Wrigley Field would be nice!;)

Pinot's Mom
03-23-2011, 06:38 PM

AustinB here. I would gladly loan you my kitty buggy AND escort you around so as to not make your booboo hurt any more. I hope that's acceptable. Maybe a little "romantic" stroll around Wrigley Field would be nice!;)

Do we have another Catmobile romance??? Haven't heard about Merlin and Sparkler lately - are they still an item?

03-23-2011, 08:21 PM
Yes, my beloved Merlin and I are still an A #1 ITEM!!!!! In love FURREVER!

Miss Sparkler

03-25-2011, 10:59 AM

Miss Percysnickle here! I'm looking at the schedule here and I need a confirmation for seating.

Please advise.

03-25-2011, 12:26 PM
I just got back yesterday from a trip to MI - The Princess and Franklin were waiting for my retrun before finalizing trip plans.
Franklin has been playing the pipes pretty much non-stop and if his skill is any indication of the talent of the pipe band as a whole, they are sure to be a huge hit at the Royal Wedding...of course!
Chelsea's green spots have faded away so she will not clash with outfits/wigs/hats chosen by Lady Edwina.
Franklin doesn't care where he sits.
When I asked Chelsea she looked at me like I was crazy so I guess that means she will have her usual place between Ming and her BFFF Sophie.....:rolleyes:

03-25-2011, 11:34 PM
Dear Miss Percysnickel,

Please seat Cassie wherever you see fit. She has promised to be on her best behavior ... and I have photo proof that she can sit still sometimes. (When she wants to!) She also understands that unlike the last adventure, no beads will be tossed this time, so it is not necessary to be close enough to fetch them. If you could leave a little space beside her for Cat Angel Michael, that would be much appreciated.


03-27-2011, 05:49 PM
Hi fellow kitties!
Sorry for not posting in but we've been really busy in Cat Court over the past few weeks. The Royal Wedding is only a few weeks away so we must start finalizing our plans.

Winnie, how is your ouchie footsie? Don't worry about a thing, between AustinB's stroller and the wheelchair from Cassie you'll be taken around in style. And of course you know we'll do anything we can to keep you comforable.

Our PT Kitty Bagpipe Quartet has been working overtime so they'll be in fine form when they perform at the wedding. Franklin, will you play your signature song "Stairway to Heaven"? Sparkler, we're counting on you and your top notch Scottish dancing so please be careful not to get hurt practicing.

Hi Miss Percysnickle! How great that you'll be joining us. Your place in the Catmobile is reserved. Please give us your cell phone number so we can contact you and pick you up. Don't forget your neat sunglasses!

Pinot, is there anything I can do to help you work out our travel details? Call me on my cell phone.

Your friend,

03-27-2011, 05:52 PM
Hi fellow kitties!
Sorry for not posting in but we've been really busy in Cat Court over the past few weeks. The Royal Wedding is only a few weeks away so we must start finalizing our plans.

Winnie, how is your ouchie footsie? Don't worry about a thing, between AustinB's stroller and the wheelchair from Cassie you'll be taken around in style. And of course you know we'll do anything we can to keep you comforable.

Your friend,

Winnie is still hopping around on three feet. She doesn't seem to be in any pain though. And was seen putting the sore foot to the floor this afternoon briefly when she chased Chester through the house. :love:

03-27-2011, 07:50 PM

Dear Barrister Groucho:

My peeps have left a message for your peeps. The back of the bus is reserved for the pipers to practice on the way.

Winnie has 3 seats all to herself so she can elevate her paw and sleep along the way.

AustinB is being a little devil, playing "let's swat Meowmie's foot, why don't we???" and has been threatened with grounding if he doesn't knock it off. He wants to know if Chip and Chuck are going to make it. That is definitely not a good sign!! I think a patdown of these three might be in order.

Bad @$$ Buddy is resting up for the trip. It's quiet here on the homefront.

Now we need to coordinate snackies for the trip. I've packed little individual "gift bags" with lots of goodies in it, including fresh dried 'nip, couple of catnip mousies, compliments of Catmandu and the Found Cats! The bus has been equipped with seats that lift up to individual litterboxes, that have been emblazoned in gold with the Royal Coat of Arms, especially for the event! No need to leave your seats.

Please make sure you call me to confirm your reservations. This will be the trip of a lifetime!!!

03-28-2011, 08:00 AM
Winnie and I will be off to the vets in a little while. They said I could bring her in or wait a few more days. I don't want to wait!!! We'll let you know what they tell us when we get back.:love:

Chip and Chuck will deffinately NOT be going to the royal wedding. I have nightmares of seeing two black tails poking out under the brides wedding gown. :eek::eek::eek:

Pinot's Mom
03-28-2011, 02:48 PM
Hello, all, I'm sorry to have been out of touch. My purrents were out of town and I didn't have computer access. The kitty sitter (who I THOUGHT was my friend) took the Catberry and hid it. She said I was spending too much time on it!! :rolleyes:

I'm working out the flight plan of the Catmobile, as usual, and I'm seeing to it Miss Percysnickel has all the information she needs for the seating chart. I will, of course, ride shotgun as usual. Groucho and I are also in touch; we need the legalities in place for this trip as we'll be out of the country. Talk to you all soon!!


03-28-2011, 04:48 PM
Hello, all, I'm sorry to have been out of touch. My purrents were out of town and I didn't have computer access. The kitty sitter (who I THOUGHT was my friend) took the Catberry and hid it. She said I was spending too much time on it!! :rolleyes:

I'm working out the flight plan of the Catmobile, as usual, and I'm seeing to it Miss Percysnickel has all the information she needs for the seating chart. I will, of course, ride shotgun as usual. Groucho and I are also in touch; we need the legalities in place for this trip as we'll be out of the country. Talk to you all soon!!


Hi Pinot girl!
I'm ready BUT I don't know which airport to go to, can you tell me where can you pick me up?
AND for the seating chart don't forget that I'll be seating next to my bfff Chels, and I'd like to be close to Winnie in case she needs help.

See ya soon,
--posted via CatBerry Mobile--

03-28-2011, 05:56 PM
Hi Sophie,
You can come into Philadelphia or Newark airport and we'll pick you up. Just a thought, maybe we can find out about flight plans for some of the other kitties so you can all travel together. I'm so happy to know you'll be coming.

Okay fellow kitties, make sure your passports are up to date. We'll need them for London. For those of you who don't have a passport, I recommend a check up with your white coat just to make sure. Once you do that, let me know because one of my purralegals in Cat Court said she'll take care of getting them in time for our trip. This must be done as soon as possible so nobody will be left behind.

Hey Pinot! What's this about your cat sitter shutting your Catberry off? Does she understand the importance of being available for your active social life? This is not acceptable! If you'd like, I'll hit her with an official order from Cat Court warning of serious legal action against her if she EVER cuts you off from us again. I'll call you on your Catberry later.

Meowmie is cooking chicken tonight so I really have to go for now. See all of you soon!

Your friend,

PS: Can anyone help Sophie out with her flight plans, maybe meet up and travel together? Please post in and let us know.

04-03-2011, 06:30 AM

Hey DUDES!!! Coolcats here. Hows about a little JAZZZZZZZZ for the trip to the airport???

04-03-2011, 12:27 PM
Angel is for sure coming but Winnie has to go in for a check up on her splint tomorrow. I'll have to let you know about her after that. Since she no longer has to wear the cone we are hoping she can go to the wedding too. She would be just too embarrassed to go wearing that. She says it will be bad enough wearing the splint. :love:

04-03-2011, 10:35 PM
Oh Winnie, don't worry about your splint. If necessary we can come up with a great cover story for you. A Royal wedding is a once in a lifetime thing and I'm sure not too many other kitties received the engraved invitation like all of us did. You're a very dear friend to all of us and we refuse to let you miss out on this trip.

As for AustinB, I'm not sure of his situation right now. I did send an e-mail to Auntie Donna in his defense and asked her for amnesty.

Pinot, when do you think we should plan on leaving for London? Maybe we should plan to head out the weekend before the festivities? I'm glad we had a chance to talk yesterday, as always you're doing an extraordinary job pulling this together.

Does anyone need help with their passport? If you need one let me know right away and one of our purralegals will help you out. Also, if you have any questions about your passport one of my Cat Court friends offered to help.

Okay fellow kitties, be sure to let Pinot or me know of your travel plans. If any of you can meet up with Sophie for the flight here please let us know. We're in the home stretch now! See all of you very soon.

Your friend,

04-04-2011, 11:45 AM
Winnie did great at her check up today. The vet put a strip of bright read tape on it to help make it more stable. Looks like Winnie will get to go with you all to the wedding. She needs fashion advise as to what to wear with a red splint though. :love:

04-04-2011, 01:38 PM
Mac says a red tartan plaid would look really cool with the red on Winnie's splint. Since when did Mac become a fashionista? :confused:Ming is more the ready to reserve his seat next to his beloved, Princess Chels. He says that Chelsea will be the REAL princess at this wedding. Ahhhh...love.:love:

Pinot's Mom
04-04-2011, 04:56 PM
Winnie, I'm so glad you'll be with us for the historic wedding! :) ...and I agree, many tartans would be lovely with your red splint.

OK, kitties, time is winding down to prep for this trip! We will hit the road on the Saturday a week before the wedding; that would be the 23rd. The wedding is Friday the 29th, and we'll be headed back on Monday the second of May. I MUST be in town that week. This will give us time for sightseeing and shopping. We'll pick up some souvenirs for the wedding that can only be purchased in London.

Check in with me or Groucho to let us know if you're flying in to an airport (O'hare or BWI would be best) or if the Catmobile will be picking you up. Make sure your seat is reserved! :)

See you soon!
Purrs, Pinot

04-04-2011, 06:27 PM
Angel and Winnie would like the Catmobile to pick them up. It would be easier on Winnie's paw than taking a bus to the airport if that's ok. :love:

Edwina's Secretary
04-04-2011, 10:18 PM
The vet put a strip of bright read tape on it to help make it more stable. Looks like Winnie will get to go with you all to the wedding. She needs fashion advise as to what to wear with a red splint though. :love:

Darling Winnie...

There are options...


and of course....

Any of these would be purrfect with your red accented splint.

Let me know which you prefer and I will have it cleaned and ready for you!



04-05-2011, 06:01 AM

Hellooooooooo Miss Winnie,

May I call you Winnie?? You have the whole row of seats at your disposal, along with a monogrammed litterbox and wipes. I also have AustinB at your beck-and-call, with his cat buggy, all set up so that you can elevate your boo-boo.

If you should require anything else, please do NOT hesitate to contact me.


Eliza Jane Percysnickle

04-05-2011, 07:40 AM
Angel and Winnie would like the Catmobile to pick them up. It would be easier on Winnie's paw than taking a bus to the airport if that's ok. :love:

Hi Miss MoFF,
Never fear, that was our plan all along. Please tell Winnie to keep her cell phone on, Pinot and I will call her about the arrangements.

