View Full Version : A VERY special Luna photo... ;-)

03-15-2011, 10:38 AM

Took a pic of Luna's x-ray shot at the vet's office today! :) The x-ray picture was taken two years ago when Luna was so badly constipated that she threw up so badly (Luna is very sick: Threw up about 30 times! (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=151592)). She was so miserable when that picture was taken, but luckily they could help her to deal with the constipation, and she felt better after a couple of days.

The white looking organ is her stomach, they filled it with a contrast medium to find out if she was blocked (there's a second picture that they took after her enema, showing how the liquid passed her intestines). In this picture, you can see see how full her colon was, they emptied it right after the shot was taken. Luna went through a horrible ordeal that day, but she felt better after that. Anyway, it's nice to have this picture now, very interesting to see how Luna is looking on the inside... :love:

03-15-2011, 04:58 PM
Wow, how interesting!

03-15-2011, 05:02 PM
Wow, how interesting!

Yeah, isn't it? ;) I love to see her little bones; the vertebras, and her ribs... And all these organs, like her kidneys, and even her little heart... :love: It's so cute!

03-15-2011, 05:14 PM
And it's good to see all the bones looking nice and clean, too. I have always loved this kind of thing - was fascinated when I got the MRI of my head done prior to my brain surgery, and then the follow-ups, it was so cool to see my own brain in slices!

03-15-2011, 05:18 PM
And it's good to see all the bones looking nice and clean, too. I have always loved this kind of thing - was fascinated when I got the MRI of my head done prior to my brain surgery, and then the follow-ups, it was so cool to see my own brain in slices!

Yes, it is fascinating, even though I always found my own MRTs a little bit disgusting. lol But at least I know that I actually HAVE a brain! ;)

Yes, Luna's bones look nice and clean here, but the picture is two years old, so I hope she's still looking the same!

03-15-2011, 05:39 PM
Wow! This is the first time I've ever seen the inside of a kitty. Our teacher wanted us to disect a dead one he had in biology class. I threw up on him and refused to even be there that day. My parents backed me up so I still passed. :love:

03-16-2011, 09:31 AM
I have XRays of Moose somewhere , after he was in an operation.
We are praying that Luna is all right.
I know that Our Awesome Angels brought some Food and Treats from Dubai, and help Luna recover. She is so very special.

03-16-2011, 03:47 PM
momoffuzzyfaces, I would have refused to do that, too! Great that your parents backed you up!

Gary, the pic was made in 2009, so it's - luckily - two years ago that Luna was so ill. She's fine now! :)

03-16-2011, 06:01 PM
Aww, I find it "cute"! Look at the little bones! So precious and sophisticated machinery :)

03-16-2011, 08:09 PM
That is just precious! Talk about an "inside look" at her. So glad that Luna is doing just fine now, too.

03-17-2011, 12:51 PM
I also think it's cute! :love:

03-17-2011, 02:21 PM
Dear sweet Luna... your "insides" are interesting to me...
But you are beautiful! Mmwah! And Mmwah! for Lily too!

http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/184374_1834794957079_1456615523_1940904_959097_n.j pg

03-18-2011, 01:17 PM
Mmwah! And Mmwah! for Lily too!

Delivered! :)

03-20-2011, 02:44 PM
Very interesting picture, Kirsten. I do see a little heart that is filled with love for her wonderful Meowmie. Would you give Luna and Lily some lovies from me?

03-21-2011, 06:51 AM
... I do see a little heart that is filled with love for her wonderful Meowmie. ...

Ahhh, I love that thought!!! So cute!! :love: :love: :love: