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View Full Version : 12" of snow!

03-15-2011, 08:29 AM
Hello all!! It's been a while, so I thought I'd post a few pictures.
Buddy's hips have gotten very bad. :( He started getting injections of Adequan last week and so far it seems to be helping but he still needs pain meds also. :( His hips are bone on bone and his arthritis is very bad. He also has arthritis in both knees. My vet said he's had the injections give dogs another year or two. :(:( He just turned 9 in December.

Buddy has a hard time getting around in the deep snow.
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/184666_1741317144564_1587766403_1620703_5065382_n. jpg

Sierra the snob wouldn't look at the camera!!
http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/197615_1741311424421_1587766403_1620694_5482506_n. jpg

http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/197615_1741311464422_1587766403_1620695_2354094_n. jpg

Then I get this crazy look from her:rolleyes:
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/197615_1741311504423_1587766403_1620696_2110651_n. jpg

Bud, making snow angels
http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/184666_1741317224566_1587766403_1620705_2707870_n. jpg

03-15-2011, 08:48 AM
Hello, OH NO! 12" of snow!! I suppose you're used to snow.. but I am glad it's you and not me. Right now we have flowers and trees blooming and the grass needs cutting but I usually wait until around the first of April. Maybe your snow will be gone by official spring but it will probably be around after March 20.

Now to your Buddy, I am so sorry he has arthritis that hurts him. He's a very handsome boy and I know you love him. I can see that he would have a hard time getting around in the deep snow (so would I). Both of your dogs are very pretty. I do hope the injections help very much with Buddy's arthritis. Best wishes... Kay in NC

03-15-2011, 09:42 AM
Hello! It's great to see you again. :)
I'm sorry about Buddy's health problems. :( Zoee is only 6 and she has some pains too.
Sierra is silly with that look she gave the camera. But its still nice to see her.
I love the pic of Buddy making snow angels. Too cute!! :D

03-15-2011, 12:19 PM
Hi, Buddy and Sierra!

buddy, I love the pic of you doing snow angels and I hope the injections will be a big help to you. Thoughts and prayers for you, sweety.

Sierra, your funny expression gave me a smile today! Even though you didn't want to look at the camera I still got to see your lovely coat with the tan, white and black.


03-15-2011, 12:40 PM
Thank you all for the comments!!
His hips getting so bad happened out of nowhere! He first started limping a little and then before we knew it was was slipping on the hard wood floors in the house. We now have large area rugs all over the house now and he's been getting around well. It's been so hard to see him get this bad, knowing that I only have a year or two left with him makes me sick. :(
He lives for nothing else in this world but to protect me. I love him so much.
BUT... I try not to think about that all the time, I need to hold tight the time I have left with him!

Sierra is Such a brat! Somethings will never change!
She looks like a rag-a-muffin right now.. she doesn't shed like a Shepherd. She blows coat like the wild crazy wolf girl that she is! :D When she's done shedding she looks silver.

03-15-2011, 01:29 PM
Hi Buddy, Hello Sierra!

You two enjoy the snow, I will cope with my flowers here, OK? Sound like a plan? :D

Buddy, I am glad the Adequan is helping some, they did help my Marlin for 2 years. Yup, supplementing w/ pain meds is a good thing to do. If you can make snow angels, I guess you have some good moments!

Sierra, being camera shy is one thing, but making funny faces is so . . . YOU! :D

03-15-2011, 03:49 PM
Oh my gosh! It's Buddy and Sierra!!!:love: Looks like a fun day in the snow!:D

I'm sorry to hear Buddy isn't doing well.:( Enjoy every day with him Angie.

03-15-2011, 04:42 PM
Love the pictures of your two.:) I am glad Buddy can still enjoy rolling
over in the snow. No pressure on his legs. My Buddy was in about the same
condition at 8 yrs old.:( I know what you mean by trying anything available
to help Buddy get around without pain. I'm glad he's getting his shots.

You guys can keep the snow, I'm longing for Spring and warmer weather.:)

03-15-2011, 06:24 PM
Poor Buddy Boy. My RB Cody had terrible hip dysplasia, but he was such a big galoot, that he never complained. Occassional pain meds and prescription Cosequin helped. His death was not caused by the problem. I think he could have gone on for a while. But I know, it's horrible and sad to see. It breaks your heart. It's devastating. I'm so sorry. I used to break into tears.

Mz Logan is amazingly functioning on horrendous hips (GSD mix). It was discovered when I rescued her. The vet is utterly amazed how well she functions. I give ger prescription Dasaquin, vitamins, fish oil and once in a great while, after a run in the dog park, a Tramodol pain killer.

PS.. Mz Logan LOVE hip massages! She purrs, really! I do it deep, but soft. I'm jealous! I want my hips massaged!

I cringed when she limps and favors her one side. She's exactly like me, so we were bonded the second we met.

I feel your pain. I know, like me, you pray every day that Buddy stays healthy and comfortable.

Sierra...Mz Logan face HATES the camera and is a little brat too! She's proud of her GSD heritage! She sends undying love to her "cousins', as do I. She says "we" are proud and regal and we will get through anything! Life is too good to give up!!!

Mz Logan loves her hips msaaged and will put her hairy butt in your face for a deep, gentle rub!

03-15-2011, 11:32 PM
Ohhh it tiz so good see your crew. even when one or both them dont look in the direction of the camera LOL

hopefully that annoying dang snow melts an stays melted away so Buddy can get around more easily,, an maybe the warmer weather will help him a tiny bit as well