Your friend,

04-05-2011, 12:17 PM
I do believe the boys will be flying in to O'Hare. They sooo want to see Chicago again!

04-05-2011, 12:34 PM
Darling Winnie...

There are options...


and of course....

Any of these would be purrfect with your red accented splint.

Let me know which you prefer and I will have it cleaned and ready for you!



Gosh such pretty hats. Winnie can't decide. She has no experience in fashion so would like you to pick one for her. She is in awe of Miss Edwina's fashion sense.

We thank you all for taking her under your paws during the trip. Angel will be able to help you too should you need her. She has been so sweet to her mommy; even washing her left ear for her since she can't do that without whacking herself in the head. Or maybe she is just paying her mommy back for all the ear washing she got as a youngster. :D :love:

04-11-2011, 02:59 PM
Hi fellow kitties,
I was talking to Meowmie last night and I came up with an idea. We're due to leave for London on April 23. Well, I'd like to invite all of you to come to Trenton a day or two early. You see, April 22 is Soncat's purrthday and he wants me to be home with him. I hope all of you will come for the party I have in mind for him. He loves it when all of you come by for a Catmobile trip. We can make it a surprise party for him!
Meowmie said everyone is welcome and she'll order plenty of food...fried chicken, crab legs, shrimp, ribs, haggis chips. Plus, Meowmie and Soncat can't wait to hear the PT Kitty Bagpipe Quartet in action.
There will be plenty of soft pillows and warm blankets. I know how to get into the refrigerator now so we can get at those left-overs when my hoomins are sleeping.
Okay friends, we're in countdown now. Please let me know if you can make it for Soncat's party, he'll be so surprised. As always, everyone will be picked up.
See you soon!

Your friend,

04-11-2011, 03:05 PM
Mac and Ming are sooo there! They desperately need a break from their new "little brother". Ming has been hard pressed to find time for bagpipe practice! They'll be there!

Pinot's Mom
04-11-2011, 05:06 PM
I do believe that works with my schedule, Groucho! I'll see you for the party! I know, ssshhhhh, don't say anything....;)

Purrs, Pinot

04-11-2011, 05:26 PM
Franklin and Chelsea will be there too. Chels' gotcha day is April 21 and Franklin's b-day is April 22 so this will be a great way for them to celebrate!

04-11-2011, 06:23 PM
We'll all be there! And the Bagpipers and the Scottish Dancer can't wait to perform for the occasion.

04-12-2011, 01:01 PM
Cassie will be there for Soncat's purr-thday! She hopes Soncat will tell her more about all his interesting travel experiences.

04-12-2011, 05:08 PM
I'm so there too!

Franklin and Chelsea will be there too. Chels' gotcha day is April 21 and Franklin's b-day is April 22 so this will be a great way for them to celebrate!



04-13-2011, 12:48 AM
OMG is right! Chelsea is ready to parteeeeeeeee:D

04-13-2011, 08:02 AM
Hi kitties,
Wow, this is going to be some party! So many neat things to celebrate.....purrthdays, Gotcha Days. What makes this extra special is that Franklin and Soncat have the exact same purrthday! Gotcha Days call for an extra special celebration, it's that wonderful day that you found your furever home and never have to worry about anything ever again.

I plan to order lots of fried chicken, shrimp, scallops, ribs and anything else our guests would like. Groucho doesn't know this but I have some primo catnip stashed away for occasions like this.

Everyone will be picked up and brought over to our place. Soft pillows and warm blankets will be available for napping. If there's a particular food or treat you'd like to have, let me know and I'll be sure to have it. See all of you very soon!

04-14-2011, 04:28 PM
.... If there's a particular food or treat you'd like to have, let me know and I'll be sure to have it. See all of you very soon!

Darling, please don't forget the sushi, especially the tuna rolls!!


Pinot's Mom
04-14-2011, 05:11 PM
Daddy promised Crab Cakes, Daddy promised Crab Cakes....YAY!!!:D:cool:

04-14-2011, 06:39 PM
Mom said we could bring ceviche this trip! It's a really good fish dish! We can't wait!

04-15-2011, 07:59 AM
Darling, please don't forget the sushi, especially the tuna rolls!!


Don't worry Sophie, I'll make sure there are plenty of tuna rolls for everyone!
By the way, if any of the kitty ladies would like to do some shopping while you're here, be sure to let me know so adequate transportation can be arranged. There are a few new shops at Quakerbridge Mall plus there are some great sales going on!

04-15-2011, 12:37 PM
Cassie says, tuna rolls?!! Yum! And Auntie Momcat, she could use a new water dish if the shopping center has a pet store. Metal or ceramic would be fine.

Cassie and I decided to have Eli's cheesecake sent ahead. She admitted to me that she took a little nibble out of the cheesecake as she was traveling last time :eek:. I would like the cheesecake to arrive without whisker marks!

04-15-2011, 07:58 PM
Hi Cassie,
Oooo, Eli's cheesecake! Don't worry about having a taste before sharing it with your friends, taste testing is a good thing. In fact, I'd love to be part of your taste test.

Quakerbridge Mall doesn't have a pet shop (you're right sweetie, what kind of mall is that?!?) Never fear, when all of you ladies are finished at the mall I'll arrange for a stop at Pet Smart. It's not far from the mall.

I can't wait to see you next week! There are lots of lovies and smoochies waiting for you :love: If you think of anything else be sure to let me know.

Scritchies and lovies,
Auntie Momcat

04-18-2011, 01:26 PM
Winnie is now splint free!!! Just in time for the trip!!!


04-18-2011, 03:24 PM
Hi kitties,
Wow, so many great things to celebrate! Concatulations to Winnie for getting out of her splint! :)

I'm going to be on vacation starting this Wednesday so come on over whenever you're ready. Ladies, be sure to let me know when you'd like to go shopping so the transportation will be waiting for you. If you'd like, I can also arrange a stop at some outlets along with the stop at Quakerbridge Mall. Sophie, Cassie, Pinot, Princess, Duchess, Sparkler, Chels and Lady Edwina, there are several high end outlets there for the finer, more discriminating tastes.

For the gentleman kitties, my high def tv will be at your disposal for ball games, Animal Planet, whatever you're into.

I can't wait to see all of you again!!!!

Auntie Momcat

04-18-2011, 03:42 PM
Excitement is in high gear now!!! Winnie and Angel have been just over the moon all afternoon. Of course, Winnie will have to take it easy and will need to rest that paw but she promises to be good.

She may even set a new trend. The white part of that pawsie is slightly pink. The red tape the vet used dyed her fur pink when it got wet (accidently I'm sure) this morning. :D:love:

04-18-2011, 06:00 PM
Hi kitties,
Wow, so many great things to celebrate! Concatulations to Winnie for getting out of her splint! :)

I'm going to be on vacation starting this Wednesday so come on over whenever you're ready. Ladies, be sure to let me know when you'd like to go shopping so the transportation will be waiting for you. If you'd like, I can also arrange a stop at some outlets along with the stop at Quakerbridge Mall. Sophie, Cassie, Pinot, Princess, Duchess, Sparkler, Chels and Lady Edwina, there are several high end outlets there for the finer, more discriminating tastes.

For the gentleman kitties, my high def tv will be at your disposal for ball games, Animal Planet, whatever you're into.

I can't wait to see all of you again!!!!

Auntie Momcat

Of course Sparkler is there for the trip to the Mall and other upscale shopping venues, and so are Ms. Poppy and the two Mature ladies Lavinia and Poppaea!

Edwina's Secretary
04-18-2011, 06:04 PM
Is there a Saks? I must completely redo the wardrobe for Winnie now that she needs pink instead of red.



04-19-2011, 07:42 AM
I'm not sure about Saks, Lady Edwina, but there is a Lord & Taylor at Quakerbridge Mall. I'll be sure to hire someone who knows the very best places to shop.

Is there a Saks? I must completely redo the wardrobe for Winnie now that she needs pink instead of red.



04-21-2011, 07:49 PM
Tomorrow is Soncat's Purr-thday! Cassie is waving her tail and watching for the Catmobile :)

Pinot's Mom
04-21-2011, 09:41 PM
Dear Cassie, I'm already with the driver, we'll be picking everyone up until the wee hours of the morning. We should see you by 8am or so; get a little rest now, and dream of the surprise party - then the wedding!! :)

See you soon!

Purrs, Pinot

04-21-2011, 10:19 PM
Winnie and Angel are all packed and ready to go!!! Winnie has even been putting a few steps on her pawsie today. Please everyone keep an eye on her that she doesn't over do in all the excitement!!! :love:

04-21-2011, 11:59 PM
The Boys left a note for their little brother: We're going to the Royal Wedding and you're not!" Kimba didn't seemed bothered, he is glad to get me all to himself for awhile.:D

04-22-2011, 12:03 PM
The girls must have slipped off sometime during the night. Their bags are gone and all I found was a Cadburry creme egg and a note. The note says Happy Easter Mom!!! We are going to the royal wedding and you're not!!! hehehe :eek::love:

Pinot's Mom
04-24-2011, 09:38 PM
Anyone heard from the kitties? They should be in England by now, but I haven't had any posts.:confused:

04-24-2011, 11:28 PM
Not a word. Hmmmm.:confused:

04-24-2011, 11:35 PM
I hope they brought the trailer for the Catmobile - between Chelsea's wardrobe and Franklin's bagpipes they must have had at least 2 trunks of stuff each....:rolleyes:

04-25-2011, 11:41 AM
Hi fellow purrents!
I'm sorry for the delay checking in. This was quite a weekend! Friday was Soncat's birthday and we spent the day in New York City at the Hayden Planetarium & Museum of Natural History. When we got home, there was a great party waiting.

As always, all the kitties were on their ultra best behavior. To add to the festivities, their penguin friends were here! The penguins said they couldn't miss celebrating the purrthdays, the Gotcha Days, and of course Winnie's Freedom From the Splint Day.

Every kitty and penguin had a blast singing, dancing, and munching out on some great food. The sardines from the penguins were a huge hit and didn't last very long. Angel loved the haggis!

The guys had a great time talking sports with Soncat. They were trying to figure out what will happen with the football season. The lady kitties and penguins enjoyed watching "Say Yes to the Dress" and listened intently to Lady Edwina's expert comments. When Sparkler came out in her traditional Scottish dancer outfit you could hear the ooo's and aahh's from the ladies. That was when they all started making their shopping lists.

But the highlight of the evening was the private concert by the PT Kitty Bagpipe Quartet. They are fantastic! The Quartet played "Happy Birthday", "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" and several other favorites. But they wouldn't tell us what they'll be playing at the wedding.

On Saturday the kitty and penguin ladies went shopping while the guys watched a ballgame. Lady Edwina was thrilled with the sales they caught. Chels, Sophie, Pinot, Cassie, Angel, and Winnie helped the other ladies find gorgeous tiaras and matching sunglasses. After loading up the Catmobile, everyone settled in for a good night's sleep.

Everyone left early yesterday morning. The plan was to take the penguins back to Mystic then catch their flight to London. I did remind all the travelers to check in with their purrents as soon as they can.

