View Full Version : A Weeknight with Zoey

03-17-2011, 09:49 PM
It was a beautiful day today, temps in the low 60's. My daughter was coming home from college tonight so I asked the boyfriend if I could pick Zoey up after work and take her to my house. Of course he said yes. She still gets sick in the car. We almost made it to my house, within 1/2 mile and she threw up. Poor pupper. She was a little stinky so after we went for a walk I gave her a bath, dried her with the hair dryer and trimmed her nails. She is so easy to take care of. I could not believe how much she grew AGAIN. I didn't get to see her last weekend because I had that stupid vertigo. Of course... I took pics tonight. :D

First we have a pic of her in the car as I was driving home.


I think this one was taken right before she threw up her dinner. :(


This is her standing on my front stoop, her shadow in the door. :p


Tubby time.


Drying the silly girl off.


And here she is all dry and clean and shiny. Where did that little puppy go???


03-17-2011, 10:40 PM
Zoey!!! I think she grew up just in the course of these pictures!! That last picture she looks HUGE! But in the first couple she still looks puppy-ish.

I just love that tongue! :p

03-18-2011, 03:55 AM
Zoey!!! I think she grew up just in the course of these pictures!! That last picture she looks HUGE! But in the first couple she still looks puppy-ish.

I just love that tongue! :p

I couldn't believe how much she grew in just 12 days since the last time I saw her.

03-18-2011, 05:03 AM
Oh Zoey, you're such a beauty!!!:love: I bet you love spending time with grandma!:D

03-18-2011, 07:55 AM
Such a cutie. And what a good girl for being good for your bath!

03-18-2011, 09:04 AM
Zoey is so pretty and seem so calm and sweet. I'm sure she loves her grandma. Kay in NC

03-18-2011, 12:28 PM
Hi, Zoey! I think you've grown since the last pictures, too! But you sure are beautiful :D I like your green plaid scarf!

03-18-2011, 03:12 PM
Zoey is so pretty and seem so calm and sweet. I'm sure she loves her grandma. Kay in NC

Hi, Zoey! I think you've grown since the last pictures, too! But you sure are beautiful :D I like your green plaid scarf!

She's calm, she's sweet, she's loveable!

I always wear a bandanna on her when she comes to my house. Justin won't let her wear one because he is afraid she will get it stuck on something and choke. He is a very overprotective doggy daddy. The green plaid one was the closest I could find in the drawer of bandannas for St. Patty's Day yesterday. There is actually a Santa Claus on the other side that I ironed on years back for Casey. I love that Zoey can wear Casey's hand-me-down bandannas. :)

03-18-2011, 04:00 PM
Aww Zoey is growing like a weed. Tippy gets car sick too. I try not to feed him before he travels.

03-18-2011, 09:37 PM
She is such a pretty little...er....big puppy!!

03-19-2011, 08:33 AM
Oh my she is looking marvelous! Her coat SHINES!!!!

Hi Zoey!