04-25-2011, 12:24 PM
Anyone heard from the kitties? They should be in England by now, but I haven't had any posts.:confused:

Nothing so far, but my credit card is gone :eek: and I found catnip in my wallet.

04-25-2011, 01:25 PM
I never hear from Franklin and The Princess....sigh......after a trip they just come strolling in like it was no big deal. I count myself lucky if Chels is her normal gray tabby self (rather than hot pink or speckled with kelly green shamrocks) and Franklin hasn't brought home yet another set of bagpipes...:rolleyes: Just how many types and sizes of bagpipes are there??????:D

04-25-2011, 04:09 PM
...all my tuna cans are gone... and I haven't heard from Sophie yet...

04-25-2011, 04:19 PM
Still waiting for MY phone to ring *tapping foot on floor, looking at watch* AustinB and Spikerdude blew outta here (Austin was hanging on to 19 lb Spikerdude's back for a ride) with a huge duffel bag (no clue what's in it) and a case of Fancy Feast and a bag of PREMO catnip are missing. They are SOOOOOOOO grounded after this!!!:mad:

Don't even THINK about that "GOTCHA party" I planned. It's CANCELLED!!

04-25-2011, 04:38 PM
I was going to make chicken and noodles for lunch today but found all my cans of chicken breast are missing. Chicken breast is a favorite of Angel's so I'm sure it went with them. Also several bottles of cat nip tea.

At least we know they aren't hungry!!! :love:

04-26-2011, 12:55 PM
Okay, now I'm seeing overseas calls charged to my cell phone. There is going to be hell to pay!!!

04-26-2011, 01:43 PM
All my tuna's gone, as well as my hidden stash of cash. There are two kitties in real trouble when they get home!:rolleyes:

Pinot's Mom
04-27-2011, 06:34 PM
Post from the Catberry Mobile...

"MOM-we met the ROYAL CORGIS!! How COOL is that??!!:D"

Is this my dignified Princess Pinot?

04-27-2011, 09:20 PM
text from Cassie:

Guess what meowm
we met the Queen's Corgi dogs!
next up royal horsies - they can get us a first rate viewing spot for the catmobile so we can see the whole wedding procession!
paws crossed for purrfect weather!
Lady Edwina might show us Harrods for shopping!

04-28-2011, 09:22 AM
got a text from Winnie and Angel this morning:

guess what? we had breakfast with the royal horsies. One beautiful white one named Daniel, will help put Kate and Williams coach. He let us peek inside. :eek:

Can't wait to go shopping with Lady Edwina and the girls. Can we have your half of the closet?
winnie and angel :love:

04-28-2011, 12:31 PM
An e-mail came from Groucho and Inka earlier today.

"Everyone is fine and we're having a great time! The Corgis are wonderful hosts, they're going to take all of us on a private tour of Buckingham Palace and later on sight seeing around London. They really like our sunglasses and will get their own when we tour the city. Cassie and Pinot have already invited the Corgis and the Royal horsies to come for a visit at the Horse Park. After all this, they're going to need a rest! The PT Kitty Bagpipe Quartet will be leaving us to meet up with the other performers so they can practice and get their places for tomorrow. We helped them clean their bagpipes and iron their tartans so they'll look and sound their best. Meowmie, please tell all the purrents to be sure and look for us on tv!"

04-28-2011, 03:19 PM
Email from Chelsea:
I :love: Ming
Sophie is the best BFFF ever.
Franklin is a brat but since he's mine I guess I gotta :love: him too.
Do you think I will look good in royal purple?

luv Chels
PS please deposit more $$ in bank....I need a new tiara for the wedding.

04-30-2011, 12:31 PM
Anyone heard from their babies since the wedding? I'm hoping certain young impressionable girls (Angel are you listening?) don't get carried away with the romance of the wedding and do anything silly!!! I hope they aren't still shopping too. My closet can not stand the strain. :D:love:

04-30-2011, 06:58 PM
I tried to call Groucho on his cell phone before starting my Saturday running in all directions. Austin b answered and said they were still sound asleep. They had a very late night because the Corgis invited the kitties to a private reception party. The phone woke him up and I could hear him yawning. Didn't get much information but Austin mumbled something about the Kentucky Derby next week after visiting the Haggis In A Hurry Shoppe. He said he'd tell Groucho to call home but nothing yet. Austin also agreed to tell the others to call their purrents too.

Pinot's Mom
04-30-2011, 07:59 PM
I don't mean to start any rumors, but I hear the wedding put ideas in someone's head. There may be another Catmobile wedded couple from what I hear.

As far as the Derby? No, the C-mobile is headed home on Monday. They are missing it this year. The Corgis have been spectacular hosts! The carriage horsies had a great time at the party, too, evidently. I'm sure we'll hear much more but that's the report from Pinot.

04-30-2011, 09:16 PM
Cassie has my permission to go to the Kentucky Derby next weekend. I would like her to go check on Richard and the Edster while she's down there, though.

05-01-2011, 05:05 PM
Oh no! I hope a certain two lovebirds didn't get any wild ideas. He doesn't even have a job!!!!:eek:

Pinot's Mom
05-02-2011, 10:11 PM
Well, I made it home. Sorry about the Derby this year, kitties, but I had to be here. There was talk about continuing the trip, but I think everyone missed their Moms and Dads. Besides, there is a certain couple that REALLY has to check in at home!! I'm not going to spill the beans, but one of the couple is RATHER musical! ;)

We had a FANTASTIC time at the wedding! The Corgis were such special hosts (did anyone see us on the balcony? There were Corgis and kitties under Will and Kate's feet!). They gave us access to EVERYTHING! The carriage horsies were so special. They made sure we didn't get trampled and helped take really good care of us. Thank you horsies and Corgis!!:love::love::love:

I have to go help Mom and Dad now. They're getting ready for a special trip (without me :(), so I have to make sure everything's in order. Talk to you all soon, kitties! Let me know if you made it to the Derby!

Love and purrs,

05-02-2011, 11:39 PM
Pinot Noir, will your meowmie let you go to the Preakness race in a few weeks? The Kentucky Derby is on May 7th and the Preakness race is on May 21st. The weather should be very spring-like by then. My meowmie has a friend from college who lives in Maryland.


05-03-2011, 01:39 AM
Mac is home and tucked into his favorite cat bed, but no word from Ming yet! Mac is not saying a word...I'm a bit concerned now.:confused:

05-03-2011, 11:14 AM
Angel and Winnie are home and resting from all the fun. They must have brought half of Longdon home with them judging from the amount of packages they had. :eek: :love:

05-03-2011, 11:45 AM
Still no sign of Franklin and The Princess....sigh.....the rascals......:rolleyes:

05-03-2011, 04:47 PM
Hi mom!
We had a wonderful weekend, Chels and I went to Harrod's and bought presents for each other since our birthday and gotcha day were just some days ago... And we got a birthday present for Franklin too..

Oh, and from now on Chels wants everyone to refer to her as "HRH Princess Chelsea Pearl"

We'll get home tomorrow, ok? See ya then..

05-03-2011, 07:37 PM
Hi fellow kitties,
Was that a fantastic trip or what? Our PT Kitty Bagpipe Quartet was fantastic, we were so proud of them. All of the spectators were surprised to see them in their tartans playing some great songs. Our purrents probably heard the deafening applause!

Fellow kitties, Soncat reminded me that Sunday is Meowmies Day. I think we should skip the Kentucky Derby this time so we can be with our Meowmies and spend the weekend showing them how very much we love them, appreciate how much they care for us, and thank them for giving us our wonderful furever homes. I'm going to pass on the Derby so I can give Meowmie lots and lots of lovies.

See all of you on our next trip.

Your friend,

Pinot's Mom
05-04-2011, 01:20 PM
Pinot Noir, will your meowmie let you go to the Preakness race in a few weeks? ...the Preakness race is on May 21st. The weather should be very spring-like by then. My meowmie has a friend from college who lives in Maryland.


Hey Cassie! My purrents will be back in town by then, so we can have a party here for the Preakness! :) It would be nice to see the horsies again. Who is your favorite for the Derby? Just to let you know, I'll be a little out of touch starting this weekend until Mom & Dad get back on the 18th. My sitter got wise to the netbook and Catberry usage, so she's watches me more now. :( I hope we can get together! :D

Purrs, Pinot

05-04-2011, 02:51 PM
Hi fellow kitties,
Was that a fantastic trip or what? Our PT Kitty Bagpipe Quartet was fantastic, we were so proud of them. All of the spectators were surprised to see them in their tartans playing some great songs. Our purrents probably heard the deafening applause!

Fellow kitties, Soncat reminded me that Sunday is Meowmies Day. I think we should skip the Kentucky Derby this time so we can be with our Meowmies and spend the weekend showing them how very much we love them, appreciate how much they care for us, and thank them for giving us our wonderful furever homes. I'm going to pass on the Derby so I can give Meowmie lots and lots of lovies.

See all of you on our next trip.

Your friend,

That was a terrific trip! I loved meeting the Corgis and the royal horsies! Groucho, you and Soncat make a very good point about Meowmie's Day, thank you very much. I'll stay here and give her some purrs and head bumpies. We will watch the Kentucky Derby on television.

Kitties, would you all please give your meowmies some purrs and head bumpies for me?

Thank you,

05-04-2011, 06:22 PM
Franklin has been strutting around the house like he was some sort of star....if he wasn't so dang cute I might be a little purrturbed.... LOL
HRH Chels on the other hand just mopes around, now and then looking dreamily out the window.....
At least she came back as a gray tabby.....:D

05-04-2011, 07:58 PM
Mac and Ming are both "sleeping it off" and can't be roused. Ming is actually purring in his sleep! I wonder what that's all about?:confused:

05-16-2011, 07:03 PM
Dear Catmobile Kitties ---

The Preakness Stakes is this Saturday (May 21). My meowmie didn't realize it followed the Kentucky Derby so closely! Pinot's purr-ents will be home mid-week. Do you think Animal Kingdom will repeat his Derby win? Do you think we'll get to visit with the horses?


05-17-2011, 12:11 PM
Hi Cassie,
Thank you for being so on top of these great events! Do you think we might have enough time to pull a Catmobile trip together? Have you been able to get Pinot on her Catberry? We all are going to have to figure out some way for her to keep in touch with us when her purrents are away. I'll call you on your cell phone tonight.

Your friend,

05-17-2011, 11:15 PM
Hi Cassie,
Thank you for being so on top of these great events! Do you think we might have enough time to pull a Catmobile trip together? Have you been able to get Pinot on her Catberry? We all are going to have to figure out some way for her to keep in touch with us when her purrents are away. I'll call you on your cell phone tonight.

Your friend,

Dear Groucho,

Cassie hasn't been able to connect with Pinot on her Catberry yet. She is not sure which kitties might like to go this time. Please check in, kitties!

Thank you,
Elyse for Cassie

05-17-2011, 11:19 PM
Mac and Ming would love to see the horsies again, but they're wondering if they can bring their little brother? Kimba made a big stink when they didn't take him to the Royal Wedding and they want to make amends, if it's a short trip.:D

05-18-2011, 05:39 AM
My gang are all set to go! Sydney and Bob already have the bagpipes packed.

Pinot's Mom
05-18-2011, 03:05 PM
Well, they're FINALLY home, so I have internet access again!! :rolleyes:

Come on kitties, come to Maryland to celebrate the Preakness!! My basement's all ready for you! :)

05-18-2011, 03:18 PM
Mac and Ming would love to see the horsies again, but they're wondering if they can bring their little brother? Kimba made a big stink when they didn't take him to the Royal Wedding and they want to make amends, if it's a short trip.:D

Of course Kimba can come! All kitties are always welcome on our Catmobile trips. Don't worry Miss Katladyd, he'll be watched and very well cared for.

Pinot, it's so great to hear from you again! How sweet of you to invite us to your place for the race. Do your purrents know we're coming? I'll get Meowmie to order lots of fried chicken, scallops, shrimp, and ribs. Soncat will get enough cheezburgers for everyone. I already sent an order to the Haggis In A Hurry Shoppe, can't be without our haggis chips! Spencer said our order will be at my place by Friday morning.

Come on kitties, we need to know who's coming right away.

Your friend,

Killearn Kitties
05-18-2011, 03:29 PM
Hi everybody!!

I have been lying low for a while. I haven't felt myself since my furmummy passed away in March. I have never been without cat company before, and I had some health issues of my own, but I am starting to bounce back, and I want to see my all my friends again!!

I am so upset that I missed the pipers at the Royal Wedding, but I am sure I will hear them perform again.

All that food sounds wonderful. Count me in Groucho!

Lots of love,
Samantha xxx

Pinot's Mom
05-19-2011, 05:58 AM
Ohh, Samantha, it's so good to hear from you again!! We were all worried about you! :love: We'll make sure you're never without company. The Catmobile will be making a special early trip to Killearn to make sure you're here and settled in. I made all the arrangements with the driver; he knows what to do.;) You'll be here for all the events.

Kitties-those who can be ready early tomorrow morning will be whisked in to Elllicott City so we can get to Pimlico for an early autograph session. The Jockeys and horsies have made themselves available for us at 11am for this, and the horsies are having a lunch for us in the barn. This is a very special deal, as Friday is a big day for them, and they are very generous to do this. It's also "Black Eyed Susan Day", so there are races for horsies not involved in the Preakness all afternoon. We'll leave the barn after the lunch and watch those from the basement TV. We need to give the horsies space, let them prepare for the big day, and we need to do some serious primping ourselves. Get your hats ready, ladies, the Preakness is a great time to show them off!! :D See you soon!

Purrs, Pinot

05-19-2011, 06:45 PM
Hi Pinot!
Soncat got home from work early today and the Catmobile is here and ready to go. Anyone in need of a ride to Pinot's place let me know right away. Is anyone going to Ellicot City on the Amtrak? If you are would you let me know? I'd love to join all of you for the train ride. Can't wait to see all of you again!

Your friend,

05-19-2011, 07:49 PM
The boys are on their way as I type. They can't wait to see everybody! Ming is bringing his bagpipes, so be forewarned.

05-19-2011, 10:06 PM
Chelsea and Franklin have left the building....:D

Edwina's Secretary
05-19-2011, 11:14 PM
Dear Darling Catmobile Kitties,

I hope you all won't mind but I am sending that creature - Eddie. I am getting tired of disciplining him but he just does not seem to understand that meowmie is mine....all mine!

So here he is...do with him as you like. No hurry getting him back home either! Perhaps he can stop off in Germantown and visit family...or head over to Munich to congratulate Orion in person! Ride back home with Samantha and keep her company....




Pinot's Mom
05-20-2011, 06:32 AM
Pinot reporting in:

Catmobile making great progress; Samantha safely picked up early as scheduled, Mac/Ming/Kimba keeping her entertained, Groucho & Cassie seem to be conspiring about something on the back corner cushions, Phesina's gang chatting with Chelsea and Franklin while Sydney & Bob shine up their pipes, HRH Chels is wondering about her BFFF Sophie, who hasn't checked in, so there's an urgent call going out now, we should be picking up Eddie any minute (can't wait for his jokes!!), I think that's all the pick ups for the Preakness. We will make it for the special event today at the Pimlico.:D Catmobile is all stocked - anyone not checked in, please call immediately!! :)

Mom, I know that housekeeper woman is due this morning - could you please make sure she doesn't touch my basement? She doesn't have the proper respect for my things. Thanks!

Purrs, Pinot

05-20-2011, 12:22 PM
Pinot reporting in:

Catmobile making great progress; Samantha safely picked up early as scheduled, Mac/Ming/Kimba keeping her entertained, Groucho & Cassie seem to be conspiring about something on the back corner cushions, Phesina's gang chatting with Chelsea and Franklin while Sydney & Bob shine up their pipes, HRH Chels is wondering about her BFFF Sophie, who hasn't checked in, so there's an urgent call going out now, we should be picking up Eddie any minute (can't wait for his jokes!!), I think that's all the pick ups for the Preakness. We will make it for the special event today at the Pimlico.:D Catmobile is all stocked - anyone not checked in, please call immediately!! :)

Mom, I know that housekeeper woman is due this morning - could you please make sure she doesn't touch my basement? She doesn't have the proper respect for my things. Thanks!

Purrs, Pinot

Here! Here! Please don't leave me! I'll arrive today at 15.00 hrs!
Tell Chels I'm on my way!

--posted via CatBerry Mobile--

05-20-2011, 01:20 PM
Hey Furkids,

AustinB here. I haven't been around for a while. Meowmie is having a difficult time right now since my hooman Sis is getting married in less than 3 weeks. I don't know what the big deal is all about. Meowmie has US!! But I sit by her side with a box of Kleenex and lick her tears away. I tried to tell her it will get better. I even bought her three bags of Hershey Chocolate Drops for comfort food, but nothing seems to be working. I wish my sis would go to Vegas and get married. Then maybe Meowmie would smile again.:(

Pinot's Mom
05-20-2011, 04:25 PM
Austin B, I'm sorry your Mom is going through such a time, but you did the right thing in staying there with her in her sadness. Take good care of her.:love:

Well, purrents, crisis averted; Chelsea's BFFF Sophie is here. She missed the luncheon, but the kitties are settled in downstairs, they've been watching the Black Eyed Susan Day races on the special closed circuit big TV down there. There is all kinds of chatter; I have been banned for the time being. They need their "privacy". :rolleyes: It seems the general concensus is that tomorrow's Preakness winner will be Animal Kingdom, of course, but they also seem to like Flashpoint. I think Samantha and Pinot had something to do with that one; Flashpoint is a grey horse. ;) Not a very common color in this field.

In short; all is well. Dinner has been served and I'll report as things progress.:)

05-20-2011, 05:24 PM
Angel and Winnie are sad to have missed this trip (and a lot cheesed off at me) but we have been having such storms I wanted to keep them close. They look forward to hearing all the news from all their friends and want everyone to have a grand time. :love:

Killearn Kitties
05-20-2011, 05:41 PM
I'm so pleased to know that my Samantha is having a lovely time. She was just so touched that the catmobile came for her first. She needs a bit of TLC just at the moment. :love:

She can't wait to hear the pipers, meet her horsey friends, hear Eddie's jokes and enjoy wonderful meals with all her catmobiles chums again. There is a rumour that Eddie might even accompany her home at the end of the trip. This is all just what she needs.

05-20-2011, 06:26 PM
Got a call from Franklin....wants to know if we can get our own horsie....:rolleyes:

05-20-2011, 07:14 PM

Tell Franklin ONLY if he mucks the stalls twice a day.:p

05-20-2011, 11:32 PM
Hahahahahaha......like that's going to happen.....if I can't get them to clean their own catbox, there's no way they would muck stalls.......:rolleyes:
Besides, we're not zoned for horsies :D

Pinot's Mom
05-21-2011, 05:47 PM
From the Catberry Mobile...

It's Shakleford!!

05-21-2011, 09:50 PM
Mac is happy, Shackelford is a fellow orangey!

05-21-2011, 11:10 PM
I'm so pleased to know that my Samantha is having a lovely time. She was just so touched that the catmobile came for her first. She needs a bit of TLC just at the moment. :love:

She can't wait to hear the pipers, meet her horsey friends, hear Eddie's jokes and enjoy wonderful meals with all her catmobiles chums again. There is a rumour that Eddie might even accompany her home at the end of the trip. This is all just what she needs.

Dear Samantha, what did you think of us pipers and Scottish dancer? Since you are the only true Scots-kitty here, you have the most expert eye.. AND ear.. to check for true authenticity of our performance.

Thank you for your knowledgeable opinions and suggestions! :love::love::love:

Your friends,
Sydney and Bob and Franklin and Ming (pipers) and Sparkler (dancer)

Killearn Kitties
05-22-2011, 04:42 PM
Well, I had a call from Samantha tonight. It wasn't a good line, a bit crackly - I heard some mention of the racing, but she was raving, RAVING, about the quality of the pipers and the dancing. It's hard to tell over the phone, but I would swear there were tears in her eyes. She has never seen a highland fling such as Sparkler's. I think she got some photos, which I can't wait to see.

Apparently they are going to a ceilidh tonight where the boys will be performing, and Sammy is going to be instructing the assembled company in the fine art of the Strip the Willow. I hope there is no carnage. The cats will be fine, but I just can't imagine the horses doing Scottish country dancing!!

Pinot's Mom
05-22-2011, 07:45 PM
I'm sorry I didn't check in earlier, but there was a wonderful surprise at church this morning. We are Presbyterian and our pastor was educated in Scotland, so there are strong Scottish roots with our faith and this congregation. We had a presentation after service for a special campaign and there was a great performance - BAGPIPES!! Oh, the kitties were WONDERFUL!!:D

05-24-2011, 02:42 PM
Cassie got home about 2 this morning. She was sleeping soundly under the love seat, so I don't know yet how the trip was. I'm sure it was terrific!

05-24-2011, 04:57 PM
Franklin and The Princess are home too... Franklin is pouting because I told him he could not have a horsie. I gave in to the bagpipe thing but I gotta put my foot down about the horse......:D
Chelsea is back to wandering around with that dreamy look on her face.:love:

05-24-2011, 07:35 PM
Groucho and Inka also arrived home in the wee hours. They both woke up long enough to inhale some chicken. All I was able to find out was they had a great time, a non stop party. Then they jumped back in their box and fell asleep in seconds.

I was able to find out that Groucho invited Franklin to join him for a few days at the New Jersey Horsepark. Arrangements have been made with the stable manager for Groucho and Franklin to do all of the day to day horsecare...feeding, grooming, clean stalls, everything involved with horses. This will NOT be a party!!! Groucho and the stable manager are hoping that once Franklin sees what's involved with having a horse he'll change his mind.